subroutine recalc C ***************************************************************** wjr C reads management file into common blocks C C Edit History C 06-Feb-99 wjr created C include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c + + + LOCAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'main/' c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer ldx character line*256 integer isr integer newlay real newthk(mnsz) real xfmarr(mnsz, mnsz) c + + + FUNCTION DECLARATIONS + + + real setbds C C newthk = 0 c read subregion information do isr = 1,nsubr write(*,*) 'Enter number of layers ' read(*,*, err=81) newlay C if zero there is no transformation if (newlay.eq.0) cycle write(*,*) 'Enter layer thicknesses ' read(*,*, err=81) (newthk(ldx), ldx=1,newlay) write(*,*) 'Layers & thicknesses ', newlay, newthk call makmat(newthk, newlay, aszlyt(1:mnsz,isr), * nslay(isr), xfmarr) write(*,9001) xfmarr 9001 format('xfmarr ',/,10(10f6.3, ' ',/)) c read soil physical properties write(*,*) ' asfsan ', asfsan(1:mnsz,isr) asfsan(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,asfsan(1:mnsz,isr)) write(*,*) ' asfsan ', asfsan(1:mnsz,isr) asfsil(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,asfsil(1:mnsz,isr)) asfcla(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,asfcla(1:mnsz,isr)) asvroc(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,asvroc(1:mnsz,isr)) asfcs(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,asfcs(1:mnsz,isr)) asfms(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,asfms(1:mnsz,isr)) asffs(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,asffs(1:mnsz,isr)) asfvfs(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,asfvfs(1:mnsz,isr)) asfwdc(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,asfwdc(1:mnsz,isr)) asdblk(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,asdblk(1:mnsz,isr)) asdwbd(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,asdwbd(1:mnsz,isr)) c aggregate properties aslagm(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,aslagm(1:mnsz,isr)) as0ags(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,as0ags(1:mnsz,isr)) aslagx(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,aslagx(1:mnsz,isr)) aslagn(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,aslagn(1:mnsz,isr)) asdagd(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,asdagd(1:mnsz,isr)) aseags(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,aseags(1:mnsz,isr)) c read soil hydrologic properties ahrwc(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,ahrwc(1:mnsz,isr)) ahrwcs(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,ahrwcs(1:mnsz,isr)) ahrwcf(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,ahrwcf(1:mnsz,isr)) ahrwcw(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,ahrwcw(1:mnsz,isr)) ahrwc1(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,ahrwc1(1:mnsz,isr)) ah0cb(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,ah0cb(1:mnsz,isr)) aheaep(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,aheaep(1:mnsz,isr)) ahrsk(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,ahrsk(1:mnsz,isr)) c read soil chemical properties asfom(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,asfom(1:mnsz,isr)) C C the three vars are set so set settled bulk density do l=1,nslay(isr) asdsbk(l,isr)=setbds(asfcla(l,isr), asfsan(l,isr), * asfom(l,isr)) end do as0ph(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,as0ph(1:mnsz,isr)) asfcce(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,asfcce(1:mnsz,isr)) c read other soil chemical properties needed by the CROP asfcec(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,asfcec(1:mnsz,isr)) asfsmb(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,asfsmb(1:mnsz,isr)) as0ec(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,as0ec(1:mnsz,isr)) asrsar(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,asrsar(1:mnsz,isr)) asftan(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,asftan(1:mnsz,isr)) asftap(1:mnsz,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,asftap(1:mnsz,isr)) admbgz(1:mnsz,1,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,admbgz(1:mnsz,1,isr)) admrtz(1:mnsz,1,isr) = matmul(xfmarr,admrtz(1:mnsz,1,isr)) C change layer thicknesses nslay(isr) = newlay aszlyt(1:mnsz,isr) = newthk(1:mnsz) end do C return 81 write(*,9002) 9002 format(' error reading new layer depths ') stop ' stop in recalc ' end C ************************************************************************* subroutine makmat(newthk, newlay, oldthk, oldlay, xfmarr) include '' real newthk(mnsz) integer newlay real oldthk(mnsz) integer oldlay real xfmarr(mnsz,mnsz) integer idx,jdx real boldthk(mnsz) real bnewthk(mnsz) C initialize matrix xfmarr = 0.0 boldthk = oldthk bnewthk = newthk odx = 1 ndx = 1 C create array (matrix) that translates old layers into new do while (odx.le.oldlay.and.ndx.le.newlay) xfmarr(ndx,odx) = min (bnewthk(ndx), boldthk(odx)) boldthk(odx) = boldthk(odx) - xfmarr(ndx,odx) bnewthk(ndx) = bnewthk(ndx) - xfmarr(ndx,odx) if (boldthk(odx).eq.0) odx = odx + 1 if (bnewthk(ndx).eq.0) ndx = ndx + 1 end do C normalize layers to make each row sum to 1 do odx = 1, oldlay do ndx = 1, newlay xfmarr(ndx,odx) = xfmarr(ndx,odx) / newthk(ndx) enddo enddo end