!$Author: fredfox $ !$Date: 2006-05-26 17:46:45 $ !$Revision: 1.6 $ !$Source: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/manage/poolupdate.for,v $ subroutine poolupdate( & & bdmstandstem, bdmstandleaf, bdmstandstore, & & bdmflatstem, bdmflatleaf, bdmflatstore, & & bdmflatrootstore, bdmflatrootfiber, & & bdmbgstemz, bdmbgleafz, bdmbgstorez, & & bdmbgrootstorez, bdmbgrootfiberz, & & bdzht, bddstm, bdxstmrep, bdgrainf, & & bdmbgstem, bdmbgleaf, bdmbgstore, & & bdmbgrootstore, bdmbgrootfiber, & & bdm, bdmst, bdmf, bdmrt, bdmrtz, bdmbg, bdmbgz, & & bdrsai, bdrlai, bdrsaz, bdrlaz, & & bdffcv, bdfscv, bdftcv, bdfcancov, & & bdrcd, bdrsaitot, bdrlaitot, bdrcdtot, & & bdmtot, bdmsttot, bdmftot, & & bdffcvtot, bdfscvtot, bdftcvtot, bdftcancov, & & bnslay, bcovfact, bdxstm, bd0sla, bd0ck) ! INCLUDE include 'p1const.inc' include 'p1werm.inc' ! + + + FUNCTION DECLARATIONS + + + real biodrag ! + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + ! state variables real bdmstandstem(mnbpls) real bdmstandleaf(mnbpls) real bdmstandstore(mnbpls) real bdmflatstem(mnbpls) real bdmflatleaf(mnbpls) real bdmflatstore(mnbpls) real bdmflatrootstore(mnbpls) real bdmflatrootfiber(mnbpls) real bdmbgstemz(mnsz,mnbpls) real bdmbgleafz(mnsz,mnbpls) real bdmbgstorez(mnsz,mnbpls) real bdmbgrootstorez(mnsz,mnbpls) real bdmbgrootfiberz(mnsz,mnbpls) real bdzht(mnbpls) real bddstm(mnbpls) real bdxstmrep(mnbpls) real bdgrainf(mnbpls) ! derived variables real bdmbgstem(mnbpls) real bdmbgleaf(mnbpls) real bdmbgstore(mnbpls) real bdmbgrootstore(mnbpls) real bdmbgrootfiber(mnbpls) real bdm(mnbpls) real bdmst(mnbpls) real bdmf(mnbpls) real bdmrt(mnbpls) real bdmrtz(mnsz,mnbpls) real bdmbg(mnbpls) real bdmbgz(mnsz,mnbpls) real bdrsai(mnbpls) real bdrlai(mnbpls) real bdrsaz(mncz,mnbpls) real bdrlaz(mncz,mnbpls) real bdffcv(mnbpls) real bdfscv(mnbpls) real bdftcv(mnbpls) real bdfcancov(mnbpls) real bdrcd(mnbpls) ! derived variables (all pools) real bdrsaitot real bdrlaitot real bdrcdtot real bdmtot real bdmsttot real bdmftot real bdffcvtot real bdfscvtot real bdftcvtot real bdftcancov ! database variables integer bnslay real bcovfact(mnbpls) real bdxstm(mnbpls) real bd0sla(mnbpls) real bd0ck(mnbpls) ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! calculates values of derived variables based on the present values ! or the state variables. The derived variables are commonly used ! where residue totals are required. ! + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + ! for each of the residue age pools and each subregion ! bdmstandstem - standing stem mass (kg/m^2) ! bdmstandleaf - standing leaf mass (kg/m^2) ! bdmstandstore - standing storage mass (kg/m^2)b ! bdmflatstem - flat stem mass (kg/m^2) ! bdmflatleaf - flat leaf mass (kg/m^2) ! bdmflatstore - flat storage mass (kg/m^2) ! bdmflatstore - flat storage root mass (kg/m^2) ! bdmflatfiber - flat fibrous root mass (kg/m^2) ! bdmbgstem - buried stem mass (kg/m^2) ! bdmbgleaf - buried leaf mass (kg/m^2) ! bdmbgstore - buried (from above ground) storage mass (kg/m^2) ! bdmbgstemz - buried stem mass by layer (kg/m^2) ! bdmbgleafz - buried leaf mass by layer (kg/m^2) ! bdmbgstorez - buried (from above ground) storage mass by layer (kg/m^2) ! bdmbgrootstorez - buried storage root mass by layer (kg/m^2) ! bdmbgrootfiberz - buried fibrous root mass by layer (kg/m^2) ! bdzht - Residue height (m) ! bddstm - Number of residue stems per unit area (#/m^2) ! bdxstmrep - a representative diameter so that addstm*adxstmrep*adzht=adrsai ! bdgrainf - internally computed grain fraction of reproductive mass ! bdmbgstem - buried residue stem mass (kg/m^2) ! bdmbgleaf - buried residue leaf mass (kg/m^2) ! bdmbgstore - buried residue storage mass (kg/m^2) ! bdmbgrootstore - buried storage root mass (kg/m^2) ! bdmbgrootfiber - buried fibrous root mass (kg/m^2) ! these totals below are summed across pools ! (since they are no longer state variables, we can do that) ! bdm - Total residue mass (standing + flat + roots + buried) (kg/m^2) ! bdmst - Standing residue mass (standstem + standleaf + standstore) (kg/m^2) ! bdmf - Flat residue mass (flatstem + flatleaf + flatstore) (kg/m^2) ! bdmrt - Buried residue root mass (rootfiber + rootstore)(kg/m^2) ! bdmrtz - Buried residue root mass by soil layer (kg/m^2) ! bdmbg - Buried residue mass (kg/m^2) Excludes root mass below the surface. ! bdmbgz - Buried residue mass by soil layer (kg/m^2) ! bdrsai - Residue stem area index (m^2/m^2) ! bdrlai - Residue leaf area index (m^2/m^2) ! bdrsaz - Residue stem area index by height (1/m) ! bdrlaz - Residue leaf area index by height (1/m) ! bdrcd - effective Biomass silhouette area (SAI+LAI) (m^2/m^2) ! (combination of leaf area and stem area indices) ! bdffcv - Residue biomass cover - flat (m^2/m^2) ! bdfscv - Residue biomass cover - standing (m^2/m^2) ! bdftcv - Residue biomass cover - total (m^2/m^2) ! (adffcv + adfscv) ! bdmtot - Total residue mass across pools (standing + flat + roots + buried) (kg/m^2) ! bdmsttot - Standing residue mass across pools (standstem + standleaf + standstore) (kg/m^2) ! bdmftot - Flat residue mass across pools (flatstem + flatleaf + flatstore) (kg/m^2) ! bdrsaitot - total of stem area index across pools (m^2/m^2) ! bdrlaitot - total of leaf area index across pools (m^2/m^2) ! bdrcdtot - effective Biomass silhouette area across pools (SAI+LAI) (m^2/m^2) ! (combination of leaf area and stem area indices) ! bdffcvtot - Residue biomass cover across pools - flat (m^2/m^2) ! bdfscvtot - Residue biomass cover across pools - standing (m^2/m^2) ! bdftcvtot - Residue biomass cover across pools - total (m^2/m^2) ! (adffcvtot + adfscvtot) ! database variables ! bnslay - number of soil layers used ! bddstm - stem count (#/m^2) ! bcovfact - residue cover factor (m^2/kg) ! bcxstm - residue stem diameter (m) ! bd0sla - standing residue specific leaf area (m^2/kg) (taken from crop) ! bd0ck - light extinction coeffficient (fraction) ! LOCAL VARIABLES integer idx, idy ! accumulate layer values into pool mass totals do idy = 1, mnbpls bdmbgstem(idy) = 0.0 bdmbgleaf(idy) = 0.0 bdmbgstore(idy) = 0.0 bdmbgrootstore(idy) = 0.0 bdmbgrootfiber(idy) = 0.0 do idx = 1, bnslay bdmbgstem(idy) = bdmbgstem(idy) + bdmbgstemz(idx,idy) bdmbgleaf(idy) = bdmbgleaf(idy) + bdmbgleafz(idx,idy) bdmbgstore(idy) = bdmbgstore(idy) + bdmbgstorez(idx,idy) bdmbgrootstore(idy) = bdmbgrootstore(idy) & & + bdmbgrootstorez(idx,idy) bdmbgrootfiber(idy) = bdmbgrootfiber(idy) & & + bdmbgrootfiberz(idx,idy) end do end do ! sum buried root and residue masses for each layer across pools do idx = 1, bnslay do idy = 1, mnbpls bdmrtz(idx,idy) = bdmbgrootstorez(idx,idy) & & + bdmbgrootfiberz(idx,idy) bdmbgz(idx,idy) = bdmbgstemz(idx,idy) & & + bdmbgleafz(idx,idy) & & + bdmbgstorez(idx,idy) end do end do ! sum root and below ground from layer values do idy = 1, mnbpls bdmrt(idy) = 0.0 bdmbg(idy) = 0.0 do idx = 1, bnslay bdmrt(idy) = bdmrt(idy) + bdmrtz(idx,idy) bdmbg(idy) = bdmbg(idy) + bdmbgz(idx,idy) end do end do ! sum above ground (stem + leaf + store) by and across pools bdmtot = 0.0 bdmftot = 0.0 bdmsttot = 0.0 do idy = 1, mnbpls bdmst(idy) = bdmstandstem(idy) + bdmstandleaf(idy) & & + bdmstandstore(idy) bdmf(idy) = bdmflatstem(idy) + bdmflatleaf(idy) & & + bdmflatstore(idy) + bdmflatrootstore(idy) & & + bdmflatrootfiber(idy) bdm(idy) = bdmst(idy) + bdmf(idy) + bdmrt(idy) + bdmbg(idy) bdmtot = bdmtot + bdm(idy) bdmftot = bdmftot + bdmf(idy) bdmsttot = bdmsttot + bdmst(idy) end do bdrlaitot = 0.0 bdrsaitot = 0.0 bdffcvtot = 0.0 bdfscvtot = 0.0 bdftcvtot = 0.0 bdftcancov = 0.0 do idy = 1, mnbpls ! calculate residue stem area index ! (plants/m^2 ground) * m * m/plant = m^2 stem / m^2 ground bdrsai(idy) = bddstm(idy)*bdzht(idy)*bdxstmrep(idy) bdrsaitot = bdrsaitot + bdrsai(idy) ! leaf area index for standing material ! m^2 leaf/kg * kg/m^2 ground = m^2 leaf/m^2 ground bdrlai(idy) = bd0sla(idy) * bdmstandleaf(idy) bdrlaitot = bdrlaitot + bdrlai(idy) ! effective silhouette bdrcd(idy) = biodrag(bdrlai(idy), bdrsai(idy), & & 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, bdzht(idy), 0.0) ! set stem and leaf area by plant height increments ! these are divided equally for a first approximation do idx = 1, mncz bdrsaz(idx,idy) = bdrsai(idy) / mncz bdrlaz(idx,idy) = bdrlai(idy) / mncz end do ! Residue cover calculations. ! Overlap only applies when adding flat and flat, not flat and standing, ! or standing and standing. ! cover from flat mass ! estimated using Gregory, 1982. Trans. ASAE 25:1333-1337 ! fraction (m2/m2) modified to take overlap into account. bdffcv(idy) = 1.0 - exp( -bcovfact(idy) * bdmf(idy) ) ! cover from standing stems bdfscv(idy) = bddstm(idy) * pi * ( bdxstm(idy)/2.0 )**2.0 if (bdfscv(idy) > 1.0) bdfscv(idy) = 1.0 ! total cover (flat + standing) bdftcv(idy) = bdffcv(idy) + bdfscv(idy) !no overlap if (bdftcv(idy) > 1.0) bdftcv(idy) = 1.0 bdffcvtot = bdffcvtot + (1.0 - bdffcvtot) * bdffcv(idy) !flat, with overlap bdfscvtot = bdfscvtot + bdfscv(idy) !standing, no overlap ! residue leaf interception area (canopy cover) bdfcancov(idy) = 1.0 - exp( - bd0ck(idy) * bdrlai(idy)) bdftcancov = bdftcancov + bdfcancov(idy) * (1.0 - bdftcancov) end do if (bdfscvtot > 1.0) bdfscvtot = 1.0 bdftcvtot = bdffcvtot + bdfscvtot !total, no overlap if (bdftcvtot > 1.0) bdftcvtot = 1.0 ! effective silhouette bdrcdtot = biodrag(bdrlaitot, bdrsaitot, & & 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) return end