c$Author: fredfox $ c$Date: 2001-07-03 19:00:03 $ c$Revision: $ c$Source: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/hydro/unsatcond_bc.for,v $ real*4 function unsatcond_bc(theta, thetar, thetas, ksat, lambda) c returns the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity in meters per second as c defined by the Books and Corey function and the Mualem conductivity model c*** Argument declarations *** real*4 theta, thetar, thetas, ksat, lambda c theta - present volumetric water content c thetar - volumetric water content where hydraulic conductivity becomes zero c thetas - saturated volumetric water content c ksat - Saturated hydraulic conductivity (L/T) (modify to set units returned) c lambda - Brooks adn Corey pore size interaction parameter c*** Local variable declarations *** real*4 satrat, minsatrat parameter( minsatrat = 1.0e-2 ) c satrat - conductivity relative saturation ratio c minsatrat - used to clamp unsatcond_bc to zero and prevent underflow satrat = min(1.0,(theta-thetar)/(thetas-thetar)) if( satrat.lt.minsatrat ) then unsatcond_bc = 0.0 else unsatcond_bc = ksat*satrat**(2.5+2.0/lambda) endif return end