c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c file 'w1wind.inc' c This common block contains the state variables relating to c the daily WERM weather parameters generated by the WIND weather c generator. c Parameter include files: p1unconv.inc c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real awadir real awhrmx real awrmxn real awudmx real awudmn real awudav real awu(mntime) character*80 awwisn common / w1wind / r awadir, awhrmx, awrmxn, awudmx, awudmn, r awudav, awu, awwisn c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c awadir - Predominant daily wind direction (degrees) c range values min max c ------------ --------- --------- c fixed fmin fmax c typical tmin tmax c ------------ --------- --------- c - This variable contains the value of the predominant c daily wind direction. c awhrmx - Hour maximum daily wind speed occurs (hr) c range values min max c ------------ --------- --------- c fixed 1 24 c typical tmin tmax c ------------ --------- --------- c - This variable contains the hour at which the maximum c daily wind speed occurs. c awrmxn - Daily maximum/minimum ratio c range values min max c ------------ --------- --------- c fixed 0 fmax c typical tmin tmax c ------------ --------- --------- c - This variable contains the ratio of the maximum to c minimum wind speed for the day. c awudmx - Maximum daily wind speed (m/s) c range values min max c ------------ --------- --------- c fixed fmin fmax c typical tmin tmax c ------------ --------- --------- c - This variable contains the value of the maximum daily c wind speed. c awudmn - Minimum daily wind speed (m/s) c range values min max c ------------ --------- --------- c fixed fmin fmax c typical tmin tmax c ------------ --------- --------- c - This variable contains the value of the minimum daily c wind speed. c awudav - Average daily wind speed (m/s) c range values min max c ------------ --------- --------- c fixed fmin fmax c typical tmin tmax c ------------ --------- --------- c - This variable contains the value of the average daily c wind speed. c awu - Average subdaily wind speed (m/s) c range values min max c ------------ --------- --------- c fixed 0 fmax c typical 0 tmax c ------------ --------- --------- c - This variable contains the value of the average subdaily c wind speeds for the day (valid only when wind speed is c greater than the threshold velocity). c ------------------------------------------------------------------