!$Author: fredfox $ !$Date: 2007-02-24 00:43:48 $ !$Revision: 1.13 $ !$Source: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/crop/test_crop/test_crop.f95,v $ PROGRAM test_crop use f2kcli !Use F2k commandline parser use flib_sax !Use F95 XML parser use m_cropxml !Defines begin_element, end_element and pcdata_chunk IMPLICIT NONE ! WEPS include files which define global variables used in standalone crop submodel include 'p1werm.inc' include 'precision.inc' include 'command.inc' !Contains "cook_yield" global variable (Yield computation method flag) include 'file.fi' !Includes the lui's for various WEPS files opened include 'w1clig.inc' !Cligen db variables include 's1layr.inc' !nslay(1), aszlyt(1,1), aszlyd(1,1) include 's1dbc.inc' !asfcce(1,1),asfcec(1,1),asfom(1,1),asftan(1,1),asmno3(1) include 's1dbh.inc' !asfcla(1,1),asfsan(1,1),asfsil(1,1) include 's1phys.inc' !asdblk(1,1) include 'd1glob.inc' !admbgz(1,1,1) include 'c1gen.inc' !acxrow(1) include 'm1flag.inc' !am0cif include 'm1sim.inc' !amzele,am0jd,amalat include 'm1dbug.inc' !am0cdb include 'h1hydro.inc' !ahfwsf(1) water stress factor, ahrsk(1,1),ahrwc(1,1),ah0cb(1,1),aheaep(1,1) include 'h1temp.inc' !ahtsav(1,1),ahtsmx(1,1),ahtsmn(1,1),ahfice(1,1) include 'c1db2.inc' include 'w1wind.inc' !awudmx include 'c1glob.inc' !acthucum(1),acmst(1),acmrt(1),acxstmrep, include 'h1et.inc' !ahzeta,ahzetp,ahzpta,ahzea,ahzep,ahzptp include 's1sgeo.inc' !as0rrk(1),as0rrc(1),aslrr(1) include 'h1db1.inc' !ahrwcs(1,1) include 's1agg.inc' !aslagm(1,1),as0ags(1,1),aslagn(1,1),aslagx(1,1),aseags(1,1) include 'crop/prevstate.inc ! Local variables used for extracting commandline args CHARACTER(LEN=1024) :: lline CHARACTER(LEN=1024) :: exe CHARACTER(LEN=1024) :: argv INTEGER :: narg,iarg INTEGER :: julday !Date conversion function INTEGER :: id, im, iy, i_jday INTEGER :: sd, sm, sy, start_jday INTEGER :: ed, em, ey, end_jday INTEGER :: Pd, Pm, Py, plant_jday INTEGER :: Hd, Hm, Hy, harvest_jday CHARACTER(LEN=1024) :: crop_file TYPE(xml_t) :: fxml INTEGER :: iostat CHARACTER(LEN=1024) :: cligen_file REAL :: cligen_version INTEGER :: idx LOGICAL :: growcrop_flg ! Initialize variables ! ************************************************************************************************ cligen_file = 'cli_gen.cli' !Default cligen filename crop_file = 'carrot.crop' !Default crop record filename cook_yield = 1 !Default to using functional Yield/Residue ratio info ! Set default start and end dates (made it 2 calendar years) sd = 1; sm = 1; sy = 1 ed = 31; em = 12; ey = 2 ! Set default planting and harvest dates (arbitrarily specified) Pd = 15; Pm = 5; Py = 1 Hd = 20; Hm = 10; Hy = 1 growcrop_flg = .false. am0cif = .false. !flag to initialize crop initialization routines (set to true on planting date) am0cfl = 1 !flag to specify if detailed (submodel) output file should be generated am0cgf = .false. !supposed to indicate a growing crop acxrow(1) = 0.76 !row spacing (m) ahfwsf(1) = 1.0 !water stress factor ! Number of soil layers nslay(1) = 1 !Set thickness and depth of first layer (defaulting to a value deeper than roots will reach) aszlyt(1,1) = 1000.0; aszlyd(1,1) = 1000.0 ! Assign values to some soil layer properties asfcce(1,1) = 0.0; asfcec(1,1) = 0.0; asfom(1,1) = 3.0; asftan(1,1) = 0.0; asftap(1,1) = 0.0; asmno3(1) = 0.0; asfcla(1,1) = 20.0; admbgz(1,1,1) = 0.0; asdblk(1,1) = 1.0; asfsan(1,1) = 40.0; asfsil(1,1) = 40.0 ahtsav(1,1) = 20.0; ahtsmx(1,1) = 24.0; ahtsmn(1,1) = 22.0; ahfice(1,1) = 0.0; amzele = 100.0 !default simulation site elevation (m) amalat = 38.0 am0cdb = 1 !set crop debug output flag (default to no output) awudmx = 10.0 !set max daily wind speed awudmn = 1.0 !set min daily wind speed awadir = 0.0 !set wind dir awhrmx = 12.0 !set wind dir awrrh = 0.0 !Relative Humidity? acthucum(1) = 0.0 !initialize accumulated heat units acmst(1) = 0.0 !initialize total standing crop mass acmrt(1) = 0.0 !initialize total root crop mass acxstmrep = 0.0 !initialize repesentative stem dia. ahzeta = 0.0 !initialize actual evapotranspiration ahzetp = 0.0 !initialize potential evapotranspiration ahzpta = 0.0 !initialize actual plant transpiration ahzea = 0.0 !initialize bare soil evaporation ahzep = 0.0 !initialize potential bare soil evaporation ahzptp = 0.0 !initialize potential plant transpiration as0rrk(1) = 0.0; aslrrc(1) = 0.0; aslrr(1) = 0.0 !initialize Random Roughness parms ahrsk(1,1) = 0.0 !saturated soil hydraulic conductivity ahrwc(1,1) = 0.0 !soil water content ah0cb(1,1) = 0.0 ! aheaep(1,1) = 0.0 ! !soil layer water content stuff ahrwcs(1,1) = 0.0; ahrwca(1,1) = 0.0; ahrwcf(1,1) = 0.0; ahrwcw(1,1) = 0.0 !soil layer aggregate size distribution stuff aslagm(1,1) = 0.0; as0ags(1,1) = 0.0; aslagn(1,1) = 0.0; aslagx(1,1) = 0.0; aseags(1,1) = 0.0 ! initialize math precision global variables ! the factor here is due to the implementation of the EXP function ! apparently, the limit is not the real number limit, but something else ! this works in Lahey, but I cannot attest to it's portability max_real = huge(1.0) * 0.999150 max_arg_exp = log(max_real) narg = COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT(); call GET_COMMAND(lline); call GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT(0,exe) !print *, "Arg count=", narg !print *, "Line=",trim(lline) !print *, "Program=",trim(exe) do iarg = 1,narg call GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT(iarg,argv) !print *, "Argument ",iarg,"=",trim(argv) if ( (argv(2:2).eq.'?') .or. (argv(2:2).eq.'h') ) then write(*,*) 'Valid command line options:' write(*,*) write(*,*) '-? Display this help screen' write(*,*) '-h Display this help screen' write(*,*) write(*,*) '-Pddmmyy Plant date DD/MM/YY' write(*,*) ' Specify -P020501 for planting on day 2 month 5 year 1' write(*,*) ' Day and month must be 2 digits, Year can be 1 to 4 digits' write(*,*) write(*,*) '-Hddmmyy Harvest date DD/MM/YY' write(*,*) ' Specify -H020901 to harvest on day 2 month 9 year 1' write(*,*) ' Day and month must be 2 digits, Year can be 1 to 4 digits' write(*,*) write(*,*) '-Y# Method to determine yield' write(*,*) ' 0 - Use functional Yield/Residue ratio' write(*,*) ' 1 - Use full mass partitioning relationships (default)' write(*,*) write(*,*) '-R# Set row spacing (m)' write(*,*) ' 0.0 - broadcast seeding (no row spacing)' write(*,*) ' 0.0 < # - plant or transplant row spacing (default is 0.76m)' write(*,*) write(*,*) '-W# Set daily water stress factor (same stress value every day)' write(*,*) ' 0.0 - full stress' write(*,*) ' 0.0 < # < 1.0 - partial stress' write(*,*) ' 1.0 - no stress (default)' write(*,*) write(*,*) '-O# Set output level' write(*,*) ' 0 - no output files' write(*,*) ' 1 - crop.out, inpt.out & season.out (default)' write(*,*) ' 2 - allcrop.prn (not currently used)' write(*,*) write(*,*) '-D# Set debug output level' write(*,*) ' 0 - no debug output' write(*,*) ' 1 - cdbug.out (default)' write(*,*) write(*,*) '-ccrop_file Specify XML format crop record file' write(*,*) '-wcligen_file Specify cligen output format weather file' write(*,*) call exit(1) else if(argv(2:2) .eq. 'P') then !Determine Julian planting date from DD/MM/YY read(argv(3:4),*) Pd read(argv(5:6),*) Pm read(argv(7:),*) Py else if(argv(2:2) .eq. 'H') then !Determine Julian harvest date from DD/MM/YY read(argv(3:4),*) Hd read(argv(5:6),*) Hm read(argv(7:),*) Hy else if(argv(2:2) .eq. 'Y') then !Specify the method to compute Yield read(argv(3:),*) cook_yield else if(argv(2:2) .eq. 'R') then !Specify row spacing (m) read(argv(3:),*) acxrow(1) else if(argv(2:2) .eq. 'W') then !daily water stress factor (one should modify and read daily values from a file) read(argv(3:),*) ahfwsf(1) else if(argv(2:2) .eq. 'O') then !Specify crop submodel output flag read(argv(3:),*) am0cfl else if(argv(2:2) .eq. 'D') then !Specify crop submodel debug output flag read(argv(3:),*) am0cdb else if(argv(2:2) .eq. 'c') then !Obtain crop record path/filename crop_file = argv(3:) !print *, 'Crop record path/filename: ',trim(crop_file) else if(argv(2:2) .eq. 'w') then !Obtain cligen weather path/filename cligen_file = argv(3:) !print *, 'Cligen weather path/filename: ',trim(cligen_file) else write(*,*) 'Unknown option: ', trim(argv) call exit(1) end if end do start_jday = julday(sd,sm,sy); end_jday = julday(ed,em,ey) plant_jday = julday(Pd,Pm,Py); harvest_jday = julday(Hd,Hm,Hy) !print *, 'Plant date is: ',Pd,'/',Pm,'/',Py,' plant_jday: ',plant_jday !print *, 'Harvest date is: ',Hd,'/',Hm,'/',Hy,' harvest_jday: ',harvest_jday ! Should check that we have a crop record file and cligen file present call open_xmlfile(trim(crop_file),fxml,iostat) if (iostat /= 0) stop "Cannot open XML crop record file" call xml_parse(fxml, & begin_element_handler = begin_element_handler, & end_element_handler = end_element_handler, & pcdata_chunk_handler = pcdata_chunk_handler, & verbose = .false.) call fopenk (luicli, cligen_file, 'old') !Open cligen file and read in header info ! read(luicli,fmt="(a)",err=90) lline !1st line: Get version number ! read(lline,*) cligen_version; write(*,*) 'Cligen Version: ', cligen_version call test_crop_cliginit() !Reads header info and sets "monthly" and "yearly" variables ! write(*,*) 'Monthly average daily max temp' ! write(*,*) (awtmxav(idx), idx = 1,12) !Monthly average daily maximum temperature (deg C) ! write(*,*) 'Monthly average daily min temp' ! write(*,*) (awtmnav(idx), idx = 1,12) !Monthly average daily minimum temperature (deg C) ! write(*,*) 'Monthly average daily temp' ! write(*,*) (awtmav(idx), idx = 1,12) !Monthly average daily avearge temperature (deg C) ! write(*,*) 'Yearly average daily temp' ! write(*,*) awtyav !Yearly average temperature (deg C) ! write(*,*) 'Monthly average precip' ! write(*,*) (awzmpt(idx), idx = 1,12) !Monthly average precipitation (mm) if (am0cfl .gt. 0) then call fopenk (17, 'crop.out', 'unknown') !daily crop output of most state variables call fopenk (59, 'season.out', 'unknown') !seasonal summaries of yield and biomass call fopenk (60, 'inpt.out', 'unknown') !echo crop input data - AR call cpout !print headings for crop output files endif if (am0cfl .gt. 1) then call fopenk (61, 'allcrop.prn', 'unknown') !main crop debug file (Doesn't appear to be used right now) endif if (am0cdb .gt. 0) then open (unit = 27, file = 'cdbug.out') !crop submodel debug output file endif do am0jd = start_jday, end_jday !Currently must start on Jan. 1 and end on Dec. 31 call caldat(am0jd,id,im,iy) call test_crop_getcli(id,im,iy) !This reads in one year of data into an array on Jan 1 of each year if (am0jd == plant_jday) then write(*,*) 'This is our planting date' write(*,*) 'Date: ',Pd,'/',Pm,'/',Py growcrop_flg = .true. am0cif = .true. am0cgf = .true. end if if (am0jd == harvest_jday) then write(*,*) 'This is our harvest date' write(*,*) 'Date: ',Hd,'/',Hm,'/',Hy am0cgf = .false. call crop_endseason( ac0nam(sr), am0cfl, nslay(sr), ac0idc(sr),& acdayam(sr), acthum(sr), acxstmrep(sr),& prevstandstem(sr), prevstandleaf(sr), prevstandstore(sr),& prevflatstem(sr), prevflatleaf(sr), prevflatstore(sr),& prevbgstemz(1,sr), prevrootstorez(1,sr), prevrootfiberz(1,sr),& prevht(sr), prevstm(sr), prevrtd(sr),& prevdayap(sr), prevhucum(sr), prevrthucum(sr),& prevgrainf(sr), prevchillucum(sr), prevliveleaf(sr),& acdayspring(sr) ) end if if (growcrop_flg .eqv. .true.) then !write(*,*) 'Today is: ',id,'/',im,'/',iy call callcrop(am0jd-plant_jday+1,1) ! (am0jd-plant_jday+1) = current day of crop growth if (am0jd == harvest_jday) then growcrop_flg = .false. end if ! call callcrop(am0jd-plant_jday+1,1) end if !write(*,*) 'After: ', i_jday end do goto 9999 90 write(*,*) 'cligen_file: ', cligen_file, 'line: ', lline 9999 STOP END PROGRAM test_crop ! copy of WEPS cropupdate() routine containing only required ! code for standalone test_crop program. subroutine cropupdate( & bcmstandstem, bcmstandleaf, bcmstandstore, & bcmflatstem, bcmflatleaf, bcmflatstore, & bcmshoot, bcmbgstemz, & bcmrootstorez, bcmrootfiberz, & bczht, bcdstm, bczrtd, & bcthucum, bczgrowpt, bcmbgstem, & bcmrootstore, bcmrootfiber, bcxstmrep, & bcm, bcmst, bcmf, bcmrt, bcmrtz, & bcrcd, bszrgh, bsxrgs, bsargo, & bcrsai, bcrlai, bcrsaz, bcrlaz, & bcffcv, bcfscv, bcftcv, bcfcancov, & bc0rg, bcxrow, & bnslay, bc0ssa, bc0ssb, bc0sla, & bcovfact, bc0ck, bcxstm, bcdpop ) include 'p1const.inc' include 'p1werm.inc' real :: bcmstandstem, bcmstandleaf, bcmstandstore real :: bcmflatstem, bcmflatleaf, bcmflatstore real :: bcmshoot, bcmbgstemz(mnsz) real :: bcmrootstorez(mnsz), bcmrootfiberz(mnsz) real :: bczht, bcdstm, bczrtd real :: bcthucum, bczgrowpt real :: bszrgh, bsxrgs, bsargo integer :: bc0rg real :: bcxrow real :: bcmbgstem, bcmrootstore, bcmrootfiber, bcxstmrep real :: bcm, bcmst, bcmf, bcmrt, bcmrtz(mnsz) real :: bcrcd real :: bcrsai, bcrlai, bcrsaz(mncz), bcrlaz(mncz) real :: bcffcv, bcfscv, bcftcv, bcfcancov integer :: bnslay real :: bc0ssa, bc0ssb, bc0sla real :: bcovfact, bc0ck, bcxstm, bcdpop ! calculate crop stem area index ! when exponent is not 1, must use mass for single plant stem to get stem area ! bcmstandstem, convert (kg/m^2) / (plants/m^2) = kg/plant ! result of ((m^2 of stem)/plant) * (# plants/m^2 ground area) = (m^2 of stem)/(m^2 ground area) if( bcdpop .gt. 0.0 ) then bcrsai = bcdpop * bc0ssa * (bcmstandstem/bcdpop)**bc0ssb else bcrsai = 0.0 end if ! (m^2 stem / m^2 ground) / ((stems/m^2 ground) * m) = m/stem ! this value not reset unless it is meaningful if( (bcdstm * bczht) .gt. 0.0 ) then bcxstmrep = bcrsai / (bcdstm * bczht) end if return end