subroutine cut i (cutflg, cutht, grainf, cropf, standf, m cstemht, cyld, cstand, o tstemht, tyld, tstand, tflat, m dstemht, dstand, dflat) c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Process # 32 called from doproc.for c c This subroutine performs the biomass manipulation of cutting c biomass. The component (either crop or a biomass pool) removed c is determined by flag which is set before the call to this c subroutine. c c 0 - cut height is measured from ground up c 1 - cut height is measured from plant top down c 2 - cut height is fraction of plant height from top down c ie 0.7 means 70% of plant is cut off c c Note that biomass for any of these pools that are cut is c either transferred to the coresponding flat pool or removed c depending on the three removal fraction values input c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c cut, transfer, biomass manipulation include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c integer cutflg real cutht, grainf, cropf, standf real cstemht,cyld,cstand real tstemht,tyld,tstand,tflat real dstemht(mnbpls),dstand(mnbpls),dflat(mnbpls) c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c cutflg - cut height definition flag c cutht - above ground height standing crop and/or c residue is cut to (mm) or fraction c c cstemht - (crop pool) current crop height (m) c cstand - (crop pool) standing biomass (kg/m^2) c c tstemht - (temporary crop pool) stem height (m) c tstand - (temporary crop pool) standing biomass (kg/m^2) c tflat - (temporary crop pool) flat biomass (kg/m^2) c c dstemht - (decomp pool) biomass stem height by pool (m) c dstand - (decomp pool) standing biomass by age pool (kg/m^2) c dflat - (decomp pool) surface biomass by age pool (kg/m^2) c c + + + ACCESSED COMMON BLOCK VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c c mnbpls - max number of decomposition pools (currently=3) c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c integer i c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c c i - loop variable for decomp pools (3 pools total) c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c convert cut height based on cutflg and also change mm to meters c in this conversion, make it always from the ground up select case(cutflg) case(0) cutht = cutht*mmtom case(1) cutht = cutht*mmtom cutht = cstemht - cutht if( cutht = 0.0 case(2) cutht = (1.0-cutht)*cstemht case default write(*,*) 'Invalid cutht flag, nothing cut' end select C*** print *, 'cut tflg: ', tflg C*** print *, 'tflat before cutting: ', tflat C*** print *, 'cutht/cstemht/tstemht: ', cutht,cstemht,tstemht C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C For now, until the crop database can be updated to include some C indication of yield location, all yield will be available for removal C if the cut height gets at least the top quarter of the plant, otherwise C the amount will be linearly reduced until it is zero when cut height C equals crop height. if ( then ! cut crop pool if(*cstemht ) then cyld = cyld * (1.0-(cstemht-cutht)/(0.25*cstemht)) endif tflat = tflat+cstand*(1.0-(cutht/cstemht))*(1.0-cropf) cstand = cstand*cutht/cstemht cstemht = cutht endif if ( then ! cut temporary crop pool if(*tstemht ) then tyld = tyld * ((tstemht-cutht)/(0.75*tstemht)) endif tyld = tyld * (1.0-grainf) tflat = tflat+tstand*(1.0-(cutht/tstemht))*(1.0-cropf) tstand = tstand*cutht/tstemht tstemht = cutht endif if (( .and. ( then ! no crop to cut C*** print *, 'No crop biomass to cut', cutht, cstemht, tstemht endif C*** print *, 'tflat after cutting: ', tflat C*** print *, 'cutht/cstemht/tstemht: ', cutht,cstemht,tstemht c Now need to check and see if we need to cut the decomp pools (1-3) c for each individual pool check to see if there is biomass above the c proposed cut height, if so, adjust the pool as necessary. do 40 i=1,mnbpls if ( then dflat(i) = dflat(i)+dstand(i)* & (1.0-cutht/dstemht(i))*(1.0-standf) dstand(i) = dstand(i)*cutht/dstemht(i) dstemht(i) = cutht else C*** print *, 'Nothing to cut in decomp pool',i endif 40 continue end