c file name: psd.for subroutine psd (sandm, siltm, claym, pgmd, pgsd) c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This subroutine calculates the soil geometric mean diameter and c geometric standard deviation from percent sand, silt, and clay c using geometric mean diameters within each of the three soil c particle size fractions. c DATE: 09/29/93 c DATE MODIFIED: 12/10/93 c + + + KEY WORDS + + + c Geometreic mean diameter (GMD), Geometric standar deviation (GSD) c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real claym real pgmd real pgsd real sandm real siltm c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c claym - Mass fraction of clay c pgmd - Geometric mean diameter of psd (mm) c pgsd - Geometric std deviation of psd (mm) c sandm - Mass fraction of sand c siltm - Mass fraction of silt c + + + PARAMETERS + + + real sandg, siltg, clayg parameter (sandg = 0.316, siltg = 0.01, clayg = 0.0002) c sandg - percent sand c siltg - percent silt c clayg - percent clay c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real a, b c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c a, b - Temporary variables c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c calculate geometric mean diameter a = sandm*log(sandg)+siltm*log(siltg)+claym*log(clayg) pgmd = exp(a) c calculate geometric standard deviation b = (sandm*log(sandg)**2.+siltm*log(siltg)**2.+ C *** a**2 removed per LH 7/9/99 C *** & claym*log(clayg)**2-a**2) & claym*log(clayg)**2.) pgsd = exp(sqrt(b-a**2.)) return end