Grass seed, cool season plantpop 40.0 dmaxshoot 5.0 cbaflag 1 tgtyield 1000 cbafact 1.0 cyrafact 1.0 hyldflag 1 hyldunits lb/ac hyldwater 10.0 hyconfact 8930.0 idc 6 grf 0.2 ck 0.65 hui0 0.4 hmx 1.6 growdepth 0.01 rdmx 2.2 tbas 12.0 topt 25.0 thudf 1 dtm 120 thum 1400.0 frsx1 -5.0 frsx2 -15.0 frsy1 0.15 frsy2 0.95 verndel 0.0 bceff 45.0 a_lf -0.0671 b_lf 1.3136 c_lf 0.1887 d_lf -0.2465 a_rp -5.0E-4 b_rp 0.9155 c_rp 0.6583 d_rp 0.0479 a_ht 0.1887 b_ht -0.2465 ssaa 0.1938635 ssab 0.66 sla 11.7 huie 0.05 transf 0 diammax 0.3 storeinit 1.2269939 mshoot 70.0 leafstem 3.0 fshoot 0.03 leaf2stor 0.1 stem2stor 0.1 stor2stor 0.0 rbc 1 standdk 0.0133 surfdk 0.0133 burieddk 0.0133 rootdk 0.0133 stemnodk 0.169 stemdia 0.0050 thrddys 17.1 covfact 6.5 resevapa -2.08165 resevapb 0.548606 yield_coefficient 4.0500 residue_intercept 0.050438255 regrow_location 0.0 noparam3 0.0 noparam2 0.0 noparam1 0.0 crop_notes Perennial ryegrass, late planted grass grown for seed production. This file includes regrowth after first seed harvest, senescence, over wintering, spring regrowth, and seed set up to seed harvest the following year. Follow this record with Grass seed, established senescence for each additional year of per. ryegrass seed production. tmg; 082306 This file was a clone ARS grass, switch, seed.crop. Yields and harvest index is from the Rusle Perennial ryegrass record. MAS 10-24-07