This menu allows viewing of WEPS output for the last (most current) WEPS Run and any other previous WEPS simulation runs.
- Current Run
- Allows viewing of following WEPS output from the last (most current) WEPS Run.
- Run Summary - open a brief output summary for the current run (Ctrl+Shift-S).
- Crop Summary - open a summary of yield parameters for the current project (Ctrl+Shift-C).
- Management Summary - open a summary of management operations for the current project (Ctrl+Shift-M).
- Detailed Reports - open a detailed output for the current run (Ctrl+Shift-R).
- Debugging Reports - open the raw output file used to create the detailed reports (Ctrl+Shift-O).
- Previous Run
- Allows viewing of WEPS output from a previous WEPS simulation run.
- Run Summary - open a brief output summary of a previous WEPS Run (Ctrl+Alt-S).
- Crop Summary - open a summary of yield parameters for a previous WEPS Run (Ctrl+Alt-C).
- Management Summary - open a summary of management operations for a previous WEPS Run (Ctrl+Alt-M).
- Detailed Reports - open the detailed output for a previous WEPS Run (Ctrl+Alt-R).
- Debugging Reports - open the raw output file used to create the detailed report for a previous WEPS Run (Ctrl+Alt-O).