module m_handlers_two use FoX_common use FoX_sax implicit none private ! This shows how you might use a SAX processor ! to extract character data from within certain nodes. ! It will print out the character content of all scalar ! nodes inside parameter nodes. ! It will also remember the value of the scalar within the ! parameter node called DM.EnergyTolerance ! Note that when dealing with character data, we need to ! concatenate all the character handling events in question: ! we do this using some of the character handling routines ! provided as a convenience by FoX. public :: characters_handler public :: endElement_handler public :: startDocument_handler public :: startElement_handler logical :: inScalar logical :: inParameter logical :: etolFound real :: etol character(200) :: c public :: etol contains subroutine characters_handler(chunk) character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk if (inScalar.and.inParameter) then print*, "Found some scalar parameter data:" print*, trim(chunk) if (etolFound) then c = trim(c)//" "//chunk endif endif end subroutine characters_handler subroutine endElement_handler(URI, localname, name) character(len=*), intent(in) :: URI character(len=*), intent(in) :: localname character(len=*), intent(in) :: name ! Note if we are leaving a scalar or parameter element. if (URI=="" & .and. localName=="scalar") then inScalar = .false. if (etolFound) then ! pull the data out of the concatenated string: call rts(c, etol) endif elseif (URI=="" & .and. localName=="parameter") then inParameter = .false. etolFound = .false. endif end subroutine endElement_handler subroutine startDocument_handler ! Initialize state variables inScalar = .false. inParameter = .false. ! Initalize other module variables c = '' end subroutine startDocument_handler subroutine startElement_handler(URI, localname, name, attributes) character(len=*), intent(in) :: URI character(len=*), intent(in) :: localname character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attributes integer :: i ! Note if we are entering a scalar or parameter element. if (URI=="" & .and. localName=="scalar") then inScalar = .true. elseif (URI=="" & .and. localName=="parameter") then inParameter = .true. ! Loop over the attributes, looking for the name ... do i = 1, getLength(attributes) if (getQName(attributes, i)=="name") then ! And if the attribute is called name, check if the name ! is what we are interested in. print*, "name=", getValue(attributes, i) etolfound = getValue(attributes, i)=="DM.EnergyTolerance" endif enddo endif end subroutine startElement_handler end module m_handlers_two program sax_example use FoX_sax use m_handlers_two ! above implicit none integer :: iostat type(xml_t) :: fxml call open_xml_file(fxml, "h2o.xml", iostat=iostat) if (iostat /= 0) then write(*,*) "Cannot open file." stop endif call parse(fxml,& characters_handler=characters_handler, & endElement_handler=endElement_handler, & startDocument_handler=startDocument_handler, & startElement_handler=startElement_handler) call close_xml_t(fxml) print*, "The energy tolerance requested was:", etol end program sax_example