module m_common_element #ifndef DUMMYLIB ! Structure and manipulation of element specification use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str_alloc, vs_vs_alloc use fox_m_fsys_string_list, only: string_list, init_string_list, & destroy_string_list, add_string, tokenize_to_string_list, & registered_string use m_common_charset, only: isInitialNameChar, isNameChar, & upperCase, XML_WHITESPACE use m_common_content_model, only: content_particle_t, newCP, destroyCPtree, & OP_MIXED, OP_CHOICE, OP_SEQ, OP_NAME, & REP_QUESTION_MARK, REP_ASTERISK, & transformCPPlus ! , dumpCPtree ! For debugging - see below. use m_common_error, only: error_stack, add_error, in_error use m_common_namecheck, only: checkName, checkNames, checkNCName, & checkNCNames, checkQName, checkNmtoken, checkNmtokens implicit none private integer, parameter :: ST_START = 0 integer, parameter :: ST_EMPTYANY = 1 integer, parameter :: ST_FIRSTCHILD = 2 integer, parameter :: ST_END = 3 integer, parameter :: ST_PCDATA = 4 integer, parameter :: ST_NAME = 5 integer, parameter :: ST_CHILD = 6 integer, parameter :: ST_AFTERBRACKET = 7 integer, parameter :: ST_AFTERLASTBRACKET = 8 integer, parameter :: ST_SEPARATOR = 9 integer, parameter :: ST_AFTERNAME = 10 integer, parameter :: ST_ATTTYPE = 11 integer, parameter :: ST_AFTER_NOTATION = 12 integer, parameter :: ST_NOTATION_LIST = 13 integer, parameter :: ST_ENUMERATION = 14 integer, parameter :: ST_ENUM_NAME = 15 integer, parameter :: ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE_SPACE = 16 integer, parameter :: ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE = 17 integer, parameter :: ST_DEFAULT_DECL = 18 integer, parameter :: ST_AFTERDEFAULTDECL = 19 integer, parameter :: ST_DEFAULTVALUE = 20 integer, parameter :: ATT_NULL = 0 integer, parameter :: ATT_CDATA = 1 integer, parameter :: ATT_ID = 2 integer, parameter :: ATT_IDREF = 3 integer, parameter :: ATT_IDREFS = 4 integer, parameter :: ATT_ENTITY = 5 integer, parameter :: ATT_ENTITIES = 6 integer, parameter :: ATT_NMTOKEN = 7 integer, parameter :: ATT_NMTOKENS = 8 integer, parameter :: ATT_NOTATION = 9 integer, parameter :: ATT_ENUM = 10 integer, parameter :: ATT_CDANO = 11 integer, parameter :: ATT_CDAMB = 12 character(len=8), parameter :: ATT_TYPES(12) = (/ & "CDATA ", & "ID ", & "IDREF ", & "IDREFS ", & "ENTITY ", & "ENTITIES", & "NMTOKEN ", & "NMTOKENS", & "NOTATION", & "ENUM ", & "CDANO ", & "CDAMB "/) integer, parameter :: ATT_REQUIRED = 1 integer, parameter :: ATT_IMPLIED = 2 integer, parameter :: ATT_DEFAULT = 4 integer, parameter :: ATT_FIXED = 3 type attribute_t character, pointer :: name(:) => null() integer :: attType = ATT_NULL integer :: attDefault = ATT_NULL type(string_list) :: enumerations character, pointer :: default(:) => null() logical :: internal = .true. end type attribute_t type attribute_list type(attribute_t), pointer :: list(:) => null() end type attribute_list type element_t character, pointer :: name(:) => null() logical :: empty = .false. logical :: any = .false. logical :: mixed = .false. logical :: id_declared = .false. logical :: internal = .true. type (content_particle_t), pointer :: cp => null() character, pointer :: model(:) => null() type(attribute_list) :: attlist end type element_t type element_list type(element_t), pointer :: list(:) => null() end type element_list public :: element_t public :: element_list public :: attribute_t public :: attribute_list public :: init_element_list public :: destroy_element_list public :: existing_element public :: declared_element public :: get_element public :: add_element public :: parse_dtd_element public :: init_attribute_list public :: destroy_attribute_list public :: parse_dtd_attlist public :: report_declarations public :: attribute_has_default public :: get_attlist_size public :: get_attribute_declaration public :: express_attribute_declaration public :: att_value_normalize public :: get_att_type_enum public :: ATT_NULL public :: ATT_CDATA public :: ATT_ID public :: ATT_IDREF public :: ATT_IDREFS public :: ATT_ENTITY public :: ATT_ENTITIES public :: ATT_NMTOKEN public :: ATT_NMTOKENS public :: ATT_NOTATION public :: ATT_ENUM public :: ATT_CDANO public :: ATT_CDAMB public :: ATT_REQUIRED public :: ATT_IMPLIED public :: ATT_DEFAULT public :: ATT_FIXED public :: ATT_TYPES interface get_attribute_declaration module procedure get_attdecl_by_index module procedure get_attdecl_by_name end interface contains subroutine init_element_list(e_list) type(element_list), intent(inout) :: e_list allocate(e_list%list(0)) end subroutine init_element_list subroutine destroy_element_list(e_list) type(element_list), intent(inout) :: e_list integer :: i do i = 1, size(e_list%list) deallocate(e_list%list(i)%name) if (associated(e_list%list(i)%cp)) call destroyCPtree(e_list%list(i)%cp) if (associated(e_list%list(i)%model)) deallocate(e_list%list(i)%model) call destroy_attribute_list(e_list%list(i)%attlist) enddo deallocate(e_list%list) end subroutine destroy_element_list function existing_element(e_list, name) result(p) type(element_list), intent(in) :: e_list character(len=*), intent(in) :: name logical :: p integer :: i p = .false. do i = 1, size(e_list%list) if (str_vs(e_list%list(i)%name)==name) then p = .true. exit endif enddo end function existing_element function declared_element(e_list, name) result(p) type(element_list), intent(in) :: e_list character(len=*), intent(in) :: name logical :: p integer :: i p = .false. do i = 1, size(e_list%list) if (str_vs(e_list%list(i)%name)==name) then p = associated(e_list%list(i)%model) exit endif enddo end function declared_element function get_element(e_list, name) result(e) type(element_list), intent(in) :: e_list character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(element_t), pointer :: e integer :: i do i = 1, size(e_list%list) if (str_vs(e_list%list(i)%name)==name) then e => e_list%list(i) return endif enddo e => null() end function get_element function add_element(e_list, name) result(e) type(element_list), intent(inout) :: e_list character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(element_t), pointer :: e type(element_t), pointer :: temp(:) integer :: i temp => e_list%list allocate(e_list%list(size(temp)+1)) do i = 1, size(temp) e_list%list(i)%name => temp(i)%name e_list%list(i)%model => temp(i)%model e_list%list(i)%empty = temp(i)%empty e_list%list(i)%any = temp(i)%any e_list%list(i)%mixed = temp(i)%mixed e_list%list(i)%cp => temp(i)%cp e_list%list(i)%id_declared = temp(i)%id_declared e_list%list(i)%internal = temp(i)%internal e_list%list(i)%attlist%list => temp(i)%attlist%list enddo deallocate(temp) e => e_list%list(i) e%name => vs_str_alloc(name) call init_attribute_list(e%attlist) end function add_element subroutine parse_dtd_element(contents, xv, stack, element, internal) character(len=*), intent(in) :: contents integer, intent(in) :: xv type(error_stack), intent(inout) :: stack type(element_t), pointer :: element logical, intent(in) :: internal integer :: state integer :: i, nbrackets logical :: mixed, empty, any character :: c character, pointer :: order(:), name(:), temp(:) type(content_particle_t), pointer :: top, current, tcp logical :: mixed_additional, firstChild ! FIXME should we check namespaces here (for element names) ! checking duplicates - valid or wf? - and only for MIXED? order => null() name => null() temp => null() any = .false. empty = .false. mixed = .false. nbrackets = 0 mixed_additional = .false. firstChild = .true. state = ST_START top => null() do i = 1, len(contents) + 1 if (i<=len(contents)) then c = contents(i:i) else c = ' ' endif if (state==ST_START) then !write(*,*)'ST_START' if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then continue elseif (verify(c, 'EMPTYANY')==0) then name => vs_str_alloc(c) state = ST_EMPTYANY elseif (c=='(') then order => vs_str_alloc(" ") nbrackets = 1 top => newCP() current => top state = ST_FIRSTCHILD else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected character "'//c//'" at start of ELEMENT specification') goto 100 endif elseif (state==ST_EMPTYANY) then !write(*,*)'ST_EMPTYANY' if (verify(c, upperCase)==0) then temp => name name => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(temp)//c) deallocate(temp) elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then if (str_vs(name)=='EMPTY') then empty = .true. top => newCP(empty=.true.) current => top elseif (str_vs(name)=='ANY') then any = .true. top => newCP(any=.true.) current => top else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected ELEMENT specification; expecting EMPTY or ANY') goto 100 endif deallocate(name) state = ST_END else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected ELEMENT specification; expecting EMPTY or ANY') goto 100 endif elseif (state==ST_FIRSTCHILD) then !write(*,*)'ST_FIRSTCHILD' if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle if (c=='#') then mixed = .true. state = ST_PCDATA name => vs_str_alloc("") elseif (isInitialNameChar(c, xv)) then allocate(name(1)) name(1) = c state = ST_NAME elseif (c=='(') then nbrackets = nbrackets + 1 deallocate(order) tcp => newCP() current%firstChild => tcp tcp%parent => current current => tcp order => vs_str_alloc(" ") state = ST_CHILD else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected character in ELEMENT specification') goto 100 endif elseif (state==ST_PCDATA) then !write(*,*)'ST_PCDATA' if (verify(c, 'PCDATA')==0) then temp => name name => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(temp)//c) deallocate(temp) elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then if (str_vs(name)=='PCDATA') then deallocate(name) else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected token after #') goto 100 endif ! Must be first child current%operator = OP_MIXED tcp => newCP(name="#PCDATA") current%firstChild => tcp tcp%parent => current current => tcp firstChild = .false. state = ST_SEPARATOR elseif (c==')') then if (str_vs(name)=='PCDATA') then deallocate(name) nbrackets = 0 state = ST_AFTERLASTBRACKET deallocate(order) else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected token after #') goto 100 endif ! Must be first child current%operator = OP_MIXED tcp => newCP(name="#PCDATA") current%firstChild => tcp tcp%parent => current firstChild = .false. elseif (c=='|') then if (str_vs(name)=='PCDATA') then firstChild = .false. deallocate(name) else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected token after #') goto 100 endif ! Must be first child current%operator = OP_MIXED tcp => newCP(name="#PCDATA") current%firstChild => tcp tcp%parent => current current => tcp firstChild = .false. order(1) = '|' state = ST_CHILD elseif (c==',') then call add_error(stack, & 'Ordered specification not allowed for Mixed elements') goto 100 else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected character in ELEMENT specification') goto 100 endif elseif (state==ST_NAME) then !write(*,*)'ST_NAME' if (isNameChar(c, xv)) then temp => name name => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(temp)//c) deallocate(temp) elseif (scan(c, "?+*")>0) then if (mixed) then call add_error(stack, & 'Repeat operators forbidden for Mixed elements') goto 100 endif tcp => newCP(name=str_vs(name), repeat=c) deallocate(name) if (firstChild) then current%firstChild => tcp tcp%parent => current firstChild = .false. else current%nextSibling => tcp tcp%parent => current%parent endif current => tcp if (c=="+") call transformCPPlus(current) state = ST_SEPARATOR elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then if (mixed) mixed_additional = .true. tcp => newCP(name=str_vs(name)) deallocate(name) if (firstChild) then current%firstChild => tcp tcp%parent => current firstChild = .false. else current%nextSibling => tcp tcp%parent => current%parent endif current => tcp state = ST_SEPARATOR elseif (scan(c,',|')>0) then if (order(nbrackets)=='') then order(nbrackets)=c elseif (order(nbrackets)/=c) then call add_error(stack, & 'Cannot mix ordered and unordered elements') goto 100 endif if (mixed) mixed_additional = .true. tcp => newCP(name=str_vs(name)) deallocate(name) if (firstChild) then current%firstChild => tcp tcp%parent => current firstChild = .false. else current%nextSibling => tcp tcp%parent => current%parent endif current => tcp if (c=="|".and.current%parent%operator/=OP_MIXED) & current%parent%operator = OP_CHOICE state = ST_CHILD elseif (c==')') then if (mixed) mixed_additional = .true. nbrackets = nbrackets - 1 if (nbrackets==0) then state = ST_AFTERLASTBRACKET deallocate(order) else temp => order allocate(order(nbrackets)) order = temp(:size(order)) deallocate(temp) state = ST_AFTERBRACKET endif tcp => newCP(name=str_vs(name)) deallocate(name) if (firstChild) then current%firstChild => tcp tcp%parent => current firstChild = .false. else current%nextSibling => tcp tcp%parent => current%parent current => current%parent if (.not.check_duplicates(current)) & goto 100 endif else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected character found after element name') goto 100 endif elseif (state==ST_CHILD) then !write(*,*)'ST_CHILD' if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle if (c=='#') then call add_error(stack, & '# forbidden except as first child element') goto 100 elseif (isInitialNameChar(c, xv)) then name => vs_str_alloc(c) state = ST_NAME elseif (c=='(') then if (mixed) then call add_error(stack, & 'Nested brackets forbidden for Mixed content') goto 100 endif tcp => newCP() if (firstChild) then current%firstChild => tcp tcp%parent => current else current%nextSibling => tcp tcp%parent => current%parent firstChild = .true. endif current => tcp nbrackets = nbrackets + 1 temp => order order => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(temp)//" ") deallocate(temp) else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected character "'//c//'" found after (') goto 100 endif elseif (state==ST_SEPARATOR) then !write(*,*)'ST_SEPARATOR' if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle if (c=='#') then call add_error(stack, & '#PCDATA must be first in list') goto 100 elseif (scan(c,'|,')>0) then if (order(nbrackets)=='') then order(nbrackets) = c elseif (order(nbrackets)/=c) then call add_error(stack, & 'Cannot mix ordered and unordered elements') goto 100 endif if (c=="|".and.current%parent%operator/=OP_MIXED) & current%parent%operator = OP_CHOICE state = ST_CHILD elseif (c==')') then nbrackets = nbrackets - 1 if (nbrackets==0) then state = ST_AFTERLASTBRACKET deallocate(order) else temp => order allocate(order(nbrackets)) order = temp(:size(order)) deallocate(temp) state = ST_AFTERBRACKET endif current => current%parent if (.not.check_duplicates(current)) & goto 100 else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected character found in element declaration.') goto 100 endif elseif (state==ST_AFTERBRACKET) then !write(*,*)'ST_AFTERBRACKET' if (c=='*') then current%repeater = REP_ASTERISK state = ST_SEPARATOR elseif (c=='+') then call transformCPPlus(current) state = ST_SEPARATOR elseif (c=='?') then current%repeater = REP_QUESTION_MARK state = ST_SEPARATOR elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then state = ST_SEPARATOR elseif (scan(c,'|,')>0) then if (order(nbrackets)=='') then order(nbrackets) = c elseif (order(nbrackets)/=c) then call add_error(stack, & 'Cannot mix ordered and unordered elements') goto 100 endif if (c=="|".and.current%parent%operator/=OP_MIXED) & current%parent%operator = OP_CHOICE state = ST_CHILD elseif (c==')') then nbrackets = nbrackets - 1 if (nbrackets==0) then deallocate(order) state = ST_AFTERLASTBRACKET else temp => order allocate(order(nbrackets)) order = temp(:size(order)) deallocate(temp) state = ST_AFTERBRACKET endif current => current%parent if (.not.check_duplicates(current)) & goto 100 else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected character "'//c//'"found after ")"') goto 100 endif elseif (state==ST_AFTERLASTBRACKET) then !write(*,*)'ST_AFTERLASTBRACKET' if (c=='*') then state = ST_END current%repeater = REP_ASTERISK elseif (c=='+') then if (mixed) then call add_error(stack, & '+ operator disallowed for Mixed elements') goto 100 endif call transformCPPlus(current) state = ST_END elseif (c=='?') then if (mixed) then call add_error(stack, & '? operator disallowed for Mixed elements') goto 100 endif current%repeater = REP_QUESTION_MARK state = ST_END elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then if (mixed) then if (mixed_additional) then call add_error(stack, & 'Missing "*" at end of Mixed element specification') goto 100 endif endif state = ST_END else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected character "'//c//'" found after final ")"') goto 100 endif elseif (state==ST_END) then !write(*,*)'ST_END' if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then continue else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected token found after end of element specification') goto 100 endif endif enddo if (state/=ST_END) then call add_error(stack, "Error in parsing contents of element declaration") goto 100 endif if (associated(element)) then element%any = any element%empty = empty element%mixed = mixed element%model => vs_str_alloc(trim(strip_spaces(contents))) element%cp => top element%internal = internal ! For debugging it may be useful to dump the result here... ! Also need to use the subroutine. ! call dumpCPtree(top) else if (associated(top)) call destroyCPtree(top) endif return 100 if (associated(order)) deallocate(order) if (associated(name)) deallocate(name) if (associated(top)) call destroyCPtree(top) contains function strip_spaces(s1) result(s2) character(len=*) :: s1 character(len=len(s1)) :: s2 integer :: i, i2 i2 = 1 do i = 1, len(s1) if (verify(s1(i:i), XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle s2(i2:i2) = s1(i:i) i2 = i2 + 1 end do s2(i2:) = '' end function strip_spaces function check_duplicates(cp) result(p) type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp logical :: p type(string_list) :: sl type(content_particle_t), pointer :: tcp if (cp%operator==OP_SEQ) then p = .true. return endif call init_string_list(sl) tcp => cp%firstChild p = .false. do while (associated(tcp)) if (tcp%operator==OP_NAME) then if (registered_string(sl, str_vs(tcp%name))) then call destroy_string_list(sl) if (cp%operator==OP_MIXED) then call add_error(stack, & "Duplicate element names found in MIXED") elseif (cp%operator==OP_CHOICE) then call add_error(stack, & "Duplicate element names found in CHOICE") endif return else call add_string(sl, str_vs(tcp%name)) endif endif tcp => tcp%nextSibling enddo p = .true. call destroy_string_list(sl) end function check_duplicates end subroutine parse_dtd_element subroutine init_attribute_list(a_list) type(attribute_list), intent(inout) :: a_list allocate(a_list%list(0)) end subroutine init_attribute_list subroutine destroy_attribute_t(a) type(attribute_t), pointer :: a if (associated(a%name)) deallocate(a%name) if (associated(a%default)) deallocate(a%default) call destroy_string_list(a%enumerations) deallocate(a) end subroutine destroy_attribute_t subroutine destroy_attribute_list(a_list) type(attribute_list), intent(inout) :: a_list integer :: i do i = 1, size(a_list%list) deallocate(a_list%list(i)%name) if (associated(a_list%list(i)%default)) deallocate(a_list%list(i)%default) call destroy_string_list(a_list%list(i)%enumerations) enddo deallocate(a_list%list) end subroutine destroy_attribute_list function existing_attribute(a_list, name) result(p) type(attribute_list), intent(inout) :: a_list character(len=*), intent(in) :: name logical :: p integer :: i p = .false. do i = 1, size(a_list%list) p = (str_vs(a_list%list(i)%name)==name) if (p) exit enddo end function existing_attribute function add_attribute(a_list, name, internal) result(a) type(attribute_list), intent(inout) :: a_list character(len=*), intent(in) :: name logical, intent(in) :: internal type(attribute_t), pointer :: a integer :: i type(attribute_t), pointer :: temp(:) temp => a_list%list allocate(a_list%list(size(temp)+1)) do i = 1, size(temp) a_list%list(i)%name => temp(i)%name a_list%list(i)%atttype = temp(i)%atttype a_list%list(i)%attdefault = temp(i)%attdefault a_list%list(i)%default => temp(i)%default a_list%list(i)%enumerations%list => temp(i)%enumerations%list a_list%list(i)%internal = temp(i)%internal enddo deallocate(temp) a => a_list%list(i) a%name => vs_str_alloc(name) call init_string_list(a%enumerations) a%internal = internal end function add_attribute function get_attribute(a_list, name) result(a) type(attribute_list), intent(inout) :: a_list character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(attribute_t), pointer :: a integer :: i do i = 1, size(a_list%list) if (str_vs(a_list%list(i)%name)==name) then a => a_list%list(i) exit endif enddo end function get_attribute subroutine parse_dtd_attlist(contents, xv, namespaces, validCheck, stack, elem, internal) character(len=*), intent(in) :: contents integer, intent(in) :: xv logical, intent(in) :: validCheck logical, intent(in) :: namespaces type(error_stack), intent(inout) :: stack type(element_t), pointer :: elem logical, intent(in) :: internal integer :: i integer :: state character :: c, q character, pointer :: name(:), attType(:), default(:), value(:), temp(:) type(attribute_t), pointer :: ca type(attribute_t), pointer :: ignore_att ignore_att => null() ! We need ignore_att to process but not take account of duplicate attributes ! elem is optional so we can not record declarations if necessary. ca => null() name => null() attType => null() default => null() value => null() temp => null() state = ST_START do i = 1, len(contents) + 1 if (in_error(stack)) exit if (i<=len(contents)) then c = contents(i:i) else c = " " endif if (state==ST_START) then !write(*,*)'ST_START' if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle if (isInitialNameChar(c, xv)) then name => vs_str_alloc(c) state = ST_NAME else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected character in Attlist') endif elseif (state==ST_NAME) then !write(*,*)'ST_NAME' if (isNameChar(c, xv)) then temp => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(name)//c) deallocate(name) name => temp elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then if (namespaces.and..not.checkQName(str_vs(name), xv)) then call add_error(stack, & "Attribute name in ATTLIST must be QName") elseif (associated(elem)) then if (existing_attribute(elem%attlist, str_vs(name))) then if (associated(ignore_att)) call destroy_attribute_t(ignore_att) allocate(ignore_att) call init_string_list(ignore_att%enumerations) ignore_att%name => vs_vs_alloc(name) ca => ignore_att else ca => add_attribute(elem%attlist, str_vs(name), internal) endif else if (associated(ignore_att)) call destroy_attribute_t(ignore_att) allocate(ignore_att) call init_string_list(ignore_att%enumerations) ignore_att%name => vs_vs_alloc(name) ca => ignore_att endif deallocate(name) state = ST_AFTERNAME else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected character in Attlist Name') endif elseif (state==ST_AFTERNAME) then !write(*,*)'ST_AFTERNAME' if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle if (verify(c, upperCase)==0) then attType => vs_str_alloc(c) state = ST_ATTTYPE elseif (c=='(') then allocate(value(0)) ca%attType = ATT_ENUM state = ST_ENUMERATION else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected error after Attlist Name') endif elseif (state==ST_ATTTYPE) then !write(*,*)'ST_ATTTYPE' if (verify(c, upperCase)==0) then temp => attType attType => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(temp)//c) deallocate(temp) elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then ! xml:id constraint if (str_vs(ca%name)=="xml:id" & .and..not.str_vs(attType)=="ID") then call add_error(stack, & "xml:id attribute must be declared as type ID") elseif (str_vs(attType)=='CDATA') then ca%attType = ATT_CDATA state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE elseif (str_vs(attType)=='ID') then if (validCheck) then ! Validity Constraint: One ID per Element Type if (associated(elem)) then if (elem%id_declared) then call add_error(stack, & "Cannot have two declared attributes of type ID on one element type.") else elem%id_declared = .true. endif endif endif ca%attType = ATT_ID state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE elseif (str_vs(attType)=='IDREF') then ca%attType = ATT_IDREF state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE elseif (str_vs(attType)=='IDREFS') then ca%attType = ATT_IDREFS state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE elseif (str_vs(attType)=='ENTITY') then ca%attType = ATT_ENTITY state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE elseif (str_vs(attType)=='ENTITIES') then ca%attType = ATT_ENTITIES state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE elseif (str_vs(attType)=='NMTOKEN') then ca%attType = ATT_NMTOKEN state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE elseif (str_vs(attType)=='NMTOKENS') then ca%attType = ATT_NMTOKENS state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE elseif (str_vs(attType)=='NOTATION') then ca%attType = ATT_NOTATION state = ST_AFTER_NOTATION else call add_error(stack, & 'Unknown AttType') endif deallocate(attType) else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected character in AttType') endif elseif (state==ST_AFTER_NOTATION) then !write(*,*)'ST_AFTER_NOTATION' if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle if (c=='(') then state = ST_NOTATION_LIST else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected character after Notation') endif elseif (state==ST_NOTATION_LIST) then !write(*,*)'ST_NOTATION_LIST' if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle if (isInitialNameChar(c, xv)) then value => vs_str_alloc(c) state = ST_ENUM_NAME else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected character in Notation list') endif elseif (state==ST_ENUMERATION) then !write(*,*)'ST_ENUMERATION' if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle if (isNameChar(c, xv)) then temp => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(value)//c) deallocate(value) value => temp state = ST_ENUM_NAME elseif (c=='|') then call add_error(stack, & "Missing token in Enumeration") elseif (c==')') then call add_error(stack, & "Missing tokens in Enumeration") else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected character in attlist enumeration') endif elseif (state==ST_ENUM_NAME) then !write(*,*)'ST_ENUM_NAME' if (isNameChar(c, xv)) then temp => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(value)//c) deallocate(value) value => temp elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then if (validCheck.and.registered_string(ca%enumerations, str_vs(value))) then call add_error(stack, & "Duplicate enumeration value in ATTLIST") elseif ( & .and..not.checkNCName(str_vs(value), xv)) then call add_error(stack, & "Notation name must be NCName") else call add_string(ca%enumerations, str_vs(value)) endif deallocate(value) state = ST_SEPARATOR elseif (c=='|') then if (validCheck.and.registered_string(ca%enumerations, str_vs(value))) then call add_error(stack, & "Duplicate enumeration value in ATTLIST") elseif ( & .and..not.checkNCName(str_vs(value), xv)) then call add_error(stack, & "Notation name must be NCName") else call add_string(ca%enumerations, str_vs(value)) endif deallocate(value) if (ca%attType==ATT_NOTATION) then state = ST_NOTATION_LIST else allocate(value(0)) state = ST_ENUMERATION endif elseif (c==')') then if (size(value)==0) then call add_error(stack, & 'Missing token in Enumeration list') endif if (validCheck.and.registered_string(ca%enumerations, str_vs(value))) then call add_error(stack, & "Duplicate enumeration value in ATTLIST") elseif ( & .and..not.checkNCName(str_vs(value), xv)) then call add_error(stack, & "Notation name must be NCName") else call add_string(ca%enumerations, str_vs(value)) endif deallocate(value) state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE_SPACE else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected character in attlist enumeration') endif elseif (state==ST_SEPARATOR) then !write(*,*)'ST_SEPARATOR' if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle if (c=='|') then if (ca%attType==ATT_NOTATION) then state = ST_NOTATION_LIST else allocate(value(0)) state = ST_ENUMERATION endif elseif (c==')') then state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE_SPACE else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected character in attlist enumeration') endif elseif (state==ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE_SPACE) then if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)/=0) then call add_error(stack, & 'Missing whitespace in attlist enumeration') endif state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE elseif (state==ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE) then !write(*,*)'ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE' if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle if (c=='#') then allocate(default(0)) state = ST_DEFAULT_DECL elseif (c=='"'.or.c=="'") then if (validCheck) then ! Validity Constraint: ID Attribute Default if (ca%attType==ATT_ID) & call add_error(stack, & "Attribute of type ID may not have default value") endif ca%attDefault = ATT_DEFAULT q = c allocate(value(0)) state = ST_DEFAULTVALUE else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected character after AttType') endif elseif (state==ST_DEFAULT_DECL) then !write(*,*)'ST_DEFAULT_DECL' if (verify(c, upperCase)==0) then temp => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(default)//c) deallocate(default) default => temp elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then if (str_vs(default)=='REQUIRED') then ca%attdefault = ATT_REQUIRED deallocate(default) state = ST_START elseif (str_vs(default)=='IMPLIED') then ca%attdefault = ATT_IMPLIED deallocate(default) state = ST_START elseif (str_vs(default)=='FIXED') then if (validCheck) then ! Validity Constraint: ID Attribute Default if (ca%attType==ATT_ID) & call add_error(stack, & "Attribute of type ID may not have FIXED value") endif ca%attdefault = ATT_FIXED deallocate(default) state = ST_AFTERDEFAULTDECL else call add_error(stack, & 'Unknown Default declaration') endif else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected character in Default declaration') endif elseif (state==ST_AFTERDEFAULTDECL) then !write(*,*)'ST_AFTERDEFAULTDECL' if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle if (c=='"') then q = c allocate(value(0)) state = ST_DEFAULTVALUE elseif (c=="'") then q = c allocate(value(0)) state = ST_DEFAULTVALUE else call add_error(stack, & 'Unexpected character after Default declaration') endif elseif (state==ST_DEFAULTVALUE) then !write(*,*)'ST_DEFAULTVALUE' if (c==q) then if (ca%attType/=ATT_CDATA) then temp => vs_str_alloc(att_value_normalize(str_vs(value))) deallocate(value) value => temp endif if (validCheck) then select case(ca%attType) ! Can't have ID with defaults case (ATT_IDREF) ! VC: IDREF if (namespaces) then if (.not.checkNCName(str_vs(value), xv)) & call add_error(stack, & "Attributes of type IDREF must have a value which is an XML NCName") else if (.not.checkName(str_vs(value), xv)) & call add_error(stack, & "Attributes of type IDREF must have a value which is an XML Name") endif case (ATT_IDREFS) ! VC: IDREF if (namespaces) then if (.not.checkNCNames(str_vs(value), xv)) & call add_error(stack, & "Attributes of type IDREFS must have a value which contains only XML NCNames") else if (.not.checkNames(str_vs(value), xv)) & call add_error(stack, & "Attributes of type IDREFS must have a value which contains only XML Names") endif case (ATT_ENTITY) ! VC: Entity Name if (namespaces) then if (.not.checkNCName(str_vs(value), xv)) & call add_error(stack, & "Attributes of type ENTITY must have a value which is an XML NCName") else if (.not.checkName(str_vs(value), xv)) & call add_error(stack, & "Attributes of type ENTITY must have a value which is an XML Name") endif case (ATT_ENTITIES) ! VC: Entity Name if (namespaces) then if (.not.checkNames(str_vs(value), xv)) & call add_error(stack, & "Attributes of type ENTITIES must have a value which contains only XML NCNames") else if (.not.checkNames(str_vs(value), xv)) & call add_error(stack, & "Attributes of type ENTITIES must have a value which contains only XML Names") endif case (ATT_NMTOKEN) ! VC Name Token if (.not.checkNmtoken(str_vs(value), xv)) & call add_error(stack, & "Attributes of type NMTOKEN must have a value which is a NMTOKEN") case (ATT_NMTOKENS) ! VC: Name Token if (.not.checkNmtokens(str_vs(value), xv)) & call add_error(stack, & "Attributes of type NMTOKENS must have a value which contain only NMTOKENs") case (ATT_NOTATION) ! VC: Notation Attributes if (namespaces) then if (.not.checkNCName(str_vs(value), xv)) & call add_error(stack, & "Attributes of type NOTATION must have a value which is an XMLNCName") else if (.not.checkName(str_vs(value), xv)) & call add_error(stack, & "Attributes of type NOTATION must have a value which is an XML Name") endif case (ATT_ENUM) ! VC: Enumeration if (.not.checkNmtoken(str_vs(value), xv)) & call add_error(stack, & "Attributes of type ENUM must have a value which is an NMTOKENs") if (.not.registered_string(ca%enumerations, str_vs(value))) & call add_error(stack, & "Default value of ENUM does not match permitted values") end select endif if (.not.in_error(stack)) then if (ca%attType==ATT_ENTITIES) then call destroy_string_list(ca%enumerations) ca%enumerations = tokenize_to_string_list(str_vs(value)) endif ca%default => value value => null() state = ST_START endif else temp => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(value)//c) deallocate(value) value => temp endif endif enddo if (associated(ignore_att)) call destroy_attribute_t(ignore_att) if (.not.in_error(stack)) then if (state==ST_START) then return else call add_error(stack, & 'Incomplete Attlist declaration') endif endif if (associated(name)) deallocate(name) if (associated(attType)) deallocate(attType) if (associated(default)) deallocate(default) if (associated(value)) deallocate(value) end subroutine parse_dtd_attlist subroutine report_declarations(elem, attributeDecl_handler) type(element_t), intent(in) :: elem interface subroutine attributeDecl_handler(eName, aName, type, mode, value) character(len=*), intent(in) :: eName character(len=*), intent(in) :: aName character(len=*), intent(in) :: type character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: mode character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: value end subroutine attributeDecl_handler end interface integer :: i character(len=8) :: type character(len=8) :: mode type(attribute_t), pointer :: a do i = 1, size(elem%attlist%list) a => elem%attlist%list(i) type = ATT_TYPES(a%attType) select case (a%attDefault) case (ATT_REQUIRED) mode = "REQUIRED" case (ATT_IMPLIED) mode = "IMPLIED" case (ATT_FIXED) mode = "FIXED" end select if (a%attType==ATT_NOTATION) then if (a%attDefault==ATT_DEFAULT) then if (associated(a%default)) then call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), & 'NOTATION '//make_token_group(a%enumerations), value=str_vs(a%default)) else call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), & 'NOTATION '//make_token_group(a%enumerations)) endif else if (associated(a%default)) then call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), & 'NOTATION '//make_token_group(a%enumerations), mode=trim(mode), & value=str_vs(a%default)) else call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), & 'NOTATION '//make_token_group(a%enumerations), mode=trim(mode)) endif endif elseif (a%attType==ATT_ENUM) then if (a%attDefault==ATT_DEFAULT) then if (associated(a%default)) then call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), & make_token_group(a%enumerations), value=str_vs(a%default)) else call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), & make_token_group(a%enumerations)) endif else if (associated(a%default)) then call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), & make_token_group(a%enumerations), mode=trim(mode), & value=str_vs(a%default)) else call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), & make_token_group(a%enumerations), mode=trim(mode)) endif endif else if (a%attDefault==ATT_DEFAULT) then if (associated(a%default)) then call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), & trim(type), value=str_vs(a%default)) else call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), & trim(type)) endif else if (associated(a%default)) then call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), & trim(type), mode=trim(mode), value=str_vs(a%default)) else call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), & trim(type), mode=trim(mode)) endif endif endif enddo end subroutine report_declarations pure function make_token_group_len(s_list) result(n) type(string_list), intent(in) :: s_list integer :: n integer :: i n = size(s_list%list) + 1 do i = 1, size(s_list%list) n = n + size(s_list%list(i)%s) enddo end function make_token_group_len function make_token_group(s_list) result(s) type(string_list), intent(in) :: s_list character(len=make_token_group_len(s_list)) :: s integer :: i, m, n s(1:1) = '(' n = 2 do i = 1, size(s_list%list)-1 m = size(s_list%list(i)%s) s(n:n+m) = str_vs(s_list%list(i)%s)//'|' n = n + m + 1 enddo s(n:) = str_vs(s_list%list(i)%s)//')' end function make_token_group function attribute_has_default(att) result(p) type(attribute_t), pointer :: att logical :: p if (associated(att)) then p = att%attDefault==ATT_DEFAULT.or.att%attDefault==ATT_FIXED else p = .false. endif end function attribute_has_default function get_attlist_size(elem) result(n) type(element_t), pointer :: elem integer :: n if (associated(elem)) then n = size(elem%attlist%list) else n = 0 endif end function get_attlist_size function get_attdecl_by_index(elem, n) result(att) type(element_t), pointer :: elem integer, intent(in) :: n type(attribute_t), pointer :: att att => null() if (associated(elem)) then if (n>0.and.n<=size(elem%attlist%list)) then att => elem%attlist%list(n) endif endif end function get_attdecl_by_index function get_attdecl_by_name(elem, name) result(att) type(element_t), pointer :: elem character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(attribute_t), pointer :: att integer :: i att => null() if (associated(elem)) then do i = 1, size(elem%attlist%list) if (str_vs(elem%attlist%list(i)%name)==name) then att => elem%attlist%list(i) return endif enddo endif end function get_attdecl_by_name pure function express_att_decl_len(a) result(n) type(attribute_t), intent(in) :: a integer :: n if (a%attType==ATT_ENUM) then n = size(a%name) else n = size(a%name)+1+len_trim(ATT_TYPES(a%attType)) endif if (a%attType==ATT_NOTATION & .or.a%attType==ATT_ENUM) & n = n + 1 + make_token_group_len(a%enumerations) select case(a%attDefault) case (ATT_REQUIRED) n = n + len(" #REQUIRED") case (ATT_IMPLIED) n = n + len(" #IMPLIED") case (ATT_DEFAULT) n = n + len(" ") case (ATT_FIXED) n = n + len(" #FIXED") end select if (associated(a%default)) & n = n + 3 + size(a%default) end function express_att_decl_len function express_attribute_declaration(a) result(s) type(attribute_t), intent(in) :: a character(len=express_att_decl_len(a)) :: s if (a%attType==ATT_ENUM) then s = str_vs(a%name) else s = str_vs(a%name)//" "//ATT_TYPES(a%attType) endif if (a%attType==ATT_NOTATION & .or.a%attType==ATT_ENUM) & s = trim(s)//" "//make_token_group(a%enumerations) select case(a%attDefault) case (ATT_REQUIRED) s = trim(s)//" #REQUIRED" case (ATT_IMPLIED) s = trim(s)//" #IMPLIED" case (ATT_DEFAULT) s = trim(s)//" " case (ATT_FIXED) s = trim(s)//" #FIXED" end select if (associated(a%default)) & s = trim(s)//" """//str_vs(a%default)//"""" end function express_attribute_declaration function get_att_type_enum(s) result(n) character(len=*), intent(in) :: s integer :: n select case(s) case ('CDATA') n = ATT_CDATA case ('ID') n = ATT_ID case ('IDREF') n = ATT_IDREF case ('IDREFS') n = ATT_IDREFS case ('NMTOKEN') n = ATT_NMTOKEN case ('NMTOKENS') n = ATT_NMTOKENS case ('ENTITY') n = ATT_ENTITY case ('ENTITIES') n = ATT_ENTITIES case ('NOTATION') n = ATT_NOTATION case ('CDANO') n= ATT_CDANO case ('CDAMB') n = ATT_CDAMB end select end function get_att_type_enum pure function att_value_normalize_len(s1) result(n) character(len=*), intent(in) :: s1 integer :: n integer :: i logical :: w n = 0 w = .true. do i = 1, len(s1) if (w.and.(verify(s1(i:i),XML_WHITESPACE)==0)) cycle w = .false. n = n + 1 if (verify(s1(i:i),XML_WHITESPACE)==0) w = .true. enddo if (w) n = n - 1 ! Discard final space end function att_value_normalize_len function att_value_normalize(s1) result(s2) character(len=*), intent(in) :: s1 character(len=att_value_normalize_len(s1)) :: s2 integer :: i, i2 logical :: w i = 0 i2 = 1 w = .true. do while (i2<=len(s2)) i = i + 1 if (w.and.(verify(s1(i:i),XML_WHITESPACE)==0)) cycle w = .false. s2(i2:i2) = s1(i:i) i2 = i2 + 1 if (verify(s1(i:i),XML_WHITESPACE)==0) w = .true. enddo end function att_value_normalize #endif end module m_common_element