c$Header: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/mproc/crush.for,v 1.3 2000-09-29 19:36:44 fredfox Exp $ c c subroutine crush i (alpha, beta, i nlay, m mf) *$noreference include 'p1werm.inc' include 'manage/asd.inc' *$reference c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This subroutine performs the crushing or breaking down of c soil aggregates into smaller sizes based on the initial aggregate c size distribution and two crushing parameters (alpha and beta). c The crushing parameters are assumed to be a function of the c soil intrinsic properties, soil water content, and tillage implement. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c aggregate size distribution, asd, sieves, mass fractions c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real alpha, beta integer nlay real mf(msieve+1,mnsz) c c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c alpha - first crushing coefficient c beta - second crushing coefficient c nlay - number of soil layers used c mf - mass fractions of aggregates within sieve cuts c (sum of all mass fractions are expected to = 1.0) c c + + + ACCESSED COMMON BLOCK VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c c mdia - array containing geometric mean diameters of sieve cuts c nsieve - number of sieves used c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real pmat(msieve+1,msieve+1) real dratio real prob real chk integer i, j, k, m real predmf(msieve+1) c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c c pmat - probability matrix c dratio - ratio of sieve cut d to maximum sieve cut d c prob - probability value c chk - variable to chk prob matrix integrity c i - loop variable for sieve cut sizes c j - loop variable for soil layers c k - loop variable for sieve cut probabilities c predmf - local array to hold predicted mass fractions c before updating mf c c + + + FUNCTIONS CALLED + + + real bino c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c for each soil layer do 500 j=1,nlay c compute transition matrix do 100 i=1,nsieve+1 dratio = mdia(i)/mdia(nsieve+1) prob = 1.0 - exp(-alpha+dratio*beta) chk = 0.0 do 50 k=1,i pmat(i,k) = bino(i-1,k-1,prob) chk = chk+pmat(i,k) 50 continue if (abs(chk-1.0) .gt. 0.001) then print*, 'Problem transition matrix (crush) chk:', & (chk-1.0) c debug code to print out transition matrix do 2 k=nsieve+1,1,-1 print*,(pmat(k,m), m=k,1,-1) 2 continue stop endif 100 continue do 300 i=1,nsieve+1 predmf(i) = 0.0 do 200 k=i,nsieve+1 predmf(i) = predmf(i) + mf(k,j) * pmat(k,i) 200 continue 300 continue c put predicted mass fractions into mf do 400 i=1,nsieve+1 mf(i,j) = predmf(i) 400 continue 500 continue return end c c$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ cRevision 1.2 2000/06/14 16:55:59 fredfox cAdded new functionality remove.for cAdded dubug statementments to crush.for cAdded limit to soil typ adjustment in rough.for c cRevision 1999/03/12 17:05:29 wagner cBaseline version of WEPS with Bill Rust's modifications c c Revision 1.2 1995/09/13 15:49:36 wagner c Necessary changes made to allow FORTRAN src files (*.for) to use the c extended FORTRAN include statement rather than the MICROSOFT $INCLUDE c directive as previously used. This is required to allow use of other c FORTRAN compilers. c c Changes have been made to the prologue.mk, epilogue.mk, and the Unix c master startup.mk files as well as the src files. c c Revision 1995/01/18 04:19:56 wagner c Initial checkin c c Revision 1.7 1992/10/13 07:56:55 wagner c removed debug code (commented it out) c c Revision 1.6 1992/10/10 21:44:14 wagner c Changed names appropriate for submodel name change c from TILLAGE to MANAGEMENT. c c Revision 1.5 1992/06/01 14:59:41 dudley c *** empty log message *** c c Revision 1.4 1992/04/29 15:07:01 wagner c *** empty log message *** c c Revision 1.3 1992/04/17 14:56:55 wagner c Removed hardcoded md values (dj's). c c Revision 1.2 1992/04/16 21:41:37 wagner c Uses common memory now. c c Revision 1.1 1992/04/16 13:29:01 wagner c Initial revision c