c file: chumus.inc c This file contains the declaration of the common block of variables c related to N&P transformations from humus and fresh o.m.(residue) c Parameter include files: p1werm.inc c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real rsd,rsdi,rc,fon,fop,wn,wp,wim,wip,cmn,hum,rmnr,hmn,wmp,rtn, 1 wmn,yc,twn,twmn,tap,tno3,shm,smr,sim,sdn,smp,sip,tsfn,trmn,trmp, 2 thmn,thmp,trsd,tfon,tfop,tmp,top,tp common / humus / r cmn, r fon(mnsz), r fop(mnsz), r hmn, r hum(mnsz), r rc, r rsd(mnsz), r rsdi(mnsz), r rmnr, r rtn(mnsz), r shm, r smr, r sim, r sdn, r smp, r sip, r tap, r tno3, r tsfn, r trmn, r trmp, r thmn, r thmp, r trsd, r tfon, r tfop, r tmp, r top, r tp, r twn, r twmn, r wim, r wip, r wmn(mnsz), r wmp, r wn(mnsz), r wp(mnsz), r yc c rsdi,rc, are new variables not included in EPIC1910. c c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c cmn - ??? c fon - amount of N in residue (kg/ha) c fop - amount of P in residue (kg/ha) c hmn - amount of N mineralized from active N pool (kg/ha/d) c hmp - amount of P mineralized from active P pool (kg/ha/d) c hum - amount of humus (t/ha) c rc - residue composition factor (0.8, or 0.05, or 0.0095) c rmnr - net mineralized n from all sources of o.m. (kg/ha) c rsd - current amount of residue (t/ha) in a layer c rsdi - initial amount of residue in a layer (t/ha) c rtn - active pool fraction c sdn - sum of denitrified N (kg/ha) c shm - sum of mineralized N from humus (kg/ha) c sim - sum of immobilized N (kg/ha) c sip - sum of immobilized P (kg/ha) c smp - sum of mineralized P from humus and fresh residue (kg/ha) c smr - sum of mineralized N from humus & fresh residue (kg/ha) c tap - total labile P (kg/ha) c tfon - total amount of N from fresh organic matter (kg/ha) c tfop - total amount of P from fresh organic matter (kg/ha) c tmp - total active mineral P from all layers (kg/ha) c top - total stable mineral P from all layers (kg/ha) c tp - total P from all humus (kg/ha) c tno3 - total no3_n (kg/ha) c trmn - total mineralized N from fresh residue (kg/ha) c trmp - total mineralized N from fresh residue (kg/ha) c thmn - total mineralized N from humus (kg/ha) c trmp - total mineralized P from humus (kg/ha) c trsd - sum of residue of all layers (t/ha) c tsfn - sum of N leached from all layers (kg/ha) c twmn - total organic N from active humus pool (kg/ha) c twn - total organic N from humus (kg/ha) c wim - immobilized n (kg/ha) c wip - immobilized p 9kg/ha) c wmn - active humus n pool (kg/ha) c wmp - active humus p pool (kg/ha) c wn - organic N concentration of humus (g/t) c wp - organic P concentration of humus (g/t) c yc - period of cultivation before simualtion starts (yr)