!$Author: fredfox $ !$Date: 2005-02-01 22:58:50 $ !$Revision: 1.4 $ !$Source: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/inc/h1et.inc,v $ ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! file 'h1et.inc' ! This common block contains the variables representing the ! evapotransporation parameters in WERM. ! Parameter include files: ! + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real ahzea real ahzep real ahzeta real ahzetp real ahzpta real ahzptp real ah0drat common /h1et/ & & ahzea, ahzep, ahzeta, ahzetp, ahzpta, ahzptp, & & ah0drat ! + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + ! ahzea - Actual bare soil evaporation (mm/day) ! ahzep - Potential bare soil evaporation (mm/day) ! ahzeta - Actual evapotranspiration (mm/day) ! ahzetp - potential evapotranspiration (mm/day) ! ahzpta - Actual plant transpiration (mm/day) ! ahzptp - potential plant transpiration (mm/day) ! ah0drat - dryness ratio