peppers, bell, transplants plantpop 3.0 dmaxshoot 1.0 cbaflag 1 tgtyield 150.0 cbafact 1.0 cyrafact 1.0 hyldflag 1 hyldunits cwt/ac hyldwater 92.8 hyconfact 89.3 idc 4 grf 0.8 ck 0.65 hui0 0.8 hmx 0.5 growdepth 0.025 rdmx 0.6 tbas 10.0 topt 24.0 thudf 0 dtm 100 thum 900.0 frsx1 -5.0 frsx2 -15.0 frsy1 0.15 frsy2 0.95 verndel 0.0 bceff 30.0 a_lf 0.0 b_lf 0.75 c_lf 0.4807 d_lf -0.08 a_rp 0.0 b_rp 1.0 c_rp 0.5408 d_rp 0.06 a_ht 0.4807 b_ht -0.1453 ssaa 3.08 ssab 1.0 sla 12.2 huie 0.05 transf 1 diammax 0.5 storeinit 1300.0 mshoot 1300.0 leafstem 2.0 fshoot 0.03 leaf2stor 0.0 stem2stor 0.0 stor2stor 0.0 rbc 1 standdk 0.02 surfdk 0.02 burieddk 0.02 rootdk 0.02 stemnodk 0.2 stemdia 0.0050 thrddys 20.0 covfact 2.7 resevapa -1.20379 resevapb 0.604887 yield_coefficient 0.0 residue_intercept 0.0 regrow_location 0.0 noparam3 0.0 noparam2 0.0 noparam1 0.0 crop_notes Original record cloned from tomato (bad choice). Growth temperatures adjusted from 11, 22 to 10, 24 Literature indicates best growth around 21-24 and that temperatures above 35 can result in flower drop. (Oregon State University, Commercial Vegetable Production Guides, 2002) Partitioning adjusted to better early season growth indications from WERU 2003 transplant measurements for leaf stem ratios. Partiioning also adjusted to get reasonable yield residue ratio (from RUSLE), and first fruit time. Total season adjusted to 135 days based on CA fall winter Management scenario. Other literature also mentions 5 month growth season