module m_common_namespaces #ifndef DUMMYLIB use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str, vs_str_alloc use fox_m_utils_uri, only: URI, parseURI, destroyURI, hasScheme use m_common_attrs, only: dictionary_t, get_key, get_value, remove_key, getLength, hasKey use m_common_attrs, only: set_nsURI, set_localName, get_prefix, add_item_to_dict use m_common_charset, only: XML1_0, XML1_1 use m_common_error, only: FoX_error, FoX_warning, error_stack, add_error, in_error use m_common_namecheck, only: checkNCName use m_common_struct, only: xml_doc_state implicit none private character(len=*), parameter :: invalidNS = '::INVALID::' ! an invalid URI name to indicate a namespace error. type URIMapping character, dimension(:), pointer :: URI integer :: ix ! link back to node depth end type URIMapping !This is a single URI, and the node depth under which !its namespace applies. type prefixMapping character, dimension(:), pointer :: prefix type(URIMapping), dimension(:), pointer :: urilist end type prefixMapping !This is the mapping for a single prefix; with the !list of namespaces which are in force at various !depths type namespaceDictionary private type(URIMapping), dimension(:), pointer :: defaults type(prefixMapping), dimension(:), pointer :: prefixes end type namespaceDictionary !This is the full namespace dictionary; defaults is !the list of default namespaces in force; prefix a !list of all prefixes in force. public :: invalidNS public :: initNamespaceDictionary public :: destroyNamespaceDictionary public :: namespaceDictionary public :: checkNamespaces public :: checkNamespacesWriting public :: checkEndNamespaces public :: getnamespaceURI interface getnamespaceURI module procedure getURIofDefaultNS, getURIofPrefixedNS end interface public :: isPrefixInForce public :: isDefaultNSInForce public :: getNumberOfPrefixes public :: getPrefixByIndex public :: dumpnsdict !FIXME public :: addDefaultNS public :: removeDefaultNS public :: addPrefixedNS public :: removePrefixedNS contains subroutine initNamespaceDictionary(nsDict) type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict !We need to properly initialize 0th elements !(which are never used) in order to provide !sensible behaviour when trying to manipulate !an empty dictionary. allocate(nsDict%defaults(0:0)) allocate(nsDict%defaults(0)%URI(0)) !The 0th element of the defaults NS is the empty namespace nsDict%defaults(0)%ix = -1 allocate(nsDict%prefixes(0:0)) allocate(nsDict%prefixes(0)%prefix(0)) allocate(nsDict%prefixes(0)%urilist(0:0)) allocate(nsDict%prefixes(0)%urilist(0)%URI(len(invalidNS))) nsDict%prefixes(0)%urilist(0)%URI = vs_str(invalidNS) nsDict%prefixes(0)%urilist(0)%ix = -1 end subroutine initNamespaceDictionary subroutine destroyNamespaceDictionary(nsDict) type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict integer :: i, j do i = 0, ubound(nsDict%defaults,1) deallocate(nsDict%defaults(i)%URI) enddo deallocate(nsDict%defaults) do i = 0, ubound(nsDict%prefixes,1) do j = 0, ubound(nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist,1) deallocate(nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist(j)%URI) enddo deallocate(nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix) deallocate(nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist) enddo deallocate(nsDict%prefixes) end subroutine destroyNamespaceDictionary subroutine copyURIMapping(urilist1, urilist2, l_m) type(URIMapping), dimension(0:), intent(inout) :: urilist1 type(URIMapping), dimension(0:), intent(inout) :: urilist2 integer, intent(in):: l_m integer :: i if (ubound(urilist1,1) < l_m .or. ubound(urilist2,1) < l_m) then call FoX_error('Internal error in m_sax_namespaces:copyURIMapping') endif ! Now copy all defaults across (or rather - add pointers to them) do i = 0, l_m urilist2(i)%ix = urilist1(i)%ix urilist2(i)%URI => urilist1(i)%URI enddo end subroutine copyURIMapping subroutine addDefaultNS(nsDict, uri, ix, es) type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri integer, intent(in) :: ix type(error_stack), intent(inout), optional :: es type(URIMapping), dimension(:), allocatable :: tempMap integer :: l_m, l_s if (uri=="") then if (present(es)) then call add_error(es, "Attempt to assign incorrect URI to prefix 'xml'") else call FoX_error("Attempt to assign incorrect URI to prefix 'xml'") endif elseif (uri=="") then if (present(es)) then call add_error(es, "Attempt to assign prefix to xmlns namespace") else call FoX_error("Attempt to assign prefix to xmlns namespace") endif endif ! FIXME check URI is valid ... l_m = ubound(nsDict%defaults,1) allocate(tempMap(0:l_m)) ! Now copy all defaults across ... call copyURIMapping(nsDict%defaults, tempMap, l_m) deallocate(nsDict%defaults) l_m = l_m + 1 allocate(nsDict%defaults(0:l_m)) !Now copy everything back ... call copyURIMapping(tempMap, nsDict%defaults, l_m-1) deallocate(tempMap) ! And finally, add the new default NS nsDict%defaults(l_m)%ix = ix l_s = len(uri) allocate(nsDict%defaults(l_m)%URI(l_s)) nsDict%defaults(l_m)%URI = vs_str(uri) end subroutine addDefaultNS subroutine addPrefixedURI(nsPrefix, uri, ix) type(PrefixMapping), intent(inout) :: nsPrefix character, dimension(:), intent(in) :: uri integer, intent(in) :: ix type(URIMapping), dimension(:), allocatable :: tempMap integer :: l_m, l_s l_m = ubound(nsPrefix%urilist,1) allocate(tempMap(0:l_m)) ! Now copy all across ... call copyURIMapping(nsPrefix%urilist, tempMap, l_m) deallocate(nsPrefix%urilist) l_m = l_m + 1 allocate(nsPrefix%urilist(0:l_m)) !Now copy everything back ... call copyURIMapping(tempMap, nsPrefix%urilist, l_m-1) deallocate(tempMap) ! And finally, add the new default NS nsPrefix%urilist(l_m)%ix = ix l_s = size(uri) allocate(nsPrefix%urilist(l_m)%URI(l_s)) nsPrefix%urilist(l_m)%URI = uri end subroutine addPrefixedURI subroutine removeDefaultNS(nsDict) type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict type(URIMapping), dimension(:), allocatable :: tempMap integer :: l_m l_m = ubound(nsDict%defaults,1) allocate(tempMap(0:l_m-1)) ! Now copy all defaults across ... call copyURIMapping(nsDict%defaults, tempMap, l_m-1) !And remove tail-end charlie deallocate(nsDict%defaults(l_m)%URI) deallocate(nsDict%defaults) l_m = l_m - 1 allocate(nsDict%defaults(0:l_m)) !Now copy everything back ... call copyURIMapping(tempMap, nsDict%defaults, l_m) deallocate(tempMap) end subroutine removeDefaultNS subroutine removePrefixedURI(nsPrefix) type(PrefixMapping), intent(inout) :: nsPrefix type(URIMapping), dimension(:), allocatable :: tempMap integer :: l_m l_m = ubound(nsPrefix%urilist,1) allocate(tempMap(0:l_m-1)) ! Now copy all defaults across ... call copyURIMapping(nsPrefix%urilist, tempMap, l_m-1) !And remove tail-end charlie deallocate(nsPrefix%urilist(l_m)%URI) deallocate(nsPrefix%urilist) l_m = l_m - 1 allocate(nsPrefix%urilist(0:l_m)) !Now copy everything back ... call copyURIMapping(tempMap, nsPrefix%urilist, l_m) deallocate(tempMap) end subroutine removePrefixedURI subroutine addPrefixedNS(nsDict, prefix, URI, ix, xds, xml, es) type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri integer, intent(in) :: ix type(xml_doc_state), intent(in) :: xds logical, intent(in), optional :: xml type(error_stack), intent(inout), optional :: es integer :: l_p, p_i, i logical :: xml_ if (present(xml)) then xml_ = xml else xml_ = .false. endif if (prefix=='xml' .and. & URI/='') then if (present(es)) then call add_error(es, "Attempt to assign incorrect URI to prefix 'xml'") else call FoX_error("Attempt to assign incorrect URI to prefix 'xml'") endif elseif (prefix/='xml' .and. & URI=='') then if (present(es)) then call add_error(es, "Attempt to assign incorrect prefix to XML namespace") else call FoX_error("Attempt to assign incorrect prefix to XML namespace") endif elseif (prefix == 'xmlns') then if (present(es)) then call add_error(es, "Attempt to declare 'xmlns' prefix") else call FoX_error("Attempt to declare 'xmlns' prefix") endif elseif (URI=="") then if (present(es)) then call add_error(es, "Attempt to assign prefix to xmlns namespace") else call FoX_error("Attempt to assign prefix to xmlns namespace") endif elseif (len(prefix) > 2) then if ((verify(prefix(1:1), 'xX') == 0) & .and. (verify(prefix(2:2), 'mM') == 0) & .and. (verify(prefix(3:3), 'lL') == 0)) then if (.not.xml_) then ! FIXME need working warning infrastructure !if (present(es)) then ! call add_error(es, "Attempt to declare reserved prefix: "//prefix) !else call FoX_warning("Attempt to declare reserved prefix: "//prefix) !endif endif endif endif if (.not.checkNCName(prefix, xds%xml_version)) & call FoX_error("Attempt to declare invalid prefix: "//prefix) ! FIXME check URI is valid l_p = ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1) p_i = 0 do i = 1, l_p if (str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix) == prefix) then p_i = i exit endif enddo if (p_i == 0) then call addPrefix(nsDict, vs_str(prefix)) p_i = l_p + 1 endif call addPrefixedURI(nsDict%prefixes(p_i), vs_str(URI), ix) end subroutine addPrefixedNS subroutine removePrefixedNS(nsDict, prefix) type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict character, dimension(:), intent(in) :: prefix integer :: l_p, p_i, i l_p = ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1) p_i = 0 do i = 1, l_p if (str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix) == str_vs(prefix)) then p_i = i exit endif enddo if (p_i /= 0) then call removePrefixedURI(nsDict%prefixes(p_i)) if (ubound(nsDict%prefixes(p_i)%urilist,1) == 0) then !that was the last mapping for that prefix call removePrefix(nsDict, p_i) endif else call FoX_error('Internal error in m_sax_namespaces:removePrefixedNS') endif end subroutine removePrefixedNS subroutine addPrefix(nsDict, prefix) type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict character, dimension(:), intent(in) :: prefix integer :: l_p type(prefixMapping), dimension(:), pointer :: tempPrefixMap integer :: i !Add a new prefix to the namespace dictionary. !Unfortunately this involves copying the entire !prefixes dictionary to a temporary structure, then !reallocating the prefixes dictionary to be one !longer, then copying everything back: l_p = ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1) allocate(tempPrefixMap(0:l_p)) !for each current prefix, append everything to temporary structure do i = 0, l_p tempPrefixMap(i)%prefix => nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix tempPrefixMap(i)%urilist => nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist enddo deallocate(nsDict%prefixes) !extend prefix dictionary by one ... l_p = l_p + 1 allocate(nsDict%prefixes(0:l_p)) !and copy back ... do i = 0, l_p-1 nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix => tempPrefixMap(i)%prefix nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist => tempPrefixMap(i)%urilist enddo deallocate(tempPrefixMap) allocate(nsDict%prefixes(l_p)%prefix(size(prefix))) nsDict%prefixes(l_p)%prefix = prefix allocate(nsDict%prefixes(l_p)%urilist(0:0)) allocate(nsDict%prefixes(l_p)%urilist(0)%URI(len(invalidNS))) nsDict%prefixes(l_p)%urilist(0)%URI = vs_str(invalidNS) nsDict%prefixes(l_p)%urilist(0)%ix = -1 end subroutine addPrefix subroutine removePrefix(nsDict, i_p) type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict integer, intent(in) :: i_p integer :: l_p type(prefixMapping), dimension(:), pointer :: tempPrefixMap integer :: i !Remove a prefix from the namespace dictionary. !Unfortunately this involves copying the entire !prefixes dictionary to a temporary structure, then !reallocating the prefixes dictionary to be one !shorter, then copying everything back: l_p = ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1) allocate(tempPrefixMap(0:l_p-1)) !for each current prefix, append everything to temporary structure do i = 0, i_p-1 tempPrefixMap(i)%prefix => nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix tempPrefixMap(i)%urilist => nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist enddo deallocate(nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%urilist(0)%URI) deallocate(nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%urilist) deallocate(nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%prefix) !this subroutine will only get called if the urilist is already !empty, so no need to deallocate it. do i = i_p+1, l_p tempPrefixMap(i-1)%prefix => nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix tempPrefixMap(i-1)%urilist => nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist enddo deallocate(nsDict%prefixes) !shorten prefix dictionary by one ... l_p = l_p - 1 allocate(nsDict%prefixes(0:l_p)) !and copy back ... do i = 0, l_p nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix => tempPrefixMap(i)%prefix nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist => tempPrefixMap(i)%urilist enddo deallocate(tempPrefixMap) end subroutine removePrefix subroutine checkNamespaces(atts, nsDict, ix, xds, namespace_prefixes, xmlns_uris, es, & partial, start_prefix_handler, end_prefix_handler) type(dictionary_t), intent(inout) :: atts type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict integer, intent(in) :: ix ! depth of nesting of current element. type(xml_doc_state), intent(in) :: xds logical, intent(in) :: namespace_prefixes, xmlns_uris type(error_stack), intent(inout) :: es logical, intent(in) :: partial ! if so, don't try and resolve anything except xml & xmlns optional :: start_prefix_handler, end_prefix_handler interface subroutine start_prefix_handler(namespaceURI, prefix) character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix end subroutine start_prefix_handler subroutine end_prefix_handler(prefix) character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix end subroutine end_prefix_handler end interface character(len=6) :: xmlns character, dimension(:), pointer :: QName, URIstring integer :: i, n type(URI), pointer :: URIref !Check for namespaces; *and* remove xmlns references from !the attributes dictionary. ! we can't do a simple loop across the attributes, ! because we need to remove some as we go along ... i = 1 do while (i <= getLength(atts)) xmlns = get_key(atts, i) if (xmlns == 'xmlns ') then !Default namespace is being set URIstring => vs_str_alloc(get_value(atts, i)) if (str_vs(URIstring)=="") then ! Empty nsURI on default namespace has same effect in 1.0 and 1.1 if (present(end_prefix_handler)) & call end_prefix_handler("") call addDefaultNS(nsDict, invalidNS, ix) deallocate(URIstring) else URIref => parseURI(str_vs(URIstring)) if (.not.associated(URIref)) then call add_error(es, "Invalid URI: "//str_vs(URIstring)) deallocate(URIstring) return elseif (.not.hasScheme(URIref)) then call add_error(es, "Relative namespace in URI deprecated: "//str_vs(URIstring)) deallocate(URIstring) call destroyURI(URIref) return endif call destroyURI(URIref) if (present(start_prefix_handler)) & call start_prefix_handler(str_vs(URIstring), "") call addDefaultNS(nsDict, str_vs(URIstring), ix) deallocate(URIstring) endif if (namespace_prefixes) then i = i + 1 else call remove_key(atts, i) endif elseif (xmlns == 'xmlns:') then !Prefixed namespace is being set QName => vs_str_alloc(get_key(atts, i)) URIstring => vs_str_alloc(get_value(atts, i)) if (str_vs(URIstring)=="") then if (xds%xml_version==XML1_0) then call add_error(es, "Empty nsURI is invalid in XML 1.0") deallocate(URIstring) deallocate(QName) return elseif (xds%xml_version==XML1_1) then call addPrefixedNS(nsDict, str_vs(QName(7:)), invalidNS, ix, xds, es=es) if (in_error(es)) then deallocate(URIstring) deallocate(QName) return elseif (present(end_prefix_handler)) then call end_prefix_handler(str_vs(QName(7:))) endif deallocate(URIstring) deallocate(QName) endif else URIref => parseURI(str_vs(URIstring)) if (.not.associated(URIref)) then call add_error(es, "Invalid URI: "//str_vs(URIstring)) deallocate(URIstring) deallocate(QName) return elseif (.not.hasScheme(URIref)) then call add_error(es, "Relative namespace in URI deprecated: "//str_vs(URIstring)) deallocate(URIstring) deallocate(QName) call destroyURI(URIref) return endif call destroyURI(URIref) call addPrefixedNS(nsDict, str_vs(QName(7:)), str_vs(URIstring), ix, xds, es=es) if (in_error(es)) then deallocate(URIstring) deallocate(QName) return elseif (present(start_prefix_handler)) then call start_prefix_handler(str_vs(URIstring), str_vs(QName(7:))) endif deallocate(URIstring) deallocate(QName) endif if (namespace_prefixes) then i = i + 1 else call remove_key(atts, i) endif else ! we only increment if we haven't removed a key i = i + 1 endif enddo ! having done that, now resolve all attribute namespaces: do i = 1, getLength(atts) QName => vs_str_alloc(get_key(atts,i)) n = index(str_vs(QName), ":") if (n > 0) then if (str_vs(QName(1:n-1))=="xmlns") then ! FIXME but this can be controlled by SAX configuration xmlns-uris if (xmlns_uris) then call set_nsURI(atts, i, "") else call set_nsURI(atts, i, "") endif else if (str_vs(QName(1:n-1))=="xml") then call set_nsURI(atts, i, "") elseif (getnamespaceURI(nsDict, str_vs(QName(1:n-1)))==invalidNS) then ! Sometimes we don't want to worry about unbound prefixes, ! eg if we are in the middle of parsing an entity. if (.not.partial) then call add_error(es, "Unbound namespace prefix") deallocate(QName) return else call set_nsURI(atts, i, "") endif else call set_nsURI(atts, i, getnamespaceURI(nsDict, str_vs(QName(1:n-1)))) endif endif else if (xmlns_uris.and.str_vs(QName)=="xmlns") then call set_nsURI(atts, i, "") else call set_nsURI(atts, i, "") ! no such thing as a default namespace on attributes endif endif ! Check for duplicates if (hasKey(atts, getnamespaceURI(nsDict, str_vs(QName(1:n-1))), str_vs(QName(n+1:)))) then call add_error(es, "Duplicate attribute names after namespace processing") deallocate(QName) return endif call set_localName(atts, i, QName(n+1:)) deallocate(QName) enddo end subroutine checkNamespaces subroutine checkNamespacesWriting(atts, nsdict, ix) type(dictionary_t), intent(inout) :: atts type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict integer, intent(in) :: ix ! Read through a list of attributes, check with currently ! active namespaces & add any necessary declarations integer :: i, i_p, l_d, l_ps, n n = getLength(atts) ! we need the length before we fiddle with it !Does the default NS need added? l_d = ubound(nsDict%defaults,1) if (nsDict%defaults(l_d)%ix == ix) then !It's not been registered yet: call add_item_to_dict(atts, "xmlns", & str_vs(nsDict%defaults(l_d)%URI), type="CDATA") endif !next, add any overdue prefixed NS's in the same way: ! there should only ever be one. More would be an error, ! but the check should have been done earlier. do i_p = 0, ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1) l_ps = ubound(nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%urilist,1) if (nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%urilist(l_ps)%ix == ix) then call add_item_to_dict(atts, & "xmlns:"//str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%prefix), & str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%urilist(l_ps)%URI), & type="CDATA") endif enddo !Finally, we may have some we've added for attribute QNames ! have to get those too: do i = 1, getLength(atts) ! get prefix, and identify the relevant NS mapping i_p = getPrefixIndex(nsDict, get_prefix(atts, i)) l_ps = ubound(nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%urilist,1) !If the index is greater than what it should be: if (nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%urilist(l_ps)%ix > ix) then !we only just added this, so we need to declare it call add_item_to_dict(atts, "xmlns:"//get_prefix(atts, i), & str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%urilist(l_ps)%URI), & type="CDATA") !Reset the index to the right value: nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%urilist(l_ps)%ix = ix endif enddo end subroutine checkNamespacesWriting subroutine checkEndNamespaces(nsDict, ix, end_prefix_handler) type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict integer, intent(in) :: ix optional :: end_prefix_handler interface subroutine end_prefix_handler(prefix) character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix end subroutine end_prefix_handler end interface integer :: l_d, l_p, l_ps, i character, pointer :: prefix(:) !It will only ever be the final elements in the list which ! might have expired. l_d = ubound(nsDict%defaults,1) do while (nsDict%defaults(l_d)%ix == ix) if (present(end_prefix_handler)) & call end_prefix_handler("") call removeDefaultNS(nsDict) l_d = ubound(nsDict%defaults,1) enddo l_p = ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1) i = 1 do while (i <= l_p) l_ps = ubound(nsDict%prefixes(l_p)%urilist,1) if (nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist(l_ps)%ix == ix) then if (present(end_prefix_handler)) & call end_prefix_handler(str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix)) ! We have to assign this pointer explicitly, otherwise the next call ! aliases its arguments illegally. prefix => nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix call removePrefixedNS(nsDict, prefix) if (l_p > ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1)) then ! we just removed the last reference to that prefix, ! so our list of prefixes has shrunk - update the running total. ! and go to the next prefix, which is at the same index l_p = l_p - 1 cycle endif endif i = i + 1 enddo end subroutine checkEndNamespaces subroutine dumpnsdict(nsdict) type(namespaceDictionary), intent(in) :: nsdict integer :: i, j write(*,'(a)')'* default namespaces *' do i = 1, ubound(nsdict%defaults, 1) write(*,'(i0,a)') nsdict%defaults(i)%ix, str_vs(nsdict%defaults(i)%URI) enddo write(*,'(a)') '* Prefixed namespaces *' do i = 1, ubound(nsdict%prefixes, 1) write(*,'(2a)') '* prefix: ', str_vs(nsdict%prefixes(i)%prefix) do j = 1, ubound(nsdict%prefixes(i)%urilist, 1) write(*,'(i0,a)') nsdict%prefixes(i)%urilist(j)%ix, str_vs(nsdict%prefixes(i)%urilist(j)%URI) enddo enddo end subroutine dumpnsdict pure function getURIofDefaultNS(nsDict) result(uri) type(namespaceDictionary), intent(in) :: nsDict character(len=size(nsDict%defaults(ubound(nsDict%defaults,1))%URI)) :: URI integer :: l_d l_d = ubound(nsDict%defaults,1) uri = str_vs(nsDict%defaults(l_d)%URI) end function getURIofDefaultNS pure function isPrefixInForce(nsDict, prefix) result(force) type(namespaceDictionary), intent(in) :: nsDict character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix logical :: force integer :: i, l_s force = .false. do i = 1, ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1) if (str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix) == prefix) then l_s = ubound(nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist, 1) force = (size(nsdict%prefixes(i)%urilist(l_s)%URI) > 0) exit endif enddo end function isPrefixInForce pure function isDefaultNSInForce(nsDict) result(force) type(namespaceDictionary), intent(in) :: nsDict logical :: force integer :: l_s force = .false. l_s = ubound(nsDict%defaults, 1) if (l_s > 0) & force = (size(nsdict%defaults(l_s)%URI) > 0) end function isDefaultNSInForce pure function getPrefixIndex(nsDict, prefix) result(p) type(namespaceDictionary), intent(in) :: nsDict character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix integer :: p integer :: i p = 0 do i = 1, ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1) if (str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix) == prefix) then p = i exit endif enddo end function getPrefixIndex function getNumberOfPrefixes(nsDict) result(n) type(namespaceDictionary), intent(in) :: nsDict integer :: n n = ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1) end function getNumberOfPrefixes function getPrefixByIndex(nsDict, i) result(c) type(namespaceDictionary), intent(in) :: nsDict integer, intent(in) :: i character(len=size(nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix)) :: c c = str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix) end function getPrefixByIndex pure function getURIofPrefixedNS(nsDict, prefix) result(uri) type(namespaceDictionary), intent(in) :: nsDict character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix character(len=size( & nsDict%prefixes( & getPrefixIndex(nsDict,prefix) & ) & %urilist( & ubound(nsDict%prefixes(getPrefixIndex(nsDict,prefix))%urilist, 1) & ) & %uri)) :: URI integer :: p_i, l_m p_i = getPrefixIndex(nsDict, prefix) l_m = ubound(nsDict%prefixes(p_i)%urilist, 1) uri = str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(p_i)%urilist(l_m)%URI) end function getURIofPrefixedNS #endif end module m_common_namespaces