MCREW Menu Bar


A WEPS 1.0 rotation file is simply a date-ordered list of management operations. MCREW provides basic editing functionality to insert, delete, modify, and change dates for those operations. In WEPS, each operation is defined by a list of physical processes, such as residue burial, soil inversion, flattening standing residue, creation of ridges, planting a crop, etc., which are described to the model via one or more parameter values.

In it's most basic form then, one can "see" a WEPS management rotation file within MCREW via the table view.

The primary editing functions available are accessible via the ‘Edit' menu option. The table view editing functions are:

The 'Edit' menu displays a drop down list of various operations pertaining to MCREW. The Edit menu contains the following options:
Cut Row(s) (Ctrl-X)
Remove the currently selected operation row(s) from the rotation and store them in a temporary buffer for possible pasting back into the rotation later.
Copy Row(s) (Ctrl-C)
Copy the selected operation row(s) from the rotation and store in a temporary buffer for possible future pasting back into the rotation.
Paste Row(s)(Ctrl-V)
Paste the previously cut or copied operation row(s) above the selected operation (or top one if more than one is selected).
Delete Row(s)(Ctrl-D)
Delete the selected operation row(s) (or bottom one if more than one is selected).
Sort by Date (Ctrl-R)
Sort the operations in ascending order by date.
Insert Row (Ctrl-I)
Insert a blank row above the selected row.
Cycle Forward (Ctrl-F)
Selecting this option causes the last year in the rotation to become the first year in the rotation while the other rotation years are incremented by one year.
Cycle Backward (Ctrl-B)
Selecting this option causes the first year in the rotation to become the last year in the rotation while the other rotation years are decremented by one year.
Notes (Ctrl-M)
Selecting this option displays the Management Field Notes where the user may enter notes regarding the management file. These notes are saved with the management file and can be viewed by clicking the Notes Button or the ‘Edit' menu item ‘Notes'..