!$Author: wagner $ !$Date: 2006-03-07 22:47:29 $ !$Revision: 1.28 $ !$Source: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/erosion/test/erodin.for,v $ subroutine erodin (i_unit,o_unit,cmdebugflag,already_read_inputs) ! +++ PURPOSE +++ ! Utility to read initial conditions and variables from ! input file (stdin or erod.in) for the standalone erosion submodel ! ! If "o_unit" == stdout (6) then input not echo'd ! ! +++ ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS +++ ! integer i_unit, o_unit, cmdebugflag, already_read_inputs ! ! +++ ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS +++ ! ! ! +++ PARAMETERS +++ ! integer mrcl parameter (mrcl = 512) ! ! +++ ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS & +++ ! + + + GLOBAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'p1werm.inc' include 'c1gen.inc' include 'p1const.inc' include 'm1sim.inc' include 'm1flag.inc' include 'm1subr.inc' include 'm1geo.inc' include 'b1glob.inc' include 'c1glob.inc' include 'd1glob.inc' include 's1layr.inc' include 's1phys.inc' include 's1dbh.inc' include 's1agg.inc' include 's1surf.inc' include 's1sgeo.inc' include 'h1db1.inc' include 'w1wind.inc' include 'w1pavg.inc' ! ! + + + LOCAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + ! include 'erosion/p1erode.inc' integer debugflg common /flags/ debugflg ! integer xplot,xflag character*12 xcharin(30) real xin(30) common /plot/ xplot, xcharin, xin ! ! +++ LOCAL VARIABLES +++ integer i,j,k integer x,y,s,b,a,l,h integer wflg real f(mntime), wfcalm, wuc, w0k, step, wu(mntime) ! ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + ! i, j, k = do-loop indices ! x,y,s,b,a,l,h = do-loop indices ! wflg = flag to determine format of wind speed data (0 = Weibull, 1 = real) ! debugflg = flag to output debug data (0 = none, 1 = input, 2 = more, etc.) ! xplot = flag to put plot data in arrays ! (value>0 = no. indep input variable, 0= none) ! f(mntime) = cumulative frequency of wind at speeds SLRR_MAX) then write(0,*) 'slrr: ', aslrr(s),' < ', SLRR_MIN end if !Lower and upper limits of grid cell aerodynamic roughness allowed !by erosion submodel (currently determined by equation used here) if (aslrr(s) < (WZZO_MIN/0.3)) then write(0,*) 'slrr: ', aslrr(s) write(0,*) 'wzzo < WZZO_MIN: ', aslrr(s)*0.3,' < ', WZZO_MIN else if(aslrr(s) > (WZZO_MAX/0.3)) then write(0,*) 'slrr: ', aslrr(s) write(0,*) 'wzzo > WZZO_MAX: ', aslrr(s)*0.3,' > ', WZZO_MAX end if ! Oriented Roughness (ridge ht, spacing, width, orientation) line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) aszrgh(s), asxrgs(s), & ! read (getline(i_unit),*) aszrgh(s), asxrgs(s), & asxrgw(s), asargo(s) ! Oriented Roughness ( spacing) line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) asxdks(s) ! read (getline(i_unit),*) asxdkh(s), asxdks(s) ! +++ HYDROLOGY +++ ! h1db1.inc ! Snow depth line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) ahzsnd(s) ! read (getline(i_unit),*) ahzsnd(s) ! Soil layer wilting point line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) (ahrwcw(l,s), l=1,nslay(s)) ! read (getline(i_unit),*) (ahrwcw(l,s), l=1,nslay(s)) ! Soil layer water content line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) (ahrwca(l,s), l=1,nslay(s)) ! read (getline(i_unit),*) (ahrwca(l,s), l=1,nslay(s)) ! Soil surface hourly water content line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) (ahrwc0(h,s), h=1,12) ! read (getline(i_unit),*) (ahrwc0(h,s), h=1,12) line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) (ahrwc0(h,s), h=13,24) ! read (getline(i_unit),*) (ahrwc0(h,s), h=13,24) 100 continue ! +++ WEATHER +++ ! We need to check on the units for air density - w1pavg.inc says (kg/m^3) ! Also, we need to see why it currently isn't being used - LJH said it was ! Air density line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) awdair ! read (getline(i_unit),*) awdair ! Wind Direction line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) awadir ! read (getline(i_unit),*) awadir ! Number of "steps" during 24 hours (96 = 15 minute intervals) line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) ntstep ! read (getline(i_unit),*) ntstep ! anemometer height, zo at anemom, and location (station or field) ! note if flag=1, at field, awwzo will be changed to field value line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) anemht, awzzo, wzoflg ! Weibull wind flag (0 - read Weibull parms, 1 - read wind speeds) line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) wflg ! read (getline(i_unit),*) wflg ! w1wind.inc ! wind data inputs as the Weibull paramters ! (wfcalm, wuc, w0k) is indicated by code ntstep = 99 if (wflg .eq. 0) then ! Weibull parms (fraction calm, c, k) line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) wfcalm, wuc, w0k ! read (getline(i_unit),*) wfcalm, wuc, w0k ! calculate daily max wind speed (99% speed) ! awudmx = wuc*(-log((1.0-0.99)/(1-wfcalm)))**(1.0/w0k) ! calculate period wind speeds step = ntstep do 198 i= 1, ntstep ! find center of each step and add empirical last term from file ntstep.mcd f(i) = (1.0/(2.0*step)) + ((i-1)/step) +0.3/(step*w0k) ! to prevent out-of-range if (f(i) .lt. wfcalm) then f(i) = wfcalm endif awu(i) = wuc*(-log((1.0-f(i))/(1.0-wfcalm)))**(1.0/w0k) 198 continue ! Use greatest interval wind speed rather than 99% speed above awudmx = awu(ntstep) ! ! change weibull wind speed dist. to a symmetric shape similar ! to the daily distribution from wind gen ! ! insure that ntstep is an even no. ntstep = (ntstep/2)*2 ! ! store wind speed in temp array do 110 i = 1, ntstep wu(i) = awu(i) 110 continue ! ! generate the symmetric distribution i = -1 do 115 j = 1, ntstep/2 i = i+2 awu(j) = wu(i) 115 continue i = ntstep+2 do 125 j = (ntstep/2+1),ntstep i = i-2 awu(j) = wu(i) 125 continue ! ! when (wflg .eq. 1) input wind period data directly else do 191 j = 1, ntstep/6 line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) (awu(i),i=(j-1)*6+1,(j-1)*6+6) ! read (getline(i_unit),*) (awu(i),i=(j-1)*6+1,(j-1)*6+6) 191 continue ! If not divisible evenly by 6, then get the remaining values if (mod(ntstep,6) .ne. 0) then line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) & ! read (getline(i_unit),*) & (awu(i),i=(j-1)*6+1,(j-1)*6+mod(ntstep,6)) endif ! Determine the maximum wind speed during the day awudmx = 0.0 do 193 i = 1, ntstep if (awudmx .lt. awu(i)) then awudmx = awu(i) endif 193 continue endif ! + + + PLOT SECTION + + + ! selectively reads succesive indep variable names and values ! if xplot is set to zero and the xflag is set to ! 1 for a given variable in the erodin file ! ! test if plotout file to be created line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xplot if (xplot .eq. 0) then ! intialize xin array do 194 i=1,30 xin(i) = 0.0 194 continue ! ! field length (good for wind parallel x-axis) line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = amxsim(1,2) - amxsim(1,1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! ^^^ tmp out ! write (*,*) 'tmp out from erodin.for line 452' ! write (*,*) 'xplot =', xplot ! write (*,*) 'amxsim(2,1)=', amxsim(1,2) ! write (*,*) 'xin(xplot)=', xin(xplot) ! ^^^ end tmp ! ! biomass height line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = abzht(1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! ^^^ tmp out ! write (*,*) 'tmp out from erod.for line 474' ! write (*,*) 'xplot =', xplot ! write (*,*) 'abzht(1)=', abzht(1) ! write (*,*) 'xin(xplot=', xin(xplot) ! ^^^ end tmp ! biomass stem area index line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = abrsai(1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! biomass leaf area index line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = abrlai(1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! biomass flat cover line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = abffcv(1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! very fine sand line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = asfvfs(1,1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! sand line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = asfsan(1,1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! silt line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = asfsil(1,1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! clay line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = asfcla(1,1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! rock vol. line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = asvroc(1,1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! aggregate density line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = asdagd(1,1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! aggregate stability line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = aseags(1,1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! agregate geometric mean diameter line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = aslagm(1,1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! aggreate minimum diameter line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = aslagn(1,1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! aggregate maximum diameter line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = aslagx(1,1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! aggregate geometric std dev line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = as0ags(1,1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! soil fraction crust cover line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = asfcr(1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! ! surface crust thickness line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = aszcr(1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! fraction loose material on crust line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = asflos(1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! mass of loose material on crust line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = asmlos(1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! soil crust stability line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = asecr(1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! random roughness line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = aslrr(1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! ridge height line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = aszrgh(1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! ridge spacing line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = asxrgs(1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! ridge width line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = asxrgw(1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif ! ridge orientation line = getline(i_unit) read (line,*) xflag if (xflag .eq. 1) then xplot = xplot + 1 line = getline(i_unit) xcharin(xplot) = line xin(xplot) = asargo(1) else line = getline(i_unit) endif endif ! ! ^^^ tmp out ! write(*,*)'^^^' ! write(*,*)'tmp out from erodin.for' ! write(*,*)'xcharin(1)=',xcharin(1) ! write(*,*)'xin(1)=',xin(1) ! write(*,*)'^^^' ! ^^^ end temp out ! + + + OUTPUT SECTION + + + ! 200 format (1x, f6.2, 6f8.2) 210 format (1x, f8.2) 220 format (1x, 2f8.2) 230 format (1x, 3f8.2) 240 format (1x, 4f8.3) 250 format (1x, 5f8.2) 260 format (1x, 6f8.2) 270 format (1x, 7f8.2) 280 format (1x, 8f8.2) 300 format (1x, 8i5) 350 format (1x, i3, 7f8.2) 400 format (1x, i3, 1x, l6, 4x, i3, 4x, i3, 4x, i3, 4x, i3) 999 if (o_unit .ne. 6) then !Only echo input if stdout not specified write (o_unit,*) & & ' REPORT OF INPUTS (read by erodin.for) ' write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) '+++ Control Flags, etc. +++' write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) 'ntstep am0eif nsubr nacctr nbr am0efl' write (o_unit,400) ntstep, am0eif, nsubr, nacctr, nbr,am0efl write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) '+++ SIMULATION REGION +++' write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) 'orientation and dimensions of sim region' write (o_unit,*) 'amasim(deg) amxsim - (x1,y1) (x2,y2)' write (o_unit,250) amasim, ((amxsim(x,y), x=1,2), y=1,2) write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) '+++ ACCOUNTING REGIONS +++' write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) 'nacctr - number of accounting regions' write (o_unit,*) nacctr write (o_unit,*) 'accounting region dimensions (x1,y1) (x2,y2)' do 1000 a = 1, nacctr write (o_unit,250) ((amxar (x,y,a), x=1,2), y=1,2) 1000 continue write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) '+++ BARRIERS +++' write (o_unit,*) if (nbr .gt. 0) then write (o_unit,*) 'nbr - number of barriers' write (o_unit,*) nbr write (o_unit,*) 'barrier dim (x1,y1) (x2,y2) ', & & 'and height, porosity, and width' do 1010 b = 1, nbr write (o_unit,270) ((amxbr(x,y,b), x=1,2), y=1,2), & & amzbr(b), ampbr(b), amxbrw(b) 1010 continue else write (o_unit,*) ' no barriers' endif write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) '+++ SUBREGIONS +++' write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) 'nsubr - number of subregions' write (o_unit,*) nsubr write (o_unit,*) 'subregion dimensions (x1,y1) (x2,y2)' do 1020 s = 1, nsubr write (o_unit,250) ((amxsr (i,j,s), i=1,2), j=1,2) 1020 continue do 1100 s = 1, nsubr write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) write(o_unit,*) '*********************** Subregion ', s, & & ' ***********************' write (o_unit,*) write(o_unit,*) '+++ BIOMASS +++' write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) 'Biomass ht, flat cover' write (o_unit,220) abzht(s), abffcv(s) write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) 'Crop height, SAI, LAI' write (o_unit,230) aczht(s), acrsai(s), acrlai(s) write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) 'Residue height, SAI, LAI' write (o_unit,230) adzht_ave(s), adrsaitot(s), adrlaitot(s) write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) '+++ SOIL +++ ' write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) 'nslay - number of soil layers' write (o_unit,*) nslay(s) write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) 'layer depth b.density ', & & 'vfsand sand silt clay rock vol' do 1030 l = 1, nslay(s) write (o_unit,350) l, aszlyt(l,s), asdblk(l,s), & & asfvfs(l,s),asfsan(l,s), asfsil(l,s), asfcla(l,s), asvroc(l,s) 1030 continue write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) 'layer AgD AgS ', & & ' GMD GMDmn GMDmx GSD' do 1040 l = 1, nslay(s) write (o_unit,350) l, asdagd(l,s), aseags(l,s), & & aslagm(l,s),aslagn(l,s), aslagx(l,s), as0ags(l,s) 1040 continue write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) 'Crust frac thick mass LOS frac.LOS, ', & & 'density stability' write (o_unit,260)asfcr(s),aszcr(s),asmlos(s),asflos(s), & & asdcr(s),asecr(s) write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) ' RR, Rg ht, width, spacing, ', & & 'orient., dike spacing' write (o_unit,270) aslrr(s), aszrgh(s), asxrgw(s), asxrgs(s), & & asargo(s), asxdks(s) write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) '+++ HYDROLOGY +++ ' write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) 'Snow depth (mm)' write (o_unit,*) ahzsnd(s) write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) 'layer wilting and actual water contents' do 1050 l = 1, nslay(s) write (o_unit,350) l, ahrwcw (l,s), ahrwca(l,s) 1050 continue write (o_unit,*) 'Hourly water contents - ahrwc0' write (o_unit,260) (ahrwc0(h,s), h=1,6) write (o_unit,260) (ahrwc0(h,s), h=7,12) write (o_unit,260) (ahrwc0(h,s), h=13,18) write (o_unit,260) (ahrwc0(h,s), h=19,24) 1100 continue write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) '+++ WEATHER +++' write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) ' anemht awwzo wzoflg ' write (o_unit,*) anemht, awzzo, wzoflg write (o_unit,*) ' wind dir (deg) and max wind speed (m/s)' write (o_unit,220) awadir, awudmx write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) 'Wind speeds (m/s) - ', ntstep,' intervals' k = 6 j = 1 860 if(k .lt. ntstep) then write (o_unit,260) (awu(i), i=j,k) j = k+1 k = k+6 go to 860 else k = ntstep write (o_unit,260) (awu(i), i=j,k) endif write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) 'END OF INPUTS' endif !(o_unit .ne. 6) !close (i_unit) return end !********************************************************************** character*(*) function getline(i_unit) integer debugflg common /flags/ debugflg integer i_unit integer dataline, linecount save dataline, linecount 1 read (i_unit, '(A)') getline linecount = linecount + 1 if (BTEST(debugflg,0)) then write (6, *) linecount, ': ', getline endif if (getline(1:1) .ne. '#') goto 2 goto 1 2 dataline = dataline + 1 if (BTEST(debugflg,1)) then write (6, *) linecount, ':', dataline, ': ', getline endif return end !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++