real function radnet (bcrlai,bweirr,snwc,bwtdmx,bwtdmn, * bmalat,bsfalw,bsfald,idoy,bwtdpt,bwzdpt) c + + + purpose + + + c this subroutine estimates the net radiation for a given area c using known solar radiation, air temperature, and vapor pressure c according to wright's (1982) modified version of penman's (1948) c relationship. c + + + key words + + + c radiation, hydrology, weps c + + + argument declarations + + + integer idoy real bcrlai real bweirr real snwc real bwtdmx real bwtdmn real bmalat real bsfalw real bsfald real bwtdpt real bwzdpt c + + + argument definitions + + + c bsfald - dry albedo c bsfalw - wet albedo c bmalat - latitude of the site, degrees c idoy - julian day of year, 1-366 c bcrlai - plant leaf area index c bwzdpt - daily amount of percipitation, mm c bweirr - solar radiation, mj/m^2 c snwc - water content of snow, mm c bwtdpt - dew point temperature, c c bwtdmx - maximum air temperature, c c bwtdmn - minimum air temperature, c c + + + COMMON BLOCK + + + *$noereference include '' *$reference c + + + local variables + + + real albt real tmink real tmaxk real rnb real tair real rlat real sigma real dr real ws real ra real ra1 real ra2 real rso real a real a1 real b real e real rna real rno real sci c + + + local definitions + + + c albedo - overall albedo value c albs - soil albedo c + + + parameters + + + real albp,coeff,gsc,sbc c parameter (albp = 0.23, coeff= -2.9e-5, gsc = 0.08202, & sbc = 4.903e-9) c albp - plant albedo c coeff - coefficient in the equation to estimate soil cover index c gsc - solar constant, mj/m^2-min c sbc - stefan-boltzmann constant, mj/m^2/day c + + + data initialization + + + c + + + function calls + + + real albedo c + + + end specifications + + + albt = albedo (bcrlai, snwc, bsfalw,bsfald) tmaxk = bwtdmx + 273.15 !prereq h-17 tmink = bwtdmn + 273.15 !prereq h-17 tair = (bwtdmx + bwtdmn)/2 !prereq h-14 rlat = bmalat*pi/180 sigma = 0.4093*sin(2*pi*(284 + idoy)/365) !h-23 dr = 1 + 0.033*cos(2*pi*idoy/365) !h-21 ws = acos(-tan(rlat)*tan(sigma)) !h-22 ra1 = ((24*60)/pi)*gsc*dr !h-20(a) ra2 = (ws*sin(rlat)*sin(sigma))+(cos(rlat)*cos(sigma) !h-20(b) & *sin(ws)) ra = ra1*ra2 !h-20 rso = 0.75*ra !h-19 if ((bweirr/rso).gt.(0.7)) then a = 1.126 b = -0.07 else a = 1.017 b = -0.06 end if a1 = 0.26 + 0.1*exp(-((0.0154*(idoy - 180))**2)) !h-18 e = exp((16.78*bwtdpt - 117)/(bwtdpt + 237.3)) rna = (1-albt)*bweirr !h-17(a) rno = (sbc*(tmaxk**4+tmink**4)/2)*(a1 - 0.139 * sqrt(e)) !h-17(b) rnb = (a*(bweirr/rso) + b) !h-17(c) radnet = rna-(rno*rnb) !h-17 return end