c$Author: fredfox $ c$Date: 2001-08-15 21:53:24 $ c$Revision: $ c$Source: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/crop/cprnl.for,v $ c Author : Amare Retta subroutine cprnl (hmx,day,mo,yr) c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Performs mass balances whenever a perennial crop such as alfalfa is c cut(non-killing harvest). This routine is called if the harvest is c a killing or a non-killing harvest. 12/8/1995 c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c perennial crops, harvest c + + + ARGUEMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer day, mo, yr real hmx c + + + ARGUEMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c slai - leaf area index c dmag - stress adjusted aboveground biommass (t/ha) c day - day of month c mo - month of year c yr - year C + + + LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real adj c + + + LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c adj - ratio of cut height to maximum height. c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c none c + + + GLOBAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'm1flag.inc' include 'm1dbug.inc' c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'crop/cgrow.inc' include 'crop/cenvr.inc' include 'manage/oper.inc' c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c cta - actual transpiration (mm) c ctab - periodic actual transpiration (mm) c ctay - periodic actual transpiration (mm) c ctas - seasonal actual transpiration (mm) c ceta - actual evapotranspiration (mm) c cetab - periodic actual evapotranspiration (mm) c cetay - periodic actual evapotranspiration (mm) c cetas - seasonal actual evapotranspiration (mm) c ctpb - periodic potential transpiration (mm) c ctpy - periodic potential transpiration (mm) c ctps - seasonal potential transpiration (mm) c clfwt - leaf mass (t/ha) c clfwtb - periodic leaf mass (t/ha) c clfwts - seasonal leaf mass (t/ha) c clfwty - periodic leaf mass (t/ha) c cstwt - stem mass (t/ha) c cstwtb - periodic stem mass (t/ha) c cstwts - seasonal stem mass (t/ha) c cstwty - periodic stem mass (t/ha) c crpwt - rprd (reproductive) mass (t/ha) c crpwtb - periodic rprd mass (t/ha) c crpwts - seasonal rprd mass (t/ha) c crpwty - periodic rprd mass (t/ha) c dmagb - periodic above-ground biomass (t/ha) c dmags - seaonal above-ground biomass (t/ha) c dmagy - periodic above-ground biomass (t/ha) c prcp - precpitation (mm) c prcb - periodic precipitation (mm) c prcpy - periodic prcepitation (previous value) (mm) c prcps - seasonal precipitation (mm) c + + + OUTPUT FORMATS + + + 2012 format(1x,3(i4,1x),10(f6.1,1x)) 2013 format(1x,i4,1x,9(f6.1,1x)) c + + + END OF SPECIFICATIONS + + + c write (*,*) 'cprnl: am0hrvfl',am0hrvfl c calculate periodic and annual et if (am0hrvfl.gt.0.or.jd.eq.365) then ctab=cta-ctay cetab=ceta-cetay ctas=ctas+ctab cetas=cetas+cetab ctay=cta cetay=ceta prcpb=prcp-prcpy prcps=prcps+prcpb prcpy=prcp ctpb=ctp-ctpy ctps=ctps+ctpb ctpy=ctp c calculate periodic and annual masses clfwty=clfwt*cutht/hmx cstwty=cstwt*cutht/hmx crpwty=0. dmagy=clfwty+cstwty clfwtb=clfwt-clfwty cstwtb=cstwt-cstwty crpwtb=crpwt-crpwty dmagb=dmag-dmagy clfwts=clfwts+clfwtb cstwts=cstwts+cstwtb crpwts=crpwts+crpwtb dmags=dmags+dmagb c periodic print following a non-killing harvest c if (am0cdb.eq.2) then if (am0cfl .gt. 0) then if (am0hrvfl.eq.1) write (58,2012)day,mo,yr,cht,clfwtb,cstwtb, & crpwtb,yld,dmagb,ctab,cetab,prcpb,ctpb c print end-of-season values of perennial crops and initialize if (am0hrvfl.eq.2.or.jd.eq.365) write (59,2013)yr,clfwts, & cstwts,crpwts,yld,dmags,ctas,cetas,prcps,ctps endif c initialize following a cutting operation cta=0. ctay=0. ceta=0. cetay=0. prcp=0. prcpy=0. ctp=0. ctpy=0. adj=cutht/hmx slai=slai*adj ssai=ssai*adj if (slai.gt.0.1) slai=0.1 if (slai.lt.0.05) slai=0.05 if (ssai.gt.0.1) ssai=0.1 if (ssai.lt.0.05) ssai=0.05 clfwt=clfwt*adj cstwt=cstwt*adj crpwt=0. dmag=clfwt+cstwt pclfwt=pclfwt*adj pcstwt=pcstwt*adj pdmag=pclfwt+pcstwt c rw=acmrt(am0csr) pdm=pdmag+prw dm=dmag+rw clfarea=slai*parea cstarea=ssai*parea pclfarea=clfarea pcstarea=cstarea cht=cutht pcht=cutht shu=110. endif 995 continue c initialize after end-of-season output c if (am0hrvfl.eq.2.or.hui.ge.1..or.jd.eq.365) then if (am0hrvfl.eq.2.or.jd.eq.365) then ctab=0. cetab=0. ctas=0. cetas=0. ctay=0. cetay=0. prcp=0. prcpb=0. prcps=0. prcpy=0. ctp=0. ctpb=0. ctps=0. ctpy=0. clfwtb=0. cstwtb=0. crpwtb=0. dmagb=0. clfwts=0. cstwts=0. crpwts=0. dmags=0. clfwty=0. cstwty=0. crpwty=0. dmagy=0. rw=0. endif c999 continue am0hrvfl=0 c write (58,2016)ctab,cta,ctay,cetab,ceta,cetay,ctas,clfwtb,clfwt, c & clfwty,cstwtb,cstwt,cstwty,cutht,cht,adj c ------- start debug c write (*,*)'out of cprnl, slai=',slai c --------end debug return end