c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c file 'w1info.inc' c c This common block contains the character variables containing c information about the weather database files and the generator c inputs used (if generated data). c c Parameter include files: p1strlen.inc c c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + c character*(mfname) aw0dif character*(mwsta) aw0cst character*(mdate) aw0ed character*(mfname) aw0hif character*(mdate) aw0sd character*(mwsta) aw0wst real aw0cln real aw0clt real aw0wln real aw0wlt c common / w1info / c aw0dif, aw0cst, aw0ed, aw0hif, aw0sd, aw0wst, r aw0cln, aw0clt, aw0wln, aw0wlt c c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c c aw0dif - Daily weather database input filename. c c - The daily weather database input file contains all the c daily climatic data values necessary for WERM between c the starting date and the ending date. c c aw0cst - The weather station used for cligen. c c - The name of the weather station whose historical c statistical parameters were used to develop the daily c "cligen" weather data used in WERM. c c aw0ed - The ending date of the daily climatic input file. c c - The date of the last entry in the daily climatic input c data file. c c aw0hif - Hourly weather database input filename. c c - The hourly weather database input file contains all the c hourly climatic data values necessary for WERM between c the starting date and the ending date. c c aw0sd - The starting date of the daily climatic input file. c c - The date of the first entry in the daily climatic input c data file. c c aw0wst - The weather station used for the wind weather generator. c c - The name of the weather station whose historical c statistical parameters were used to develop the daily c and hourly wind data used in WERM. c c aw0cln - The location of the cligen weather station (longitude). c c range values min max c ------------ --------- --------- c fixed 0.00 360.00 c typical 70.00 170.00 c ------------ --------- --------- c c - The location of the weather station (longitude) used c to develop the daily cligen climatic data for WERM. c c aw0clt - The location of the cligen weather station (latitude). c c range values min max c ------------ --------- --------- c fixed 0.00 90.00 c typical 15.00 75.00 c ------------ --------- --------- c c - The location of the weather station (latitude) used c to develop the daily cligen climatic data for WERM. c c aw0cln - The location of the wind weather station (longitude). c c range values min max c ------------ --------- --------- c fixed 0.00 360.00 c typical 70.00 170.00 c ------------ --------- --------- c c - The location of the weather station (longitude) used c to develop the daily and hourly wind data for WERM. c c aw0wlt - The location of the wind weather station (latitude). c c range values min max c ------------ --------- --------- c fixed 0.00 90.00 c typical 15.00 75.00 c ------------ --------- --------- c c - The location of the weather station (latitude) used c to develop the daily and hourly wind data for WERM. c c ------------------------------------------------------------------