!********************************************************************** ! subroutine sbaglos !********************************************************************** subroutine sbaglos (wus, wucsts,wucwts,wucdts,b1,b2, & & sf84ic,wust, svrocic, sf84mn, smaglos) ! ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! calc. minimum erodible fraction (sf84mn) needed for threshold ! friction velocity to equal current friction velocity on ! aggregated surface ! ! calc. potential mobile soil reservoir, smaglos, for a smooth ! surface given friction velocity, flat biomass, wetness, and an ! initial erodible fraction, sf84ic. ! ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real wus, wucsts,wucwts,wucdts,b1,b2 real sf84ic, wust, svrocic real sf84mn, smaglos ! ! + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + ! wus - friction velocity (m/s) ! wucsts- increase in threshold friction velocity from flat biomass (m/s) ! wucwts- increase in threshold friction velocity from sfc wetness (m/s) ! wucdts- decrease in threshold friction velocity from ag density (m/s) ! b1,b2 - coef. calculated in threshold friction vel. eqn. ! sf84ic- surface soil fraction <0.84 mm initial condition ! svrocic - surface soil volume rock at start of event (m^3/m^3) ! wust - friction velocity theshold for en (m/s) ! sf84mn- surface soil fraction <0.84 mm where wust= wus of ag.sfc. ! smaglos- potential mobile soil reservoir of aggregated sfc.(kg/m^2) ! ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real wusto, scne real yinta, yintb, yint, yslpa, yslpb, yslp ! ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITION + + + ! wusto - threhold friction velocity = wus minus flat biomass and wetness ! effects (m/s) ! scne - specifc clod cover (m^2/kg) of surface layer ! yinta - part of ln y-intercept for smaglos ! yintb - part of ln y-intercept for smaglos ! yint - ln y-intercept for smaglos ! yslpa - part of ln y-slope for smaglos ! yslpb - part of ln y-slope for smaglos ! yslp - ln y-slope for smaglos ! ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! ! calc.threshold=wus after accounting flat biomass and surface wetness wusto = wus - wucsts - wucwts - wucdts if (wusto <1.7 ) then if (wusto > 0.221) then ! calc loose agg. cover needed to give threshold=wusto sf84mn = 1 - (abs(alog((1.7-wusto)/1.35)+b1)/b2)**0.5 ! set lower limit ! increase sf84mn among aggregates, if rock are present sf84mn = sf84mn/(1.0001-svrocic) sf84mn = amax1(0.0,sf84mn) ! ! calc. reservoir of mobile soil, smaglos. ! estimate of specific soil clod cover from SOIL ASD scne = 0.082 + 0.54*sf84ic*(1 - svrocic) ! ! calc. Ln of y-intercpet for loose soil reservoir yinta = 3.67*scne**(-0.153) yintb = 1.095 + 0.2309*scne**0.5 yint = yinta + yintb*alog(wusto - 0.22) ! ! calc. Ln of y-slope for loose soil reservoir yslpa = 0.07485 + 0.03748*scne**0.5 yslpb = -0.014 + 0.1287*exp(-(wusto - 0.22)/0.0861) yslp = yslpa + yslpb ! ! calc. loose soil reservior for smooth soil with rock smaglos = exp(yint-yslp*((1-sf84ic)*(1-svrocic)+svrocic)*100) else smaglos = 0 sf84mn = 1 endif else ! leave variables at prior values- but should never occur! smaglos = smaglos sf84mn = sf84mn endif ! smaglos is further reduced in sbqout by shelter area >12 deg. return end !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++