subroutine den( * csdblk, csdsbk, cszlyt, csdagd, * dcump, chzwid) c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real csdblk, csdsbk, cszlyt, csdagd real dcump, chzwid c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real bsdbk0 integer j, nj real wsdblk, dsdblk real wszlyt c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c bsdbk0 - bulk density prior to update by SOIL, Mg/m^3 C wsdblk - bulk density of wet soil C dsdblk - bulk density of dry soil C wszlyt - depth of wetness in this layer c DENSITY SECTION: c update bulk density c store initial value of layer density bsdbk0 = csdblk c daily update density for other forces -- long term c only if current bulk density is less than settled bd if ( then dsdblk = csdblk + 0.01*(csdsbk - csdblk) else dsdblk = csdblk endif C if water has infiltrated into the layer if (chzwid .gt. 0) then c update for water additions in 5 mm increments nj =nint(dcump/5.) wsdblk = csdblk do j = 1,nj if (wsdblk .lt. 0.97 * csdsbk) then wsdblk = wsdblk+0.75 * (1-(wsdblk/ & (0.97 * csdsbk)))**1.5 else exit endif enddo else C set wsdblk to something so that it won't bomb out as uninit'd later on wsdblk = dsdblk endif C get weighted average of wet and dry densities wszlyt = min(cszlyt, chzwid) csdblk = (wsdblk*wszlyt + dsdblk*(cszlyt-wszlyt)) / * cszlyt C reduce wet depth by this layer's thickness or wet depth chzwid = chzwid - wszlyt c update layer thickness cszlyt = cszlyt * bsdbk0 / csdblk c update aggregate density csdagd = csdsbk c end