c********************************************************************** c subroutine sbdzov c********************************************************************** subroutine sbdzov i(brcd, bzht,wzzo, o wzzov) c c +++ PURPOSE +++ c to calculate aerodynamic roughness c of vegetation canopy. Ref. Trans ASAE 31(3):769-775 c Armbrust and Bilbro, 1995 c c +++ ARGUMENT DECLATION +++ real brcd, bzht, wzzo, wzzov c c +++ ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS +++ c brcd - "effective" silhouette area (m^2/m^2) c (combination of SAI and LAI values) c bzht - weighted average height of total biomass (m) c wzzo - aerodynamic roughness of surface below canopy (mm) c wzzov - aerodynamic roughness length of canopy (mm) c c +++ LOCAL VARIABLES +++ c c +++ END SPECIFICATION +++ c c calculate "effective" biomass drag coefficient c brcrd now computed in "sumbio.for" c c calculate roughness length of canopy wzzov = bzht * 1.0/(17.27-(1.254*alog(brcd)/brcd) - (3.714/brcd)) c convert to mm wzzov = wzzov*1000.0 c choose the maximum of canopy or surface roughness wzzov = amax1(wzzov, wzzo) c return end c++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++