# set terminal pdf # set output 'swc.pdf' set title 'Wheat Fallow conventional tillage' plot 'Acrdata/Soil/SoilWaterObserved/wf-ct.txt' with points pointtype 3,\ 'indhu-ct-wheat-fallow.wjr/hydro.out' using 1:16 with lines title 'indhu-ct-wheat-fallow.wjr',\ 'indhu-ct-wheat-fallow.wjr/hydro.out' using 1:11 with lines title 'rain',\ 'Acrdata/CropManagement/wf-ct.mandate' with impulses axes x1y2 title 'plant(low)-harvest(high)' pause -1 'Hit Enter for Next Plot.' set title 'Fallow Wheat conventional tillage' plot 'Acrdata/Soil/SoilWaterObserved/fw-ct.txt' with points pointtype 3,\ 'indhu-ct-fallow-wheat.wjr/hydro.out' using 1:16 with lines title 'indhu-ct-fallow-wheat.wjr',\ 'indhu-ct-fallow-wheat.wjr/hydro.out' using 1:11 with lines title 'rain',\ 'Acrdata/CropManagement/fw-ct.mandate' with impulses axes x1y2 title 'plant(low)-harvest(high)' pause -1 'Hit Enter for Next Plot.'