module m_dom_parse use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str_alloc use fox_m_utils_uri, only: URI, parseURI, rebaseURI, expressURI, destroyURI use m_common_attrs, only: hasKey, getValue, getIndex, getIsId, getBase, & add_item_to_dict use m_common_entities, only: entity_t, size, getEntityByIndex use m_common_error, only: FoX_error, in_error use m_common_struct, only: xml_doc_state use FoX_common, only: dictionary_t, getLength use FoX_common, only: getQName, getValue, getURI, isSpecified use m_sax_parser, only: sax_parse use FoX_sax, only: xml_t use FoX_sax, only: open_xml_file, open_xml_string, close_xml_t ! Public interfaces use m_dom_dom, only: DOMConfiguration, Node, NamedNodeMap, & TEXT_NODE, & getAttributes, getData, getDocType, getEntities, getImplementation, & getLastChild, getNodeType, & getNotations, getParameter, getParentNode, getXmlVersion, & setAttribute, setAttributeNS, setData, setValue, & appendChild, createAttribute, createAttributeNS, createCdataSection, & createComment, createDocumentType, createElement, createElementNS, & createEntityReference, createProcessingInstruction, createTextNode, & getNamedItem, setAttributeNode, setAttributeNodeNS, setNamedItem, & getFoX_checks ! Private interfaces use m_dom_dom, only: copyDOMConfig, createEmptyDocument, setDocumentElement, & createEmptyEntityReference, createEntity, createNotation, & getReadOnly, getStringValue, getXds, destroy, destroyAllNodesRecursively, & namespaceFixup, setDocType, setDomConfig, setGCstate, setIllFormed, & setIsElementContentWhitespace, setIsId, setReadOnlyMap, setReadonlyNode, & setSpecified, setXds, setStringValue use m_dom_error, only: DOMException, inException, throw_exception, & getExceptionCode, PARSE_ERR implicit none private public :: parsefile public :: parsestring type(xml_t), target, save :: fxml type(Node), pointer, save :: mainDoc => null() type(Node), pointer, save :: current => null() type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: domConfig logical :: cdata character, pointer :: error(:) => null() character, pointer :: inEntity(:) => null() contains subroutine startElement_handler(nsURI, localname, name, attrs) character(len=*), intent(in) :: nsURI character(len=*), intent(in) :: localname character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attrs type(URI), pointer :: URIref, URIbase, newURI type(Node), pointer :: el, attr, dummy character, pointer :: baseURI(:) integer :: i if (getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")) then el => createElementNS(mainDoc, nsURI, name) else el => createElement(mainDoc, name) endif if (getBase(attrs)/="") then i = getIndex(attrs, "xml:base") if (i>0) then URIbase => parseURI(getBase(attrs)) URIref => parseURI(getValue(attrs, i)) newURI => rebaseURI(URIbase, URIref) call destroyURI(URIbase) call destroyURI(URIref) baseURI => vs_str_alloc(expressURI(newURI)) call destroyURI(newURI) else baseURI => vs_str_alloc(getBase(attrs)) endif if (getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")) then attr => createAttributeNS(mainDoc, & "", "xml:base") else attr => createAttribute(mainDoc, "xml:base") endif call setValue(attr, str_vs(baseURI)) deallocate(baseURI) if (i>0) then call setSpecified(attr, isSpecified(attrs, i)) call setIsId(attr, getIsId(attrs, i)) endif if (getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")) then dummy => setAttributeNodeNS(el, attr) else dummy => setAttributeNode(el, attr) endif endif do i = 1, getLength(attrs) if (getQName(attrs, i)=="xml:base") cycle if (getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")) then attr => createAttributeNS(mainDoc, getURI(attrs, i), getQName(attrs, i)) else attr => createAttribute(mainDoc, getQName(attrs, i)) endif call setValue(attr, getValue(attrs, i)) call setSpecified(attr, isSpecified(attrs, i)) call setIsId(attr, getIsId(attrs, i)) if (getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")) then dummy => setAttributeNodeNS(el, attr) else dummy => setAttributeNode(el, attr) endif if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadOnlyNode(attr, .true., .true.) enddo if (associated(current, mainDoc)) then current => appendChild(current,el) call setDocumentElement(mainDoc, current) else current => appendChild(current,el) endif if (getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")) & call namespaceFixup(current, .false.) if (associated(inEntity)) & call setReadOnlyMap(getAttributes(current), .true.) cdata = .false. end subroutine startElement_handler subroutine endElement_handler(URI, localName, name) character(len=*), intent(in) :: URI character(len=*), intent(in) :: localname character(len=*), intent(in) :: name if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadOnlyNode(current, .true., .false.) current => getParentNode(current) end subroutine endElement_handler ! FIXME to pick up entity references within attribute values, we need ! separate just_the_element, start_attribute, attribute_text etc. calls. subroutine characters_handler(chunk) character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk type(Node), pointer :: temp logical :: readonly temp => getLastChild(current) if (associated(temp)) then if (.not.cdata.and.getNodeType(temp)==TEXT_NODE) then readonly = getReadOnly(temp) ! Reset readonly status quickly call setReadOnlyNode(temp, .false., .false.) call setData(temp, getData(temp)//chunk) call setReadOnlyNode(temp, readonly, .false.) return endif endif if (cdata) then temp => createCdataSection(mainDoc, chunk) temp => appendChild(current, temp) else temp => createTextNode(mainDoc, chunk) temp => appendChild(current, temp) endif if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadOnlyNode(temp, .true., .false.) end subroutine characters_handler subroutine ignorableWhitespace_handler(chunk) character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk type(Node), pointer :: temp logical :: readonly if (getParameter(domConfig, "element-content-whitespace")) then temp => getLastChild(current) if (associated(temp)) then if (getNodeType(temp)==TEXT_NODE) then readonly = getReadOnly(temp) ! Reset readonly status quickly call setReadOnlyNode(temp, .false., .false.) call setData(temp, getData(temp)//chunk) call setReadOnlyNode(temp, readonly, .false.) call setIsElementContentWhitespace(temp, .true.) return endif endif temp => createTextNode(mainDoc, chunk) temp => appendChild(current, temp) call setIsElementContentWhitespace(temp, .true.) if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadOnlyNode(temp, .true., .false.) endif end subroutine ignorableWhitespace_handler subroutine comment_handler(comment) character(len=*), intent(in) :: comment type(Node), pointer :: temp if (getParameter(domConfig, "comments")) then temp => appendChild(current, createComment(mainDoc, comment)) if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadOnlyNode(temp, .true., .false.) endif end subroutine comment_handler subroutine processingInstruction_handler(target, data) character(len=*), intent(in) :: target character(len=*), intent(in) :: data type(Node), pointer :: temp temp => appendChild(current, & createProcessingInstruction(mainDoc, target, data)) if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadOnlyNode(temp, .true., .false.) end subroutine processingInstruction_handler subroutine startDocument_handler mainDoc => createEmptyDocument() current => mainDoc call setGCstate(mainDoc, .false.) call setDomConfig(mainDoc, domConfig) end subroutine startDocument_handler subroutine endDocument_Handler call setGCstate(mainDoc, .true.) end subroutine endDocument_Handler subroutine startDTD_handler(name, publicId, systemId) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId type(Node), pointer :: np np => createDocumentType(getImplementation(mainDoc), name, publicId=publicId, systemId=systemId) np => appendChild(mainDoc, np) call setDocType(mainDoc, np) end subroutine startDTD_handler subroutine endDTD_handler type(Node), pointer :: np, oldcurrent type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: entities type(xml_t) :: subsax type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds type(entity_t), pointer :: ent integer :: i, ios logical :: ok entities => getEntities(getDocType(mainDoc)) xds => getXds(mainDoc) do i = 1, size(xds%entityList) ent => getEntityByIndex(xds%entityList, i) np => getNamedItem(entities, str_vs(ent%name)) ok = .false. if (ent%external) then if (size(ent%notation)==0) then call open_xml_file(subsax, expressURI(ent%baseURI), iostat=ios) if (ios/=0) then call setIllFormed(np, .true.) else ok = .true. endif endif else call open_xml_string(subsax, getStringValue(np)) ok = .true. endif if (ok) then oldcurrent => current current => np ! Run the parser over value ! We do this with all entities already declared. call sax_parse(subsax%fx, subsax%fb, & startElement_handler=startElement_handler, & endElement_handler=endElement_handler, & characters_handler=characters_handler, & startCdata_handler=startCdata_handler, & endCdata_handler=endCdata_handler, & comment_handler=comment_handler, & processingInstruction_handler=processingInstruction_handler, & fatalError_handler=entityErrorHandler, & startInCharData = .true., & externalEntity = ent%external, & xmlVersion = getXmlVersion(mainDoc), & namespaces=getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces"), & initial_entities = xds%entityList) call close_xml_t(subsax) current => oldcurrent endif enddo if (associated(getDocType(mainDoc))) then call setReadonlyMap(getEntities(getDocType(mainDoc)), .true.) call setReadonlyMap(getNotations(getDocType(mainDoc)), .true.) endif end subroutine endDTD_handler subroutine FoX_endDTD_handler(state) type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: state call setXds(mainDoc, state) end subroutine FoX_endDTD_handler subroutine notationDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId type(Node), pointer :: np np => createNotation(mainDoc, name, publicId=publicId, systemId=systemId) np => setNamedItem(getNotations(getDocType(mainDoc)), np) ! The SAX parser will never give us duplicate entities, ! so there is no need to check end subroutine notationDecl_handler subroutine startCdata_handler() if (getParameter(domConfig, "cdata-sections")) cdata = .true. end subroutine startCdata_handler subroutine endCdata_handler() cdata = .false. end subroutine endCdata_handler subroutine internalEntityDecl_handler(name, value) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name character(len=*), intent(in) :: value type(Node), pointer :: np if (name(1:1)=="%") return ! Do nothing with parameter entities ! We only note that these exist here. ! A second parsing stage is triggered at the end ! of the DTD, in order to resolve entity references (which ! need not be declared in order) np => createEntity(mainDoc, name, "", "", "") call setStringValue(np, value) np => setNamedItem(getEntities(getDocType(mainDoc)), np) end subroutine internalEntityDecl_handler subroutine normalErrorHandler(msg) character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg ! This is called if the main parsing routine fails error => vs_str_alloc(msg) end subroutine normalErrorHandler subroutine entityErrorHandler(msg) character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg !This gets called if parsing of an entity failed. If so, !then we need to destroy all nodes which were being generated as !children of this entity, then mark the entity as ill-formed - but !otherwise carry on parsing the document, and only throw an error !if a reference is made to it. call destroyAllNodesRecursively(current, except=.true.) call setIllFormed(current, .true.) end subroutine entityErrorHandler subroutine externalEntityDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId type(Node), pointer :: np if (name(1:1)=="%") return ! Do nothing with parameter entities np => createEntity(mainDoc, name, & publicId=publicId, systemId=systemId, notationName="") np => setNamedItem(getEntities(getDocType(mainDoc)), np) end subroutine externalEntityDecl_handler subroutine unparsedEntityDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId, notationName) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId character(len=*), intent(in) :: notationName type(Node), pointer :: np np => getNamedItem(getEntities(getDocType(mainDoc)), name) if (.not.associated(np)) then np => createEntity(mainDoc, name, publicId=publicId, systemId=systemId, notationName=notationName) np => setNamedItem(getEntities(getDocType(mainDoc)), np) endif end subroutine unparsedEntityDecl_handler subroutine startEntity_handler(name) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name if (name(1:1)=="%") return ! Do nothing with parameter entities if (getParameter(domConfig, "entities")) then if (.not.associated(inEntity)) then inEntity => vs_str_alloc(name) endif current => appendChild(current, createEmptyEntityReference(mainDoc, name)) endif end subroutine startEntity_handler subroutine endEntity_handler(name) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name if (name(1:1)=="%") return ! Do nothing with parameter entities if (getParameter(domConfig, "entities")) then call setReadOnlyNode(current, .true., .false.) if (str_vs(inEntity)==name) deallocate(inEntity) current => getParentNode(current) endif end subroutine endEntity_handler subroutine skippedEntity_handler(name) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(Node), pointer :: temp if (name(1:1)=="%") return ! Do nothing with parameter entities temp => appendChild(current, createEntityReference(mainDoc, name)) if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadonlyNode(temp, .true., .false.) end subroutine skippedEntity_handler subroutine runParser(fxml, configuration, ex) type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: fxml type(DOMConfiguration), pointer, optional :: configuration allocate(DOMConfig) if (present(configuration)) call copyDOMConfig(DOMConfig, configuration) ! We use internal sax_parse rather than public interface in order ! to use internal callbacks to get extra info. call sax_parse(fx=fxml%fx, fb=fxml%fb,& characters_handler=characters_handler, & endDocument_handler=endDocument_handler, & endElement_handler=endElement_handler, & !endPrefixMapping_handler, & ignorableWhitespace_handler=ignorableWhitespace_handler, & processingInstruction_handler=processingInstruction_handler, & ! setDocumentLocator skippedEntity_handler=skippedEntity_handler, & startDocument_handler=startDocument_handler, & startElement_handler=startElement_handler, & !startPrefixMapping_handler, & notationDecl_handler=notationDecl_handler, & unparsedEntityDecl_handler=unparsedEntityDecl_handler, & !error_handler, & fatalError_handler=normalErrorHandler, & !warning_handler, & !attributeDecl_handler, & !elementDecl_handler, & externalEntityDecl_handler=externalEntityDecl_handler, & internalEntityDecl_handler=internalEntityDecl_handler, & comment_handler=comment_handler, & endCdata_handler=endCdata_handler, & endDTD_handler=endDTD_handler, & endEntity_handler=endEntity_handler, & startCdata_handler=startCdata_handler, & startDTD_handler=startDTD_handler, & startEntity_handler=startEntity_handler, & FoX_endDTD_handler=FoX_endDTD_handler, & namespaces = getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces"), & namespace_prefixes = .true., & validate = getParameter(domConfig, "validate"), & ! FIXME what about validate-if-present ... xmlns_uris = .true.) call close_xml_t(fxml) if (associated(error)) then if (associated(inEntity)) deallocate(inEntity) ! FIXME pass the value of the error through ! when we let exceptions do that deallocate(error) call destroy(mainDoc) if (getFoX_checks().or.PARSE_ERR<200) then call throw_exception(PARSE_ERR, "runParser", ex) if (present(ex)) then if (inException(ex)) then return endif endif endif endif end subroutine runParser function parsefile(filename, configuration, iostat, ex) type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename type(DOMConfiguration), pointer, optional :: configuration integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat type(Node), pointer :: parsefile type(DOMException) :: ex_ integer :: iostat_ call open_xml_file(fxml, filename, iostat_) if (present(iostat)) then iostat = iostat_ if (iostat/=0) return elseif (in_error(fxml%fx%error_stack)) then call FoX_error(str_vs(fxml%fx%error_stack%stack(1)%msg)) elseif (iostat_/=0) then call FoX_error("Cannot open file") endif if (present(ex)) then call runParser(fxml, configuration, ex) elseif (present(iostat)) then call runParser(fxml, configuration, ex_) else call runParser(fxml, configuration) endif if (present(iostat).and.inException(ex_)) then iostat = getExceptionCode(ex_) endif parsefile => mainDoc mainDoc => null() end function parsefile function parsestring(string, configuration, ex) type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex character(len=*), intent(in) :: string type(DOMConfiguration), pointer, optional :: configuration type(Node), pointer :: parsestring call open_xml_string(fxml, string) call runParser(fxml, configuration, ex) parsestring => mainDoc mainDoc => null() end function parsestring end module m_dom_parse