c file: csoil.inc c This file contains the declaration of the common block of variables c related to initial values of soil N&P, rootzone parameters, etc. c note: cn,cp are new variables added. They replace the variables c wno3,ap at the initial stage(units of t/g). Variables wno3 and ap are now c reserved for values of total no3_n and labile P (units of kg/ha). c Parameter include files: p1werm.inc c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real cnt,cpt,cdg,cn,cp,fc,gsw, 1 pdsw,po,psp,rq,rz,st,suno3,sut,sws,t,wt,za integer ids common / csoil / r cnt, r cpt, r cdg, r cn(mnsz), r cp(mnsz), r fc(mnsz), r gsw, r ids, r pdsw, r po, r psp(mnsz), r rq, r rz, r st(mnsz), r suno3, r sut, r sws, r t(mnsz), r wt(mnsz), r za(mnsz) c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c alt - idex of crop toleramce to aluminum saturation (1-5;1=sensitive, c 5=tolerant) c ino3 - amount of no3_n applied (kg/ha) c cdg - soil temperature factor for nutrient cycling c cec - cation exchange capacity (cmol/kg) --- blank if unknown c cn - concentration of soil test N (g/t) --- blank if unknown c cp - concentration of soil test N (g/t) --- blank if unknown c fc - field capacity water content of layer (mm) c gsw - soil water below which germination will not occur (m) c ids - soil weathering code c pdsw - plant available water at the layer where seed is placed (m) c po - soil porosity (mm) c psp - fraction of fertilizer P that is labile c rq - no3_n lost by pecolation,runoff,lateral flow from top layer (kg/ha) c rz - maximum depth of root zone (cm) c smb - sum of bases (cmol/kg) --- blank if unknown c st - soil water content of layer (mm) c sut - soil moisture factor c sws - soil water stress factor c t - soil temperature at each soil layer (C) c wt - weight of soil in a layer (t/ha-mm) c za - depth to the middle of a layer (m)