module fox_m_utils_uri #ifndef DUMMYLIB ! Manipulate URIs and URI references a la RFC 2396 ! NB: ... ! Forbidden (ASCII control) characters are not handled correctly ! checking of reg names (not hosts) is done wrongly ! checking of ipv6/X is untested use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str_alloc, vs_vs_alloc use fox_m_fsys_format, only: str_to_int_10, str_to_int_16, str use fox_m_fsys_string, only: toLower implicit none private type path_segment character, pointer :: s(:) => null() end type path_segment #endif type URI private #ifndef DUMMYLIB character, pointer :: scheme(:) => null() character, pointer :: authority(:) => null() character, pointer :: userinfo(:) => null() character, pointer :: host(:) => null() integer :: port = -1 character, pointer :: path(:) => null() type(path_segment), pointer :: segments(:) => null() character, pointer :: query(:) => null() character, pointer :: fragment(:) => null() #else integer :: i #endif end type URI #ifndef DUMMYLIB character(len=*), parameter :: lowalpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" character(len=*), parameter :: upalpha = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" character(len=*), parameter :: alpha = lowalpha//upalpha character(len=*), parameter :: digit = "0123456789" character(len=*), parameter :: hexdigit = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF" character(len=*), parameter :: alphanum = alpha//digit character(len=*), parameter :: unreserved = alphanum//"-._~" character(len=*), parameter :: gen_delims = ":/?#[]@" character(len=*), parameter :: sub_delims = "!$&'()*+,;=" character(len=*), parameter :: reserved = gen_delims//sub_delims character(len=*), parameter :: pchar = unreserved//":@&=+$," character(len=*), parameter :: uric_no_slash = unreserved//";?:@&=+$," character(len=*), parameter :: uric = unreserved//reserved character(len=*), parameter :: unwise = "{}|\^[]`" #endif public :: URI public :: parseURI public :: expressURI public :: isAbsoluteURI public :: rebaseURI public :: copyURI public :: destroyURI public :: hasScheme public :: getScheme public :: hasAuthority public :: getAuthority public :: hasUserinfo public :: getUserinfo public :: hasHost public :: getHost public :: hasPort public :: getPort public :: getPath public :: hasQuery public :: getQuery public :: hasFragment public :: getFragment #ifndef DUMMYLIB public :: dumpURI #endif contains #ifndef DUMMYLIB function unEscape_alloc(s) result(c) character(len=*), intent(in) :: s character, pointer :: c(:) integer :: i, j, n character(len(s)) :: t c => null() i = 1 j = 0 do while (i<=len(s)) j = j + 1 if (s(i:i)=="%") then if (i+2>len(s)) return if (verify(s(i+1:i+2), hexdigit)/=0) return n = str_to_int_16(s(i+1:i+2)) t(j:j) = achar(n) i = i + 3 else t(j:j) = s(i:i) i = i + 1 endif enddo c => vs_str_alloc(t(:j)) end function unEscape_alloc function verifyWithPctEncoding(s, chars) result(p) character(len=*), intent(in) :: s character(len=*), intent(in) :: chars logical :: p integer :: i p = .false. i = 1 do while (i<=len(s)) if (s(i:i)=="%") then if (i+2>len(s)) return if (verify(s(i+1:i+2), hexdigit)>0) return i = i + 3 else if (verify(s(i:i),chars)>0) return i = i + 1 endif enddo p = .true. end function verifyWithPctEncoding pure function pctEncode_len(s, chars) result(n) character(len=*), intent(in) :: s character(len=*), intent(in) :: chars integer :: n integer :: i n = 0 do i = 1, len(s) n = n + 1 if (verify(s(i:i), unwise)==0.or.verify(s(i:i), chars)>0) n = n + 2 enddo end function pctEncode_len function pctEncode(s, chars) result(ps) character(len=*), intent(in) :: s character(len=*), intent(in) :: chars character(len=pctEncode_len(s, chars)) :: ps integer :: i, n n = 1 do i = 1, len(s) if (verify(s(i:i), unwise)==0.or.verify(s(i:i), chars)>0) then ps(n:n+2) = "%"//str(iachar(s(i:i)), "x2") n = n + 3 else ps(n:n) = s(i:i) n = n + 1 endif enddo end function pctEncode function checkOpaquePart(part) result(p) character(len=*), intent(in) :: part logical :: p if (len(part)>0) then p = verify(part(1:1), uric_no_slash)==0 if (p.and.len(part)>1) & p = verify(part(1:1), uric)==0 endif end function checkOpaquePart function checkScheme(scheme) result(p) character(len=*), intent(in) :: scheme logical :: p p = len(scheme)>0 if (p) then p = verify(scheme(1:1), lowalpha//upalpha)==0 if (p.and.len(scheme)>1) then p = verify(scheme(2:), alphanum//"+-.")==0 endif endif end function checkScheme function checkIpvX(host) result(p) character(len=*), intent(in) :: host logical :: p integer :: i, n1, n2 p = (len(host)>5).and.(host(1:1)=="[""]") if (p) then ! Try IPvFuture: p = (verify(host(2:2),"Vv")==0 & .and.verify(host(3:3),hexdigit)==0 &"." & .and.verify(host(3:3),unreserved//sub_delims//":")==0) if (.not.p) then ! is it IPv6? n1 = 0 do i = 1, 4 n2 = index(host(n1+1:), ":") if (n2==0.or.n2>6) return n2 = n2 + n1 if (verify(host(n1+1:n2-1),hexdigit)>0) return n1 = n2 enddo n2 = index(host(n1+1:), ":") if (n2==0) then ! this must be ipv4 format do i = 1, 3 n2 = index(host(n1+1:), ".") if (n2==0) return n2 = n2 + n1 if (verify(host(n1+1:n2-1),digit)>0) return if (str_to_int_10(host(n1+1:n2-1))>255) return n1 = n2 enddo ! Now there must be 3 or less digits followed by ] n2 = len(host)-1 if (verify(host(n1+1:n2-1),digit)>0) return if (str_to_int_10(host(n1+1:n2-1))>255) return elseif (n2<6) then n2 = n2 + n1 if (verify(host(n1+1:n2-1),hexdigit)>0) return ! Now there must be 4 or less digits followed by ] n1 = n2 n2 = len(host) if (n2-n1>4) return if (verify(host(n1+1:n2-1),hexdigit)>0) return endif p = .true. endif endif end function checkIpvX function checkHost(host) result(p) character(len=*), intent(in) :: host logical :: p p = checkIpvX(host) if (.not.p) & p = verifyWithPctEncoding(host, unreserved//sub_delims) end function checkHost function checkAuthority(authority, userinfo, host, port) result(p) character(len=*), intent(in) :: authority character, pointer :: userinfo(:), host(:) integer :: port logical :: p integer :: i1, i2 p = .true. if (len(authority)==0) return i1 = index(authority, "@") if (i1>0) then i2 = index(authority(i1+1:), ":") else i2 = index(authority, ":") endif if (i1==0) then userinfo => null() else p = verifyWithPctEncoding(authority(:i1-1), unreserved//sub_delims//":") if (p) userinfo => unEscape_alloc(authority(:i1-1)) endif if (i2==0) then i2 = len(authority)+1 else i2 = i1 + i2 p = p.and.verify(authority(i2+1:), digit)==0 if (p) port = str_to_int_10(authority(i2+1:)) endif p = p.and.checkHost(authority(i1+1:i2-1)) if (p) then host => vs_str_alloc(authority(i1+1:i2-1)) else if (associated(userinfo)) deallocate(userinfo) end if end function checkAuthority function checkPathSegment(segment) result(p) character(len=*), intent(in) :: segment logical :: p integer :: i1 i1 = index(segment, ";") if (i1>0) then p = verifyWithPctEncoding(segment(:i1-1), pchar) & .and.verifyWithPctEncoding(segment(i1+1:), pchar) else p = verifyWithPctEncoding(segment, unreserved//pchar) endif end function checkPathSegment function checkNonOpaquePath(path, segments) result(p) character(len=*), intent(in) :: path type(path_segment), pointer :: segments(:) logical :: p integer :: i, i1, i2 type(path_segment), pointer :: temp(:) p = .true. i1 = index(path, "/") if (i1==1) then allocate(segments(1)) segments(1)%s => vs_str_alloc("/") else allocate(segments(0)) i1 = 0 endif do i2 = index(path(i1+1:), "/") if (i2==0) then i2 = len(path) else i2 = i1 + i2 endif if (checkPathSegment(path(i1+1:i2-1))) then allocate(temp(size(segments)+1)) do i = 1, size(segments) temp(i)%s => segments(i)%s enddo temp(i)%s => unEscape_alloc(path(i1+1:i2)) deallocate(segments) segments => temp else do i = 1, size(segments) deallocate(segments(i)%s) enddo deallocate(segments) p = .false. return endif if (i2==len(path)) exit i1 = i2 end do end function checkNonOpaquePath function checkPath(path, segments) result(p) character(len=*), intent(in) :: path type(path_segment), pointer :: segments(:) logical :: p p = checkNonOpaquePath(path, segments) if (.not.p) then p = checkOpaquePart(path) if (p) allocate(segments(0)) endif end function checkPath function checkQuery(query) result(p) character(len=*), intent(in) :: query logical :: p p = verifyWithPctEncoding(query, uric) end function checkQuery function checkFragment(fragment) result(p) character(len=*), intent(in) :: fragment logical :: p p = verifyWithPctEncoding(fragment, uric) end function checkFragment #endif function parseURI(URIstring) result(u) character(len=*), intent(in) :: URIstring type(URI), pointer :: u #ifndef DUMMYLIB character, pointer, dimension(:) :: scheme, authority, & userinfo, host, path, query, fragment integer :: port type(path_segment), pointer :: segments(:) integer :: i1, i2, i3, i4 logical :: p #endif u => null() #ifndef DUMMYLIB scheme => null() authority => null() userinfo => null() host => null() port = -1 path => null() segments => null() query => null() fragment => null() i1 = index(URIstring, ":") if (i1>0) then p = checkScheme(URIstring(:i1-1)) if (p) then scheme => vs_str_alloc(toLower(URIstring(:i1-1))) else i1 = 0 endif endif ! if either i1==0 or the scheme doesn't validate, there is no scheme.. if (len(URIstring)>=i1+3) then if (URIstring(i1+1:i1+2)=="//") then i2 = scan(URIstring(i1+3:), "/#?") if (i2==0) then i2 = len(URIstring) + 1 else i2 = i1 + i2 + 2 endif p = checkAuthority(URIstring(i1+3:i2-1), userinfo, host, port) if (.not.p) then call cleanUp return endif authority => vs_str_alloc(URIstring(i1+3:i2-1)) else i2 = i1 + 1 endif else i2 = i1 + 1 endif if (i2>len(URIstring)) then path => vs_str_alloc("") allocate(segments(1)) segments(1)%s => vs_str_alloc("") call produceResult return endif i3 = scan(URIstring(i2:),"#?") if (i3==0) then i3 = len(URIstring) + 1 else i3 = i2 + i3 - 1 endif p = checkPath(URIstring(i2:i3-1), segments) if (.not.p) then call cleanUp return endif path => unEscape_alloc(URIstring(i2:i3-1)) if (i3>len(URIstring)) then call produceResult return endif if (URIstring(i3:i3)=="?") then i4 = index(URIstring(i3+1:), "#") if (i4==0) then i4 = len(URIstring) + 1 else i4 = i3 + i4 endif p = checkQuery(URIstring(i3+1:i4-1)) if (.not.p) then call cleanUp return endif query => vs_str_alloc(URIstring(i3+1:i4-1)) else i4 = i3 endif if (i4>len(URIstring)) then call produceResult return endif p = checkFragment(URIstring(i4+1:)) if (.not.p) then call cleanUp return endif fragment => vs_str_alloc(URIstring(i4+1:)) call produceResult contains subroutine cleanUp integer :: i if (associated(scheme)) deallocate(scheme) if (associated(authority)) deallocate(authority) if (associated(userinfo)) deallocate(userinfo) if (associated(host)) deallocate(host) if (associated(path)) deallocate(path) if (associated(query)) deallocate(query) if (associated(fragment)) deallocate(fragment) if (associated(segments)) then do i = 1, size(segments) deallocate(segments(i)%s) enddo deallocate(segments) endif end subroutine cleanUp subroutine produceResult allocate(u) u%scheme => scheme u%authority => authority u%userinfo => userinfo u%host => host u%port = port u%path => path u%segments => segments u%query => query u%fragment => fragment u%segments => segments end subroutine produceResult #endif end function parseURI function isAbsoluteURI(u) result(p) type(URI), intent(in) :: u logical :: p #ifdef DUMMYLIB p = .false. #else p = associated(u%scheme).or.associated(u%authority) if (.not.p.and.size(u%segments(1)%s)>0) then p = u%segments(1)%s(1)=="/" endif #endif end function isAbsoluteURI function rebaseURI(u1, u2) result(u3) type(URI), pointer :: u1, u2 type(URI), pointer :: u3 u3 => null() #ifndef DUMMYLIB if (associated(u2%scheme).or.associated(u2%authority)) then u3 => copyURI(u2) return endif allocate(u3) if (associated(u1%scheme)) u3%scheme => vs_vs_alloc(u1%scheme) if (associated(u1%authority)) u3%authority => vs_vs_alloc(u1%authority) u3%segments => appendPaths(u1%segments, u2%segments) u3%path => expressSegments(u3%segments) if (associated(u2%query)) u3%query => vs_vs_alloc(u2%query) if (associated(u2%fragment)) u3%fragment => vs_vs_alloc(u2%fragment) #endif end function rebaseURI #ifndef DUMMYLIB function appendPaths(seg1, seg2) result(seg3) type(path_segment), pointer :: seg1(:), seg2(:) type(path_segment), pointer :: seg3(:) type(path_segment), pointer :: temp(:) integer :: i, n, n2 if (size(seg2(1)%s)==0) then seg3 => normalizePath(seg1) return elseif (seg2(1)%s(1)=="/") then seg3 => normalizePath(seg2) return endif n = size(seg1) + size(seg2) i = size(seg1) if (seg1(i)%s(size(seg1(i)%s))/="/") & n = n - 1 allocate(temp(n)) n2 = 1 do i = 1, size(seg1) if (i==size(seg1).and.seg1(i)%s(size(seg1(i)%s))/="/") exit ! it's a file temp(n2)%s => vs_vs_alloc(seg1(i)%s) n2 = n2 + 1 enddo do i = 1, size(seg2) temp(n2)%s => vs_vs_alloc(seg2(i)%s) n2 = n2 + 1 enddo seg3 => normalizePath(temp) do i = 1, size(temp) deallocate(temp(i)%s) enddo deallocate(temp) end function appendPaths function normalizepath(seg1) result(seg2) type(path_segment), pointer :: seg1(:) type(path_segment), pointer :: seg2(:) integer :: i, n, n2, parents character, pointer :: tmp(:) ! If the last of the input segments are ! equal to '.' or '..', append a slash ! so the rest of the subroutine works. if ((str_vs(seg1(size(seg1))%s) == '.').or. & (str_vs(seg1(size(seg1))%s) == '..')) then tmp => vs_vs_alloc(seg1(size(seg1))%s) deallocate(seg1(size(seg1))%s) seg1(size(seg1))%s => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tmp)//"/") deallocate(tmp) endif n = 0 parents = 0 do i = 1, size(seg1) if (str_vs(seg1(i)%s)//"x"=="./x") then continue elseif (str_vs(seg1(i)%s)//"x"=="../x") then if (n>0) then n = n - 1 else parents = parents + 1 endif else n = n + 1 endif enddo n = n + parents allocate(seg2(n)) n2 = parents do i = 1, parents seg2(i)%s => vs_str_alloc("../") enddo do i = 1, size(seg1) if (str_vs(seg1(i)%s)//"x"=="./x") then continue elseif (str_vs(seg1(i)%s)//"x"=="../x") then if (n2>parents) then if (n2<=n) deallocate(seg2(n2)%s) n2 = n2 - 1 endif else n2 = n2 + 1 if (n2>0.and.n2<=n) & seg2(n2)%s => vs_vs_alloc(seg1(i)%s) endif enddo end function normalizepath function expressSegments(seg1) result(s) type(path_segment), pointer :: seg1(:) character, pointer :: s(:) integer :: i, n n = 0 do i = 1, size(seg1) n = n + size(seg1(i)%s) enddo allocate(s(n)) n = 1 do i = 1, size(seg1) s(n:n+size(seg1(i)%s)-1) = seg1(i)%s n = n + size(seg1(i)%s) enddo end function expressSegments pure function expressURI_len(u) result(n) type(URI), intent(in) :: u integer :: n n = 0 if (associated(u%scheme)) & n = size(u%scheme) + 1 if (associated(u%authority)) & n = n + pctEncode_len(str_vs(u%authority), unreserved//sub_delims//"@:") + 2 !FIXME - I suspect that ';' as the first character of a segment should be escaped n = n + pctEncode_len(str_vs(u%path), pchar//";"//"/") if (associated(u%query)) & n = n + pctEncode_len(str_vs(u%query), uric) + 1 if (associated(u%fragment)) & n = n + pctEncode_len(str_vs(u%fragment), uric) + 1 end function expressURI_len function expressURI(u) result(URIstring) type(URI), intent(in) :: u character(len=expressURI_len(u)) :: URIstring integer :: i, j URIstring="" i = 1 if (associated(u%scheme)) then URIstring(:size(u%scheme)+1) = str_vs(u%scheme)//":" i = i + size(u%scheme) + 1 endif if (associated(u%authority)) then j = pctEncode_len(str_vs(u%authority), unreserved//sub_delims//"@:") URIstring(i:i+j+1) = & "//"//pctEncode(str_vs(u%authority), unreserved//sub_delims//"@:") i = i + j + 2 endif if (size(u%path)>0) then !FIXME - I suspect that ';' as the first character of a segment should be escaped j = pctEncode_len(str_vs(u%path), pchar//";"//"/") URIstring(i:i+j-1) = pctEncode(str_vs(u%path), pchar//";"//"/") i = i + j endif if (associated(u%query)) then j = pctEncode_len(str_vs(u%query), uric) URIstring(i:i+j) = "?"//pctEncode(str_vs(u%query), uric) i = i + j + 1 endif if (associated(u%fragment)) then j = pctEncode_len(str_vs(u%fragment), uric) URIstring(i:i+j) = "#"//pctEncode(str_vs(u%fragment), uric) endif end function expressURI subroutine dumpURI(u) type(URI), intent(in) :: u integer :: i if (associated(u%scheme)) then write(*,*) "scheme: ", str_vs(u%scheme) else write(*,*) "scheme UNDEFINED" endif if (associated(u%authority)) then write(*,*) "authority: ", str_vs(u%authority) else write(*,*) "authority UNDEFINED" endif if (associated(u%userinfo)) then write(*,*) "userinfo: ", str_vs(u%userinfo) else write(*,*) "userinfo UNDEFINED" endif if (associated(u%host)) then write(*,*) "host: ", str_vs(u%host) else write(*,*) "host UNDEFINED" endif if (u%port>0) then write(*,*) "port: ", str(u%port) else write(*,*) "port UNDEFINED" endif if (associated(u%path)) then write(*,*) "path: ", str_vs(u%path) else write(*,*) "path UNDEFINED" endif if (associated(u%segments)) then do i = 1, size(u%segments) write(*,*) " segment: ", str_vs(u%segments(i)%s) enddo endif if (associated(u%query)) then write(*,*) "query: ", str_vs(u%query) else write(*,*) "query UNDEFINED" endif if (associated(u%fragment)) then write(*,*) "fragment: ", str_vs(u%fragment) else write(*,*) "fragment UNDEFINED" endif end subroutine dumpURI #endif function copyURI(u1) result(u2) type(URI), pointer :: u1 type(URI), pointer :: u2 #ifndef DUMMYLIB integer :: i if (.not.associated(u1)) then #endif u2 => null() #ifndef DUMMYLIB return endif allocate(u2) u2%scheme => vs_vs_alloc(u1%scheme) u2%authority => vs_vs_alloc(u1%authority) u2%userinfo => vs_vs_alloc(u1%userinfo) u2%host => vs_vs_alloc(u1%host) u2%port = u1%port u2%path => vs_vs_alloc(u1%path) allocate(u2%segments(size(u1%segments))) do i = 1, size(u1%segments) u2%segments(i)%s => vs_vs_alloc(u1%segments(i)%s) enddo u2%query => vs_vs_alloc(u1%query) u2%fragment => vs_vs_alloc(u1%fragment) #endif end function copyURI subroutine destroyURI(u) type(URI), pointer :: u #ifndef DUMMYLIB integer :: i if (associated(u%scheme)) deallocate(u%scheme) if (associated(u%authority)) deallocate(u%authority) if (associated(u%userinfo)) deallocate(u%userinfo) if (associated(u%host)) deallocate(u%host) if (associated(u%path)) deallocate(u%path) if (associated(u%segments)) then do i = 1, size(u%segments) deallocate(u%segments(i)%s) enddo deallocate(u%segments) endif if (associated(u%query)) deallocate(u%query) if (associated(u%fragment)) deallocate(u%fragment) deallocate(u) #endif end subroutine destroyURI function hasScheme(u) result(p) type(URI), pointer :: u logical :: p p = .false. #ifndef DUMMYLIB if (.not.associated(u)) return p = associated(u%scheme) #endif end function hasScheme function getScheme(u) result(s) type(URI), pointer :: u #ifndef DUMMYLIB character(len=size(u%scheme)) :: s s = str_vs(u%scheme) #else character(len=1) :: s s = "" #endif end function getScheme function hasAuthority(u) result(p) type(URI), pointer :: u logical :: p p = .false. #ifndef DUMMYLIB if (.not.associated(u)) return p = associated(u%authority) #endif end function hasAuthority function getAuthority(u) result(s) type(URI), pointer :: u #ifndef DUMMYLIB character(len=size(u%authority)) :: s s = str_vs(u%authority) #else character(len=1) :: s s = "" #endif end function getAuthority function hasUserinfo(u) result(p) type(URI), pointer :: u logical :: p p = .false. #ifndef DUMMYLIB if (.not.associated(u)) return p = associated(u%userinfo) #endif end function hasUserinfo function getUserinfo(u) result(s) type(URI), pointer :: u #ifndef DUMMYLIB character(len=size(u%userinfo)) :: s s = str_vs(u%userinfo) #else character(len=1) :: s s = "" #endif end function getUserinfo function hasHost(u) result(p) type(URI), pointer :: u logical :: p p = .false. #ifndef DUMMYLIB if (.not.associated(u)) return p = associated(u%host) #endif end function hasHost function getHost(u) result(s) type(URI), pointer :: u #ifndef DUMMYLIB character(len=size(u%host)) :: s s = str_vs(u%host) #else character(len=1) :: s s = "" #endif end function getHost function hasPort(u) result(p) type(URI), pointer :: u logical :: p p = .false. #ifndef DUMMYLIB if (.not.associated(u)) return p = u%port > 0 #endif end function hasPort function getPort(u) result(n) type(URI), pointer :: u integer :: n #ifndef DUMMYLIB n = u%port #else n = 0 #endif end function getPort function getPath(u) result(s) type(URI), pointer :: u #ifndef DUMMYLIB character(len=size(u%path)) :: s s = str_vs(u%path) #else character(len=1) :: s s = "" #endif end function getPath function hasQuery(u) result(p) type(URI), pointer :: u logical :: p p = .false. #ifndef DUMMYLIB if (.not.associated(u)) return p = associated(u%query) #endif end function hasQuery function getQuery(u) result(s) type(URI), pointer :: u #ifndef DUMMYLIB character(len=size(u%query)) :: s s = str_vs(u%query) #else character(len=1) :: s s = "" #endif end function getQuery function hasFragment(u) result(p) type(URI), pointer :: u logical :: p p = .false. #ifndef DUMMYLIB if (.not.associated(u)) return p = associated(u%fragment) #endif end function hasFragment function getFragment(u) result(s) type(URI), pointer :: u #ifndef DUMMYLIB character(len=size(u%fragment)) :: s s = str_vs(u%fragment) #else character(len=1) :: s s = "" #endif end function getFragment end module fox_m_utils_uri