!$Author: fredfox $ !$Date: 2007-01-30 23:20:48 $ !$Revision: 1.99 $ !$Source: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/crop/growth.for,v $ subroutine growth(bnslay, bszlyd, bc0ck, bcgrf, & & bcehu0, bczmxc, bc0idc, bc0nam, & & a_fr, b_fr, bcxrow, bc0diammax, & & bczmrt, bctmin, bctopt, cc0be, & & bc0alf, bc0blf, bc0clf, bc0dlf, & & bc0arp, bc0brp, bc0crp, bc0drp, & & bc0aht, bc0bht, bc0ssa, bc0ssb, & & bc0sla, bcxstm, bhtsmn, & & bwtdmx, bwtdmn, bweirr, bhfwsf, & & hui, huiy, huirt, huirty, hu_delay, & & bcthu_shoot_end, bcbaflg, bcbaf, bcyraf, bchyfg, & & bcfleaf2stor, bcfstem2stor, bcfstor2stor, & & bcyld_coef, bcresid_int, & & bcmstandstem, bcmstandleaf, bcmstandstore, & & bcmflatstem, bcmflatleaf, bcmflatstore, & & bcmrootstorez, bcmrootfiberz, & & bcmbgstemz, & & bczht, bcdstm, bczrtd, bcfliveleaf, & & bcdayap, bcgrainf, bcdpop, daysim ) ! Author : Amare Retta ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! This subroutine calculates plant height, biomass partitioning, ! rootmass distribution, rooting depth. ! + + + KEYWORDS + + + ! biomass ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer bnslay real bszlyd(*), bc0ck, bcgrf real bcehu0, bczmxc integer bc0idc character*(80) bc0nam real a_fr, b_fr, bcxrow, bc0diammax real bczmrt, bctmin, bctopt, cc0be real bc0alf, bc0blf, bc0clf, bc0dlf real bc0arp, bc0brp, bc0crp, bc0drp real bc0aht, bc0bht, bc0ssa, bc0ssb real bc0sla, bcxstm, bhtsmn(*) real bwtdmx, bwtdmn, bweirr, bhfwsf real hui, huiy, huirt, huirty, hu_delay, bcthu_shoot_end integer bcbaflg real bcbaf, bcyraf integer bchyfg real bcfleaf2stor, bcfstem2stor, bcfstor2stor real bcyld_coef, bcresid_int real bcmstandstem, bcmstandleaf, bcmstandstore real bcmflatstem, bcmflatleaf, bcmflatstore real bcmrootstorez(*), bcmrootfiberz(*) real bcmbgstemz(*) real bczht, bcdstm, bczrtd, bcfliveleaf integer bcdayap real bcgrainf, bcdpop integer daysim ! + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + ! bnslay - number of soil layers ! bszlyd - depth from top of soil to botom of layer, m ! bc0ck - extinction coeffficient (fraction) ! bcgrf - fraction of reproductive biomass that is yield ! bcehu0 - relative gdd at start of senescence ! bczmxc - maximum potential plant height (m) ! bc0idc - crop type:annual,perennial,etc ! bc0nam - crop name ! a_fr - parameter in the frost damage s-curve ! b_fr - parameter in the frost damage s-curve ! bcxrow - Crop row spacing (m) ! bc0diammax - crop maximum plant diameter (m) ! bczmrt - maximum root depth ! bctmin - base temperature (deg. C) ! bctopt - optimum temperature (deg. C) ! cc0be - biomass conversion efficiency (kg/ha)/(Mj/m^2) ! bc0alf - leaf partitioning parameter ! bc0blf - leaf partitioning parameter ! bc0clf - leaf partitioning parameter ! bc0dlf - leaf partitioning parameter ! bc0arp - rprd partitioning parameter ! bc0brp - rprd partitioning parameter ! bc0crp - rprd partitioning parameter ! bc0drp - rprd partitioning parameter ! bc0aht - height s-curve parameter ! bc0bht - height s-curve parameter ! bc0ssa - biomass to stem area conversion coefficient a ! bc0ssb - biomass to stem area conversion coefficient b ! bc0sla - specific leaf area (cm^2/g) ! bcxstm - mature crop stem diameter (m) ! bhtsmn - daily minimum soil temperature (deg C) ! bwtdmx - daily maximum air temperature (deg C) ! bwtdmn - daily minimum air temperature (C) ! bweirr - Daily global radiation (MJ/m^2) ! bhfwsf - water stress factor (ratio) ! hui - heat unit index (ratio of acthucum to acthum) ! huiy - heat unit index (ratio of acthucum to acthum) on day (i-1) ! huirt - heat unit index for root expansion (ratio of actrthucum to acthum) ! huirty - heat unit index for root expansion (ratio of actrthucum to acthum) on day (i-1) ! hu_delay - fraction of heat units accummulated ! based on incomplete vernalization and day length ! bcbaflg - flag for biomass adjustment action ! 0 o normal crop growth ! 1 o find biomass adjustment factor for target yield ! 2 o Use given biomass adjustment factor ! bcbaf - biomass adjustment factor ! bcyraf - yield to biomass ratio adjustment factor ! bchyfg - flag indicating the part of plant to apply the "grain fraction", ! GRF, to when removing that plant part for yield ! 0 GRF applied to above ground storage (seeds, reproductive) ! 1 GRF times growth stage factor (see growth.for) applied to ! above ground storage (seeds, reproductive) ! 2 GRF applied to all aboveground biomass (forage) ! 3 GRF applied to leaf mass (tobacco) ! 4 GRF applied to stem mass (sugarcane) ! 5 GRF applied to below ground storage mass (potatoes, peanuts) ! bcfleaf2stor - fraction of assimilate partitioned to leaf that is diverted to root store ! bcfstem2stor - fraction of assimilate partitioned to stem that is diverted to root store ! bcfstor2stor - fraction of assimilate partitioned to standing storage ! (reproductive) that is diverted to root store ! bcyld_coef - yield coefficient (kg/kg) harvest_residue = bcyld_coef(kg/kg) * Yield + bcresid_int (kg/m^2) ! bcresid_int - residue intercept (kg/m^2) harvest_residue = bcyld_coef(kg/kg) * Yield + bcresid_int (kg/m^2) ! bcmstandstem - crop standing stem mass (kg/m^2) ! bcmstandleaf - crop standing leaf mass (kg/m^2) ! bcmstandstore - crop standing storage mass (kg/m^2) ! (head with seed, or vegetative head (cabbage, pineapple)) ! bcmflatstem - crop flat stem mass (kg/m^2) ! bcmflatleaf - crop flat leaf mass (kg/m^2) ! bcmflatstore - crop flat storage mass (kg/m^2) ! bcmrootstorez - crop root storage mass by soil layer (kg/m^2) ! (tubers (potatoes, carrots), extended leaf (onion), seeds (peanuts)) ! bcmrootfiberz - crop root fibrous mass by soil layer (kg/m^2) ! bcmbgstemz - crop buried stem mass by layer (kg/m^2) ! bczht - Crop height (m) ! bcdstm - Number of plant stems per unit area (#/m^2) ! - Note: bcdstm/bcdpop gives the number of stems per plant ! bczrtd - root depth (m) ! bcfliveleaf - fraction of standing plant leaf which is living (transpiring) ! bcdayap - number of days of growth completed since crop planted ! bcgrainf - internally computed grain fraction of reproductive mass ! bcdpop - Number of plants per unit area (#/m^2) ! - Note: bcdstm/bcdpop gives the number of stems per plant ! daysim - day of the simulation ! + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'file.fi' include 'p1werm.inc' include 'm1flag.inc' include 'precision.inc' include 'p1unconv.inc' include 'p1const.inc' include 'command.inc' ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real frst, par, apar, arg_exp real pddm, ddm, ddm_rem real p_rw, p_st, p_lf, p_rp, p_rp_max real drfwt, dlfwt, dstwt, drpwt, drswt real pdht, dht real hux, ff, ffa, ffw, ffr real hui0f, pdrd real xw,gif real clfwt, clfarea, pdiam, parea, p_lf_rp real huf, hufy, pchty, pcht, strs, ts real stem_propor, prdy, prd real eff_lai, trad_lai integer day, mo, yr, doy integer i real wcg, wmaxd real lost_mass real stem_area_index, temp_ht real wffiber, wfstore integer irfiber, irstore real temp_fiber, temp_store, temp_stem, temp_leaf real wfl(mnsz) ! and weight fraction by layer used to distribute root mass into the soil layers real za(mnsz) ! real ppx,ppveg,pprpd ! used with plant population adjustment real bhfwsf_adj ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + ! frst - frost damage factor ! par - photosynthetically active radiation (MJ/m2) ! apar - intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (MJ/m2) ! arg_exp - argument calculated for exponential function (to test for validity) ! pddm - increment in potential dry matter (kg) ! ddm - stress modified increment in dry matter (kg/m^2) ! ddm_rem - increment in dry matter excluding fibrous roots(kg/m^2) ! p_rw - fibrous root partitioning ratio ! p_st - stem partitioning ratio ! p_lf - leaf partitioning ratio ! p_rp - reproductive partitioning ratio ! p_rp_max - maximum reproductive partitioning ratio (end of season) ! drfwt - increment in fibrous root weight (kg/m^2) ! dlfwt - increment in leaf dry weight (kg/m^2) ! dstwt - increment in dry weight of stem (kg/m^2) ! drpwt - increment in reproductive mass (kg/m^2) ! pdht - increment in potential height (m) ! dht - daily height (m) ! hux - relative gdd offset to start at scenescence ! ff - senescence factor (ratio) ! ffa - leaf senescnce factor (ratio) ! ffw - leaf weight reduction factor (ratio) ! ffr - fibrous root weight reduction factor (ratio) ! hui0f - relative gdd at start of scenescence ! pdrd - potential increment in root length (m) ! xw - absolute value of minimum temprature ! gif - grain index accounting for development of chaff before grain fill ! used with plant population adjustment ! ppx ! ppveg ! pprpd ! bhfwsf_adj - water stress factor adjusted by biomass adjustment factor ! clfwt - leaf dry weight (kg/plant) ! clfarea - leaf area (m^2/plant) ! pdiam - Reach of growing plant (m) ! parea - areal extent occupied by plant leaf (m^2/plant) ! p_lf_rp - sum of leaf and reproductive partitioning fractions ! huf - heat unit factor for driving root depth, plant height development ! hufy - value of huf on day (i-1) ! pchty - potential plant height from previous day ! pcht - potential plant height for today ! strs - stress factor (fraction of growth occuring accounting for stress) ! ts - temperature stress factor ! stem_propor - Fraction of stem mass increase allocated to standing stems (remainder goes flat) ! prdy - potential root depth from previous day ! prd - potential root depth today ! eff_lai - single plant effective leaf area index (based on maximum single plant coverage area) ! trad_lai - leaf area index based on whole field area (traditional) ! day - day of month ! mo - month of year ! yr - year ! doy - day of year ! i - array index used in loops ! wcg - root mass distribution function exponent (see reference at equation) ! wmaxd - root mass distribution function depth limit parameter ! dead_mass - mass of living tissue that died today ! lost_mass - biomass that decayed (disappeared) ! stem_area_index - stem silhoutte area per unit ground area (m^2/m^2) ! temp_ht - temporary height variable (m) ! drswt - biomass diverted from partitioning to root storage ! wffiber - total of weight fractions for fibrous roots (normalization) ! wfstore - total of weight fractions for storage roots (normalization) ! irfiber - index of deepest soil layer for fibrous roots ! irstore - index of deepest soil layer for storage roots ! wfl(mnsz) - weight fraction by layer (distribute root mass into the soil layers) ! za(mnsz) - soil layer representative depth ! + + + FUNCTIONS CALLED + + + integer dayear real temps ! + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + ! caldatw ! nuse !disabled ! najn !disabled ! najna !disabled ! nuts !disabled ! waters !disabled ! + + + END OF SPECIFICATIONS + + + call caldatw(day, mo, yr) doy = dayear (day, mo, yr) ! reduce green leaf mass in freezing weather if (bhtsmn(1).lt.-2.0) then ! xw=abs(bwtdmn) ! use daily minimum soil temperature of first layer to account for snow cover effects xw = abs(bhtsmn(1)) ! this was obviously to prevent excessive leaf loss ! frst=sqrt((1.-xw/(xw+exp(a_fr-b_fr*xw)))+0.000001) ! frst=sqrt(frst) ! tested to match the values input in the database frst = xw / (xw + exp(a_fr-b_fr*xw)) frst = min(1.0, max(0.0, frst)) ! eliminate these in favor of dead to live ratio ! reduce green leaf area due to frost damage (10/1/99) ! dead_mass = bcmstandleaf * bcfliveleaf * frst ! bcmstandleaf = bcmstandleaf - dead_mass ! bcmflatleaf = bcmflatleaf + dead_mass ! reduce green leaf area due to frost damage (9/22/2003) bcfliveleaf = bcfliveleaf * (1.0 - frst) ! these are set here to show up on the output as initialized p_rw = 0.0 p_lf = 0.0 p_st = 0.0 p_rp = 0.0 ! goto 887 else frst = 0.0 endif !!!!! START SINGLE PLANT CALCULATIONS !!!!! ! calculate single plant effective lai (standing living leaves only) clfwt = bcmstandleaf / bcdpop ! kg/m^2 / plants/m^2 = kg/plant clfarea = clfwt * bc0sla * bcfliveleaf ! kg/plant * m^2/kg = m^2/plant ! limiting plant area to a feasible plant area results in a ! leaf area index covering the "plant's area" ! 1/(#/m^2) = m^2/plant. Plant diameter now used to limit leaf ! coverage to present plant diameter. ! find present plant diameter (proportional to diam/height ratio) !pdiam = min( 2.0*bczht * max(1.0, bc0diammax/bczmxc), bc0diammax ) ! This expression above may not give correct effect since it is ! difficult to correctly model plant area expansion without additional ! plant parameters and process description. Presently using leaf area ! over total plant maximum area before trying this effect. Reducing ! effective plant area can only reduce early season growth. pdiam = bc0diammax ! account for row spacing effects if( bcxrow .gt. 0.0 ) then ! use row spacing and plants maximum reach parea = min(bcxrow,pdiam) * min(1.0/(bcdpop*bcxrow),pdiam) else ! this is broadcast, so use uniform spacing parea = min( pi * pdiam * pdiam /4.0, 1.0/bcdpop ) end if ! check for valid plant area if( parea .gt. 0.0 ) then eff_lai = clfarea / parea else eff_lai = 1.0 end if !traditional lai calculation for reporting puposes trad_lai = clfarea * bcdpop ! Start biomass calculations ! bweirr is total shortwave radiation and a factor of .5 is assumed ! to get to the photosynthetically active radiation par=0.5*bweirr ! MJ/m^2 ! C-4 ! calculate intercepted PAR, which is the good stuff less what hits the ground apar=par*(1.-exp(-bc0ck*eff_lai)) ! C-4 ! calculate potential biomass conversion (kg/plant/day) using ! biomass conversion efficiency at ambient co2 levels ! units: ((m^2)/plant)*(kg/ha)/(MJ/m^2) * (MJ/m^2) / 10000 m^2/ha = kg/plant pddm = parea * cc0be * apar / hatom2 ! C-4 ! biomass adjustment factor applied ! apply to both biomass converstion efficiency and water stress factor, see below pddm = pddm * bcbaf ! These were attempts at compensating for low yield as a result of ! water stress. (ie. this is the cause of unrealistically low yield) ! These methods had many side effects and were abandoned ! if( bcbaf .gt. 1.0 ) then ! first attempt. Reduces water stress in the middle stress region ! bhfwsf_adj = bhfwsf ** (1.0/(bcbaf*bcbaf)) ! second attempt. Reduces extreme water stress (zero values). ! bhfwsf_adj = min( 1.0, max( bhfwsf, bcbaf-1.0 ) ) ! else ! bhfwsf_adj = bhfwsf ! end if bhfwsf_adj = max( water_stress_max, bhfwsf ) !bhfwsf_adj = 1 !no water stress ! begin stress factor section ! calculate N & P demand and supply ! call nuse ! calculate N & P uptake with increase in supply if necessary ! call najn ! call najna ! calculate N stress ! call nuts (un1,un2,sn) ! call nuts (sun,un2,sn) ! calculate P stress ! call nuts (up1,up2,sp) ! calculate temperature stress ts = temps (bwtdmx, bwtdmn, bctopt, bctmin) ! select application of stress functions based on command line flag if( growth_stress .eq. 0 ) then strs = 1.0 else if( growth_stress .eq. 1 ) then strs = bhfwsf_adj else if( growth_stress .eq. 2 ) then strs = ts else if( growth_stress .eq. 3 ) then strs = min(ts,bhfwsf_adj) end if ! until shoot breaks surface, no solar driven growth ! call it lack of light stress if( bczht .le. 0.0 ) then strs = 0.0 end if ! left here to show some past incantations of stress factors ! strs=min(sn,sp,ts,bhfwsf) ! if (hui.lt.0.25) strs=strs**2 ! if (hui.gt.huilx) strs=sqrt(strs) ! apply stress factor to generated biomass ddm = pddm * strs ! end Stress factor section ! convert from mass per plant to mass per square meter ! + kg/plant * plant/m^2 = kg/m^2 ddm = ddm * bcdpop !!!!! END SINGLE PLANT CALCULATIONS !!!!! ! find partitioning between fibrous roots and all other biomass ! root partition done using root heat unit index, which is not reset ! when a harvest removes all the leaves. This index also is not delayed ! in prevernalization winter annuals. Made to parallel winter annual ! rooting depth flag as well. if( winter_ann_root .eq. 0 ) then p_rw = (.4-.2*hui) ! C-5 else p_rw = max(0.05, (.4-.2*huirt) ) ! C-5 end if drfwt = ddm * p_rw ddm_rem = ddm - drfwt ! find partitioning factors of the remaining biomass (not fibrous root) ! calculate leaf partitioning. arg_exp = -(hui-bc0clf)/bc0dlf if( arg_exp .ge. max_arg_exp ) then p_lf = bc0alf+bc0blf/max_real else p_lf=bc0alf+bc0blf/(1.+exp(-(hui-bc0clf)/bc0dlf)) end if p_lf = max( 0.0, min( 1.0, p_lf )) ! calculate reproductive partitioning based on partioning curve arg_exp = -(hui-bc0crp)/bc0drp if( arg_exp .ge. max_arg_exp ) then p_rp = bc0arp+bc0brp/max_real else p_rp=bc0arp+bc0brp/(1.+exp(-(hui-bc0crp)/bc0drp)) end if p_rp = max( 0.0, min( 1.0, p_rp )) ! normalize leaf and reproductive fractions so sum never greater than 1.0 p_lf_rp = p_lf + p_rp if( p_lf_rp .gt. 1.0 ) then p_lf = p_lf / p_lf_rp p_rp = p_rp / p_lf_rp ! set stem partitioning parameter. p_st = 0.0 else ! set stem partitioning parameter. p_st = 1.0 - p_lf_rp end if ! calculate assimate mass increments (kg/m^2) dlfwt = ddm_rem * p_lf dstwt = ddm_rem * p_st drpwt = ddm_rem * p_rp ! use ratios to divert biomass to root storage drswt = dlfwt * bcfleaf2stor + dstwt * bcfstem2stor & & + drpwt * bcfstor2stor dlfwt = dlfwt * (1.0-bcfleaf2stor) dstwt = dstwt * (1.0-bcfstem2stor) drpwt = drpwt * (1.0-bcfstor2stor) ! senescence is done on a whole plant mass basis not incremental mass ! This starts scencescence before the entered heat unit index for ! the start of scencscence. For most leaf partitioning functions ! the coefficients draw a curve that approaches 1 around -0.5 but ! the value at zero, raised to fractional powers is still very small hui0f=bcehu0-bcehu0*.1 if (hui.ge.hui0f) then hux=hui-bcehu0 ff = 1./(1.+exp(-(hux-bc0clf/2.)/bc0dlf)) ffa = ff**0.125 ffw = ff**0.0625 ffr = 0.98 ! loss from weathering of leaf mass lost_mass = bcmstandleaf * (1.0 - ffw) ! adjust for senescence (done here, not below, so consistent with lost mass amount) bcmstandleaf = bcmstandleaf * ffw ! change in living mass fraction due scenescence ! and accounting for weathering mass loss of dead leaf bcfliveleaf = ffa*bcfliveleaf / (1.0 + bcfliveleaf*(ffw-1.0)) else ! set a value to be written out ffa = 1.0 ffw = 1.0 ffr = 1.0 lost_mass = 0.0 endif ! yield residue relationship adjustment if( (cook_yield .eq. 1) & & .and. (bcyld_coef .gt. 1.0) .and. (bcresid_int .ge. 0.0) & & .and. ( (bchyfg.eq.0).or.(bchyfg.eq.1).or.(bchyfg.eq.5) ) ) then call cookyield(bchyfg, bnslay, dlfwt, dstwt, drpwt, drswt, & & bcmstandstem, bcmstandleaf, bcmstandstore, & & bcmflatstem, bcmflatleaf, bcmflatstore, & & bcmrootstorez, lost_mass, & & bcyld_coef, bcresid_int, bcgrf ) end if ! added method (different from EPIC) of calculating plant height ! pht=cummulated potential height,pdht=daily potential height ! aczht(am0csr) = cummulated actual height ! adht=daily actual height, bc0aht,bc0bht are ! height-scurve parameters (formerly lai parameters) ! previous day hufy = .01+1./(1.+exp((huiy-bc0aht)/bc0bht)) ! today huf = .01+1./(1.+exp((hui-bc0aht)/bc0bht)) pchty = min(bczmxc, bczmxc * hufy) pcht = min(bczmxc, bczmxc * huf) pdht = pcht - pchty ! calculate stress adjusted height dht = pdht * strs ! add mass increment to accumulated biomass (kg/m^2) ! all leaf mass added to living leaf in standing pool if( dlfwt .gt. 0.0 ) then ! recalculate fraction of leaf which is living bcfliveleaf = (bcfliveleaf*bcmstandleaf + dlfwt) & & / (bcmstandleaf + dlfwt) ! next add in the additional mass bcmstandleaf = bcmstandleaf + dlfwt end if ! divide between standing and flat stem and storage in proportion ! to maximum height and maximum radius ratio stem_propor = min(1.0, 2.0 * bczmxc / bc0diammax) bcmstandstem = bcmstandstem + dstwt * stem_propor bcmflatstem = bcmflatstem + dstwt * (1.0 - stem_propor) ! for all but below ground place rp portion in standing storage bcmstandstore = bcmstandstore + drpwt * stem_propor bcmflatstore = bcmflatstore + drpwt * (1.0-stem_propor) ! increment plant height bczht = bczht + dht ! root mass distributed by layer below after root depth set ! calculate rooting depth (eq. 2.203) and check that it is not deeper ! than the maximum potential depth, and the depth of the root zone. ! This change from the EPIC method is undocumented!! It says that root depth ! starts at 10cm and increases from there at the rate determined by huf. ! the 10 cm assumption was prevously removed from elsewhere in the code ! and is subsequently removed here. The initial depth is now set in ! crop record seeding depth, and the function just increases it. ! This is now based on a no delay heat unit accumulation to allow ! rapid root depth development by winter annuals. if( winter_ann_root .eq. 0 ) then prdy = min(bczmrt, bczmrt * hufy + 0.1) prd = min(bczmrt, bczmrt * huf + 0.1) else prdy = bczmrt *(.01 + 1.0/(1.0 + exp((huirty-bc0aht)/bc0bht))) prd = bczmrt * (.01 + 1.0/(1.0 + exp((huirt-bc0aht)/bc0bht))) end if pdrd = max(0.0, prd - prdy) bczrtd = min(bczmrt, bczrtd + pdrd) bczrtd = min(bszlyd(bnslay)*mmtom, bczrtd) ! determine bottom layer # where there are roots ! and calculate root distribution function ! the root distribution functions were taken from agron. monog. 31, equ. 26 ! on page 99. wcg should be a crop parameter. (impact is probably small ! since this is only affecting mass distribution, not water uptake) ! wcg = 1.0 for sunflowers (deep uniform root distribution) ! wcg = 2.0 for corn and soybeans ! wcg = 3.0 for sorghum (alot of roots close to the surface) ! wmaxd could also be a parameter but there is insufficient info ! to indicate how the values would vary the shape of the distribution. ! The article indicates that it must be greater than maximum root depth. wcg = 2.0 wmaxd = max(3.0,bczmrt) do i = 1,bnslay if (i.eq.1) then ! calculate depth to the middle of a layer za(i) = (bszlyd(i)/2.0) * mmtom ! calculate root distribution function if( za(i) .lt. wmaxd ) then wfl(i) = (1.0-za(i)/wmaxd)**wcg else wfl(i) = 0.0 end if wfstore = wfl(i) irstore = i wffiber = wfl(i) irfiber = i else ! calculate depth to the middle of a layer za(i) = (bszlyd(i-1)+(bszlyd(i)-bszlyd(i-1))/2.0) * mmtom ! calculate root distribution function if( za(i) .lt. wmaxd ) then wfl(i) = (1.0-za(i)/wmaxd)**wcg else wfl(i) = 0.0 end if if( bczrtd/3.0 .gt. za(i)) then wfstore = wfstore + wfl(i) irstore = i end if ! check if reached bottom of root zone if (bczrtd .gt. za(i)) then wffiber = wffiber + wfl(i) irfiber = i end if end if end do ! distribute root weight into each layer do i = 1,irfiber if ( i.le.irstore ) then bcmrootstorez(i) = bcmrootstorez(i)+(drswt*wfl(i)/wfstore) end if bcmrootfiberz(i) = bcmrootfiberz(i) + (drfwt * wfl(i)/wffiber) ! root senescence : 02/16/2000 (A. Retta) bcmrootfiberz(i) = bcmrootfiberz(i) * ffr end do ! this factor prorates the grain reproductive fraction (grf) defined ! in the database for crop type 1, grains. Compensates for the ! development of chaff before grain filling, ie., grain is not ! uniformly a fixed fraction of reproductive mass during the entire ! reproductive development stage. gif=1./(1.0+exp(-(hui-0.64)/.05)) if (bchyfg.eq.1) then bcgrainf = bcgrf * gif else bcgrainf = bcgrf endif 887 continue ! Below freezing jump to here ! the following write statements are for 'crop.out' ! am0cfl is flag to print crop submodel output if (am0cfl .ge. 1) then ! temporary sum for output temp_store = 0.0 temp_fiber = 0.0 temp_stem = 0.0 do i = 1, bnslay temp_store = temp_store + bcmrootstorez(i) temp_fiber = temp_fiber + bcmrootfiberz(i) temp_stem = temp_stem + bcmbgstemz(i) end do write(luocrop, 2130) daysim, doy, yr, bcdayap, hui, & & bcmstandstem, bcmstandleaf, bcmstandstore, & & bcmflatstem, bcmflatleaf, bcmflatstore, & & temp_store, temp_fiber, temp_stem, & & bcmstandleaf + bcmflatleaf, & & bcmstandstem + bcmflatstem + temp_stem, & & bczht, bcdstm, trad_lai, eff_lai, bczrtd, & & bcgrainf, ts, bhfwsf, frst, ffa, ffw, & & par, apar, pddm, p_rw, p_st, p_lf, p_rp, & & stem_propor, pdiam, parea, pdiam/bc0diammax, & & parea*bcdpop, hu_delay, bc0nam end if 2130 format(1x,i5,1x,i3,1x,i4,1x,i4,1x,f6.3,12(1x,f7.4),1x,f7.2, & & 3(1x,f7.4),8(1x,f6.3), 1x,e12.3, 10(1x,f6.3)," ",a20) return end