!********************************************************************** ! subroutine sb1out !********************************************************************** subroutine sb1out (anemht, wzoflg, kbr, jj, awu, o_unit) ! ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! To print to file tst.out some key variables used in erosion ! use wind dir of 270 for most to see output along wind direction ! + + + ARGUEMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real anemht, awu integer wzoflg, kbr, jj, o_unit ! ! + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + ! anemht = ! awzzo = ! wzz0 = ! awu = ! wus = ! wust = ! o_unit= Unit number for output file ! ! + + + GLOBAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'p1werm.inc' include 'h1db1.inc' ! include 'b1geom.inc' include 'b1glob.inc' ! ! + + + LOCAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + ! include 'erosion/s2agg.inc' include 'erosion/s2surf.inc' include 'erosion/s2sgeo.inc' include 'erosion/w2wind.inc' include 'erosion/m2geo.inc' include 'erosion/e2erod.inc' ! ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer outflag,m, n, k, icsr save outflag ! outflag = 0 - print heading output, 1 - no more heading ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! ! output headings? if (outflag .eq. 0) then write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,*) 'OUT PUT from sb1out' ! write (o_unit, 15) write (o_unit,*) ! turn off heading output outflag = 1 endif ! define index of current subregions icsr = 1 write (o_unit,20) anemht,wzoflg,kbr, jj, awu ! ! set output increment m = (imax - 1)/8 m = max0(m,1) n = 1 ! write (o_unit,*) 'sb1out output' ! write (o_unit,*) 'for prior wind speed' ! write (o_unit,21) (egt(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) ! write (o_unit,22) (egtss(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) ! write (o_unit,23??) ((egtss(k,n)/(egt(k,n)+0.0001)),k=1,(imax-1),m) ! write (o_unit,*) write (o_unit,18) (k , k=1,(imax-1),m), n write (o_unit,23) (sf10(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) write (o_unit,24) (sf84(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) write (o_unit,35) (sf200(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) write (o_unit,36) (dmlos(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) write (o_unit,37) (smaglos(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) write (o_unit,39) (sf84mn(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) write (o_unit,40) (sf84ic ) write (o_unit,25) (szcr(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) write (o_unit,26) (sfcr(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) write (o_unit,27) (smlos(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) write (o_unit,28) (sflos(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) write (o_unit,29) (szrgh(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) write (o_unit,30) (slrr(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) write (o_unit,38) sxprg(icsr), abzht(icsr), abrlai(icsr), & & abrsai(icsr), abffcv(icsr) write (o_unit,31) ahrwcw(1,1), ahrwc0(12,1) write (o_unit,32) (wus(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) write (o_unit,33) (wusp(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) write (o_unit,34) (wust(k,n),k=1,(imax-1),m) write (o_unit,*) ! ! ! output formats ! 10 format (1x, 'anemht wzoflg awu kbr') ! 15 format (1x, ' (m) (m/s) ') 18 format (1x, 'i..n,j',20i6) 20 format (1x, 'anemht wzoflg kbr jj awu', & & f6.0, 3i6, f6.2) 21 format (1x, 'egt=', 20f6.2) 22 format (1x, 'egtss=', 20f6.2) 23 format (1x, 'sf10= ', 20f6.2) 24 format (1x, 'sf84= ', 20f6.2) 35 format (1x, 'sf200=', 20f6.2) 36 format (1x, 'dmlos=', 20f6.2) 37 format (1x, 'smaglos=',20f6.2) 39 format (1x, 'sf84mn=',20f6.2) 40 format (1x, 'sf84ic =', f6.2) 25 format (1x, 'szcr= ', 20f6.2) 26 format (1x, 'sfcr= ', 20f6.2) 27 format (1x, 'smlos=', 20f6.2) 28 format (1x, 'sflos=', 20f6.2) 29 format (1x, 'szrgh=', 20f6.2) 30 format (1x, 'slrr= ', 20f6.2) 38 format (1x, 'sxprg=', f6.0, ' abzht=', f6.2, ' abrlai=', f4.2, & & ' abrsai=', f4.2, ' abffcv=',f4.2) 31 format (1x, 'ahrwcw=',f4.2,' ahrwc0(icsr,12)=', f6.2) 32 format (1x, 'wus= ', 20f6.2) 33 format (1x, 'wusp=', 20f6.2) 34 format (1x, 'wust=', 20f6.2) ! return end !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++