!$Author: fredfox $ !$Date: 2003-05-28 17:41:05 $ !$Revision: 1.14 $ !$Source: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/inc/crop/cgrow.inc,v $ ! This file contains the declaration of the common block of variables ! related to conversion of biomass. ! Parameter include files: p1werm.inc ! + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer ir, je, daye,dtm , iprint real dm,ddm,slai0, & & rw,rwt,u,su,yld, & & pdm,strs,prw,pdmag,pclfwt,pcstwt,pcrpwt,pclfarea,pcstarea,pslai, & & pssai,pcht,pchty,clfwt,cstwt,crpwt,clfarea,cstarea,ssai, & & parea,pclfwtx,clfwtx,slai, dmag, & & clfwtb,cstwtb,crpwtb,dmagb,clfwty,cstwty,crpwty,dmagy,clfwts, & & cstwts,crpwts,dmags, prd, prdy, slaix, ssaix common / grow / dm,ddm,slai0,iprint, & & ir,rw,rwt(mnsz),u(mnsz),su,yld,je, & & pdm,strs,prw,pdmag,pclfwt,pcstwt,pcrpwt,pclfarea,pcstarea,pslai, & & pssai,pcht,pchty,clfwt,cstwt,crpwt,clfarea,cstarea,ssai, & & parea, pclfwtx,clfwtx, slai, dmag, & & clfwtb,cstwtb,crpwtb,dmagb,clfwty,cstwty,crpwty,dmagy,clfwts, & & cstwts,crpwts,dmags, prd, prdy, slaix, ssaix, daye, dtm ! + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + ! clfarea - green leaf area per plant ! clfwt - leaf mass (t/ha) ! clfwtb - periodic leaf mass (t/ha) ! clfwts - seasonal leaf mass (t/ha) ! clfwty - periodic leaf mass (t/ha) ! cstwt - stem mass (t/ha) ! cstwtb - periodic stem mass (t/ha) ! cstwts - seasonal stem mass (t/ha) ! cstwty - periodic stem mass (t/ha) ! crpwt - rprd (reproductive) mass (t/ha) ! crpwtb - periodic rprd mass (t/ha) ! crpwts - seasonal rprd mass (t/ha) ! crpwty - periodic rprd mass (t/ha) ! daye - days after emergence ! dm - stress adjusted cummulated biomass (t/ha) ! ddm - stress adjusted daily biomass production (t/ha) ! dmag - stress adjusted cumulated aboveground biomass (t/ha) ! dmags - seaonal above-ground biomass (t/ha) ! dmagy - periodic above-ground biomass (t/ha) ! drwt - daily root weight (t/ha) ! dtm - days from planting to maturity ! iprint - flag to print end-of-season values: 10/6/99 ! ir - deepest layer # to which roots have grown ! parea - ground area per plant (cm^2) ! pcht - potentail plant height (m) ! pchty - potentail plant height on a previous day (m) ! pclfarea - potential leaf area per plant (cm^2) ! pclfwt - potential leaf mass (t/ha) ! pclfwtx - potential leaf mass (t/ha) ! pcrpwt - potential rprd (reproductive) mass (t/ha) ! pddm - potential daily biomass production (t/ha) ! pdm - potential cummulated biomass production (t/ha) ! prd - potential root depth (m) ! prdy - potential root depth on day i-1 (m) ! qslai - same as slai (dummy variable) ! qdmag - same as dmag (dummy variable) ! rd - root depth (m) ! rdmx - maximum root depth ! rprwt - reproductive weight (t/ha) ! rw - total root weright (t/ha) ! rwt - total root weight by layer (t/ha) ! slai0 - leaf area index when leaf senescence starts ! slaix - maximum actual leaf area index attained ! ssaix - maximum actual stem area index ! yld - crop yield (t/ha) ! +++ No longer used +++ ! wavp - parameter relating vapor pressure deficit to be