program parse_nullURI ! Check that URIs can be parsed and expressed, even if all ! elements are not defined. This is intended to catch ! cases where the parser returns undefined variables. use fox_m_utils_uri type(URI), pointer :: u print*, "Testing empty URI" u => parseURI("") call check print*, "All parts defined" u => parseURI(";c=d#frag") call check print*, "No #frag" u => parseURI(";c=d") call check print*, "No ?query" u => parseURI("") call check print*, "No /path" u => parseURI(";c=d#frag") call check print*, "No :port" u => parseURI(";c=d#frag") call check print*, "No user@" u => parseURI(";c=d#frag") call check print*, "No pass" u => parseURI(";c=d#frag") call check print*, "No scheme" u => parseURI(";c=d#frag") call check contains subroutine check character(len=100) :: us if (associated(u)) then call dumpURI(u) us = expressURI(u) print*, us print* call destroyURI(u) else print*, "parsing failed" endif end subroutine check end program parse_nullURI