!NOTE: Taken from main/cliginit.for on 2/9/05 ! so one didn't have to include the "main" ! subdirectory in the test_crop build - LEW ! Modified to assume that we are only reading the ! newest version of cligen files (Forest Service version) subroutine test_crop_cliginit ! *************************************************** wjr ! Contains init code from main ! ! Edit History ! 04-Mar-99 wjr created ! include 'p1werm.inc' include 'w1clig.inc' include 'file.fi' ! integer idx character header*128 real junk1, junk2 ! + + + Definitions + + + ! awtyav - Average yearly air temperature (deg C). ! awtmav - Average monthly air temperature (deg C). ! awtmnav - Average monthly minimum air temperature (deg C). ! awtmxav - Average monthly maximum air temperature (deg C). ! rewind luicli do 10 idx = 1, 6 !Skip 1st 6 lines read(luicli,'(a128)') header ! write(6,*) 'header: ', header,':' 10 continue ! read monthy average of daily maximum temperature read(luicli,*) (awtmxav(idx), idx = 1,12) ! write(6,*) (awtmxav(idx), idx = 1,12) read(luicli,'(a128)') header ! write(6,*) 'header: ', header ! read monthy average of daily minimum temperature read(luicli,*) (awtmnav(idx), idx = 1,12) ! write(6,*) (awtmnav(idx), idx = 1,12) ! find yearly average temperature awtyav = 0.0 do 11 idx = 1, 12 ! average temperature is mean of maximum and minimum awtmav(idx) = (awtmnav(idx) + awtmxav(idx)) / 2.0 awtyav = awtyav + awtmav(idx) 11 continue awtyav = awtyav/12.0 ! read three lines to get to precipitation values do idx = 1, 3 read(luicli,'(a128)') header ! write(6,*) 'header: ', header,':' end do ! read average monthy total precipitation read(luicli,*) (awzmpt(idx), idx = 1,12) ! write(6,*) (awzmpt(idx), idx = 1,12) rewind luicli end