!$Author: wagner $ !$Date: 2005-02-14 04:18:11 $ !$Revision: 1.2 $ !$Source: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/util/sax/tstsax_cropxml/m_handlers_cropxml.f95,v $ module m_handlers_cropxml use flib_sax use m_crop_type ! Data type (crop record structure) private ! It defines the routines that are called by the XML parser in response ! to particular events. ! ! In this particular example we just print the names of the elements, ! the attribute list, and the content of the pcdata chunks ! ! A module such as this could use "utility routines" to convert pcdata ! to numerical arrays, and to populate specific data structures. ! public :: begin_element_handler, end_element_handler, pcdata_chunk_handler logical, private :: in_cropname = .false., in_param = .false. logical, private :: in_name = .false., in_value = .false. type(crop_t), private, target, save :: crop_data character(len=80), private, target, save :: param_name character(len=128), private, target, save :: param_value character(len=10000), private, target, save :: catstring ! Pointers to make it easier to manage the data type(crop_t), private, pointer :: cp CONTAINS !============================================================= !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine begin_element_handler(name,attributes) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attributes character(len=100) :: value integer :: status !write(*,*) ">>Begin Element: ", name !write(*,*) "--- ", len(attributes), " attributes:" !call print_dict(attributes) select case(name) case ("cropDB") ! print *, "We are working on a WEPS/MCREW crop record" case ("cropname") in_cropname = .true. ! print *, "In cropname" cp => crop_data !init crop pointer to crop data structure catstring="" !need to initialize tmp multi-line string cp%crop_notes = "" !need to initialize multi-line variables case ("param") in_param = .true. ! print *, "In param" case ("name") in_name = .true. ! print *, "In name" case ("value") in_value = .true. ! print *, "In value" end select end subroutine begin_element_handler !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine end_element_handler(name) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name select case(name) case ("cropDB") print *,"Done working on WEPS/MCREW crop record" call dump_crop_data(crop_data) case ("cropname") in_cropname = .false. ! print *, "Leaving cropname" case ("param") in_param = .false. ! print *, "Leaving param" case ("name") in_name = .false. ! print *, "Leaving name" case ("value") in_value = .false. ! print *, "Leaving value" end select end subroutine end_element_handler !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine pcdata_chunk_handler(chunk) character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk !write(unit=*,fmt="(a)",advance="no") trim(chunk) !write(*,*) trim(chunk) if (in_cropname .EQV. .true.) then cp%cropname = trim(chunk) ! print *,"Crop name is: ", trim(cp%cropname) else if (in_param .EQV. .true. .AND. in_name .EQV. .true.) then !Get param name here param_name = trim(chunk) ! print *,"Param name is: ", trim(param_name) else if (in_param .EQV. .true. .AND. in_value .EQV. .true.) then !Get param value here param_value = trim(chunk) ! print *,"Param value is: ", trim(param_value) select case(param_name) case ("plantpop") read(param_value,*) cp%plantpop case ("dmaxshoot") read(param_value,*) cp%dmaxshoot case ("cbaflag") read(param_value,*) cp%cbaflag case ("tgtyield") read(param_value,*) cp%tgtyield case ("cbafact") read(param_value,*) cp%cbafact case ("cyrafact") read(param_value,*) cp%cyrafact case ("hyldflag") read(param_value,*) cp%hyldflag case ("hyldunits") cp%hyldunits = param_value case ("hyldwater") read(param_value,*) cp%hyldwater case ("hyconfact") read(param_value,*) cp%hyconfact case ("idc") read(param_value,*) cp%idc case ("grf") read(param_value,*) cp%grf case ("ck") read(param_value,*) cp%ck case ("hui0") read(param_value,*) cp%hui0 case ("hmx") read(param_value,*) cp%hmx case ("growdepth") read(param_value,*) cp%growdepth case ("rdmx") read(param_value,*) cp%rdmx case ("tbas") read(param_value,*) cp%tbas case ("topt") read(param_value,*) cp%topt case ("thudf") read(param_value,*) cp%thudf case ("dtm") read(param_value,*) cp%dtm case ("thum") read(param_value,*) cp%thum case ("frsx1") read(param_value,*) cp%frsx1 case ("frsx2") read(param_value,*) cp%frsx2 case ("frsy1") read(param_value,*) cp%frsy1 case ("frsy2") read(param_value,*) cp%frsy2 case ("verndel") read(param_value,*) cp%verndel case ("bceff") read(param_value,*) cp%bceff case ("a_lf") read(param_value,*) cp%a_lf case ("b_lf") read(param_value,*) cp%b_lf case ("c_lf") read(param_value,*) cp%c_lf case ("d_lf") read(param_value,*) cp%d_lf case ("a_rp") read(param_value,*) cp%a_rp case ("b_rp") read(param_value,*) cp%b_rp case ("c_rp") read(param_value,*) cp%c_rp case ("d_rp") read(param_value,*) cp%d_rp case ("a_ht") read(param_value,*) cp%a_ht case ("b_ht") read(param_value,*) cp%b_ht case ("ssaa") read(param_value,*) cp%ssaa case ("ssab") read(param_value,*) cp%ssab case ("sla") read(param_value,*) cp%sla case ("huie") read(param_value,*) cp%huie case ("tranf") read(param_value,*) cp%tranf case ("diammax") read(param_value,*) cp%diammax case ("storeinit") read(param_value,*) cp%storeinit case ("mshoot") read(param_value,*) cp%mshoot case ("leafstem") read(param_value,*) cp%leafstem case ("fshoot") read(param_value,*) cp%fshoot case ("leaf2stor") read(param_value,*) cp%leaf2stor case ("stem2stor") read(param_value,*) cp%stem2stor case ("stor2stor") read(param_value,*) cp%stor2stor case ("rbc") read(param_value,*) cp%rbc case ("standdk") read(param_value,*) cp%standdk case ("surfdk") read(param_value,*) cp%surfdk case ("burieddk") read(param_value,*) cp%burieddk case ("rootdk") read(param_value,*) cp%rootdk case ("stemnodk") read(param_value,*) cp%stemnodk case ("stemdia") read(param_value,*) cp%stemdia case ("thrddys") read(param_value,*) cp%thrddys case ("covfact") read(param_value,*) cp%covfact case ("resevapa") read(param_value,*) cp%resevapa case ("resevapb") read(param_value,*) cp%resevapb case ("yield_coefficient") read(param_value,*) cp%yield_coefficient case ("residue_intercept") read(param_value,*) cp%residue_intercept case ("noparam4") read(param_value,*) cp%noparam4 case ("noparam3") read(param_value,*) cp%noparam3 case ("noparam2") read(param_value,*) cp%noparam2 case ("noparam1") read(param_value,*) cp%noparam1 case ("crop_notes") !Deal with multi-line string variable catstring = trim(cp%crop_notes) // param_value cp%crop_notes = trim(catstring) end select end if end subroutine pcdata_chunk_handler !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- end module m_handlers_cropxml