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PMP Special Purpose Keys ` pe"(# 3 X$X` ` 0$B. Menu Layout ` pe"(# 4 X$X` ` 0$C. Processing a Scanned Pin Meter Image ` pe"(# 5  xPI X$IV.$Sample Configuration (Output Options) pJ"(# 12  xP X$V.$Basic Calibration Files pJ"(# 13 X$X` ` 0$A. Preparing to Create a calibration file ` pJ"(# 13 X$X` ` 0$B. Create the calibration file ` pJ"(# 13 X$X` ` 0$C. Using the calibration file ` pJ"(# 13 X$PMP Technical Reference pJ"(# 14  xPQ X$I.$PMP System Requirements pJ"(# 14 X$X` ` 0$A. Minimum Requirements ` pJ"(# 14 X$X` ` 0$B. Preferred Configuration ` pJ"(# 14  xPq X$II.$File Formats pJ"(# 15 X$X` ` 0$A. PCX ` pJ"(# 15 X$X` ` 0$B. RAW ` pJ"(# 15 X$X` ` 0$C. CAL ` pJ"(# 15 X$X` ` 0$D. PIN ` pJ"(# 16 X$X` ` 0$E. Configuration PMP.CFG ` pJ"(# 17  xP X$III.$Advanced/Alternate Installations pJ"(# 20 X$X` ` 0$A. The PMP Configuration file PMP.CFG ` pJ"(# 20 X$X` ` 0$B. Configuring PMP for multiple users. ` pJ"(# 20 X$X` ` 0$C. Scanner Swapping Details. ` pJ"(# 20 X$X` ` 0$D. Relative and Absolute Coordinates in the Analyze routine. ` pJ"(# 20  xP X$IV.$Advanced Configuration and PMP tuning pJ"(# 20  xP) X$V.$Scanner Tutorial pJ"(# 21 X$X` ` 0$A. Reference ` pJ"(# 21 X$X` ` 0$B. Specifics for HS3000 ` pJ"(# 21  xPI# X$VI.$Error Messages pJ"(# 23 X$Appendix pJ"(# 24 X$X` ` 0$Manuscript Digitization of Profile Meter Photographs. ` pJ"(# 24 i&0*0*0*  X X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: & (# ?$Use either of these keys to move FORWARD from one input field to the next. In most cases the key will move you to the next field in the form, however the key is the true field entry key.(#  xP b.?$ & (# ?$Use either of these keys to move BACKWARD from one input field to the previous one.(#  xP" 2.Arrow Keys(# The Arrow keys may be used to move around inside of fields. In certain types of fields (single line input fields), the up and down arrow keys will move you from to other fields. Remember though that the true field movement keys (/ & /) are required to leave multiline input fields (comment fields).(# i'0*((@@Ԍ xP ԙ3.Help Key(# The function key is the help key. If it is pressed, it brings up the current field/form help screen. Depressing a second time will bring up the system help display. The system help gives a quick overview of all the special purpose keys. Besides having two levels of help (field/form level and system leve), most fields will display a description of what is required of the user at that instance in the bottom line of the screen as well. The key will remove the help screens from the display.(#  xP@ 4.Choice List (popup) Key(# If the field you are in makes use of a choice list, such as file selection, then the key will bring the choice list up and allow you to make your selection. In many situations the choice list will automatically be displayed when you enter the field. If you desire to remove the choice list screen, pressing the key will accomplish that feat.(#  xP 5.Quit Form/Field Key(# If you want to abandon a form without saving any of the choices or entries that you have made, use the or key. Also, if you want to restore the current field entry, pressing will usually do so. This key can be thought of as an undo key in most instances. Most of the input forms will ask if you really want to quit a form if changes have been made, thereby giving you the chance to save them if you accidentally forgot.(#  xP 6.Save Form (Exit) Key(# Use the key to exit the current form and save the changes that you have made. If the form still requires additional information before you can leave it, it will prompt you about the problem.(#  yO  B. Making Menu and Choice List Selections  To make a menu selection you may either use the cursor keys to move the highlight bar over the option and then press , or you may press the letter that is highlighted in the option string to immediately select that menu choice and proceed with executing that selection's action, whether it be performing a specific function, displaying an input form on the screen, or bringing up a secondary level menu.(# If a choice list is not already active for a field that has one associated with it, press the key to raise the choice list. To select an item from the choice list use, the cursor keys to move to the option you want. Then press and the selection should show up in the input field.(# x0*((@@  yO  B. Menu Layout  The Option Type field describes what type of action to expect when selecting the corresponding Item. An option type of menu means that another menu form will be displayed. The form option type specifies that an input form will be displayed. An operation is performed immediately when a Function option is selected.(#  yO ^ Table II. Main Menu * O !ddxY;  A<< @  O $ Menu0 Option0 Menu Item@ Item Type Descriptioin0 Configuration Menu Configure the PMP program, Scanner, Pin Meter, etc. Digitize Image Function Calls the users digitizing scanner program.  Select Image Form Select the image to analyze and enter the appropriate data.  Analyze Image Function Display image, mark reference locations, AOI and detect the pins.  Display Output Function Display results of the Analysis to the display.  Print Output` Function` Print results of the Analysis to the display.  File Output@ Function@ File results of the Analysis in the PIN directory.`  Exit0 Function0 Leave the PMP program go back to DOS. @  yO  YiTable III. Configuration Menu * T A<< @   a<< P   T @ Menu@ Option@ Menu ItemP Item  Type  Description@ Analysis/Output Options Form Type of analysis to perform and format of theڳ results.  Pin Meter Parameters Form Specify the parameters for a particular Pin Meter Create Calibration File Form Create a file for calibration of future image files. System Defaults Form Customize the PMP program to your preferences. Scanner and Swapping Parameters Form Options for using a scanner program in the PMP. Save Parametersp Form & Functionp Save your changes into a configuration file. System Status` Function` Display system information on your screen.p` 0*((@@  yO  C. Processing a Scanned Pin Meter Image   xP i.First assume that you have scanned in a pin meter image and that the image was stored in the default PCX  yPX directory (PMP\data.pcx) directory under the name tutor1.pcx . A file with that name was copied there during  yP! the installation process. For the first image that you will examine, tutor1.pcx , the area of interest and  yP reference labels will have already been placed. The second image, tutor2.pcx , will be unlabeled and you will  yP be able to use it for practicing the labeling of the aoi, reference and pin labels. If you want to use tutor1.pcx  yP| again you will need to copy tutor1.raw from the installation disks RAW (data.raw) directory into the current PMP RAW directory (PMP\data.raw), or make a copy before you start. In the steps that mention data entry  yP  this will be done for the tutor1.pcx file. However, for the tutor2.pcx file nothing will be labeled and you will  yP be able to use it for practice. If you want to practice with the tutor2.pcx file more than once you can simply  yP erase its raw file ( tutor2.raw ) from the RAW directory which contains all the user supplied information for a processed image.(#  yP ii.Now change directory into the PMP directory. If you followed the installation instructions in Section II , then you need to do the following:(#  2Q #x  `w; X#$c: $cd \pmp # ` [ P!_)P# iii. Now execute the program by typing: #x  `w; X#  29 $pmp# ` [ P!_)P#  yP iv. Now choose the SELECT IMAGE form option . (see Figure 1)  Figure 1  Figure 1.  Figure 1.  Figure 1. !X @ ddGRABA.PCX X (D" xP ԎThe PMP Main Menu Function: ?$X` ` 0In this form you select the image to analyze and enter the data that is relevant to the image.(#`  yOj" ?$X` ` 0 (see Figures 2 & 3) (#` Process:  yP$ a.X$Choose the image you want to perform the analysis upon. In this case choose tutor1.pcx or tutor2.pcx from the scrollable choice list.(#% 0*((@@ AX @ @ddGRABB.PCX X (DC xP ԎThe File Selection Menu with choice list activated aX @ PddGRABC.PCX X (DF xP ԎThe File Selection Menu after the selection was made.  xP b. X$Enter the name of the Pin Meter operator into the OPERATOR field.(#  xPx c. X$Enter the name of the site into the SITE LOCATION field.(#  xP d. X$Enter any pertinent comments into the COMMENTS field.(#  xP! e.X$Now depress the key on the keyboard. This will save the information and exit you out of the selection form.(# (# 0*((@@ v. Now select the ANALYZE IMAGE option in the main menu. Function: ?$X` ` 0This option selects the graphical interface which allows you to analyze the pin meter image. You will define the area of interest region, label the reference mark locations on the pin meter image and then run the detect (pin tip location) routine. If any labels are incorrectly placed you must correct them using the mouse.(#`  yOx ?$X` ` 0 (see Figure 4 for the starting screen of the Analyze Routine) (#` < N H (ddGRAB_01.PCX <<(D  xP ԎStarting Screen  xPP a. X$Scrolling a Pin Meter Image.(#  xP $1.` ` 0Move the mouse pointer to the upper right corner of the screen, where the cluster of boxed  yP arrows is located. (see Figure 5) (#`  xP $2.` ` 0Place the mouse pointer over the box that contains the arrow that shows which way you want to scroll the image.(#`  xP9 $3.` ` 0Depress the right mouse button and hold down until the image has scrolled the desired distance.(#` < N A(ddGRAB_02.PCX <<(D- xP ԎPointer is on the Scroll Box  xP' b.$Label types.(#' 0*((@@Ԍ xP ?$1.X` ` 0AOI, or area of interest labels are use to label the area that the PMP will examine for pins. You place two opposite corners of the rectangle that forms the region. PMP will draw a rectangle  yP around the region. (see Figures 6 & 7) (#` < (ddGRAB_03.PCX <<(D2 xP ԎPointer is labeling AOI #1 Corner< (ddGRAB_04.PCX <<(D2 xP ԎPointer is labeling AOI #2 corner  xP ?$2.X` ` 0REF, or reference labels are used to label the reference marks that are on the pin meter. PMP uses the distance between the REF labels for further analysis so it is significantly important that  yP1 these two labels are placed as accurately as possible. (see Figure 8 & 9) (#` < :(ddGRAB_05.PCX <<(D+ xP ԎPointer is labeling REF #1!< :(ddGRAB_06.PCX <<(D+ xP ԎPointer is labeling REF #2 B 0*((@@  xP ?$3.X` ` 0PIN labels are used to identify the locations of the pin tip for further analysis.(#`  yO ?$X` ` 0X = (see Figure 10) (# A< N (ddGRAB_07.PCX<<( D/ xP ԎPointer pointing to PIN labels  xP c.?$Selecting different types of labels.(#  xP ?$1.X` ` 0On the top line of the display in the Analysis routine you will notice a cluster: REF/PIN/AOI (xxx/yyy). Where xxx is the number of labels of the current type that have been placed and yyy is the number of labels that should be placed overall. The xxx and yyy numbers will be the same color as either REF,PIN or AOI in the REF/PIN/AOI label. This also distinguishes which label type is currently selected. If PIN label type is selected then PIN, xxx and yyy will all be the same color. REF and AOI will be the default TXT_COLOR. The default colors can be changed in the Configuration Menu.(#`  xP d. X$Adding a label.(#  xP $1.` ` 0Move the mouse pointer to the location that you want to label.(#`  xPp $2.` ` 0Depress the right mouse button to label that location.(#`  xP  e.X$Removing a label.(#  xP $1.` ` 0Move the mouse pointer to the label that you want to remove.(#`  xP $2.` ` 0Depress both mouse buttons simultaneously and the label will be removed.(#` X0*((@@ Steps to process the image:  xP a.X$Select the Area Of Interest (AOI) label type. (#  xPX b.X$You will now need to place the corners for your AOI.(#  xP  $1.` ` 0Move to the upper left corner of the image.(#`  xP $2.` ` 0Place a label for the corner of the area of interest here.(#`  xP $3.` ` 0Move to the lower right corner of the image, just before where the pin heads start.(#`  yO@ ?$X` ` 0X =XI DO NOT INCLUDE THE REFERENCE MARKS IN THE AREA OF  yO INTEREST. (# ?$X` ` 0X =If it is necessary to do so it is likely that the detect routine will label the reference marks as pins. Then you will need to manually remove the labels.(#  xP ?$4.X` ` 0Place the second corner of the AOI here. A box will now enclose the area.x` ?$X` ` 0X =No matter which corners you label, after you run the detect routine the AOI labels are replaced to be the upper left corner and the lower right corner of the rectangle.(#  xP c.?$Select the reference (REF) label type.   xP ?$1.X` ` 0Label the top and bottom reference marks with the mouse. In the examples the reference marks look like a capital L with a half arrow head on the top vertical part. Use the right button to place a label. Depress both buttons simultaneously over the point to remove the label. `  xP d.?$Click on the DETECT option on the menu bar, with the right mouse button. The program will display the number of pin tips located and collect information. When the detection algorithm finishes the  yPP image will be redrawn with the pin marks in place. (see figure 11) " a< N Y(ddGRAB_08.PCX<<( D0 xP ԎPointer over Detect Menu Option  xPa" e.?$Select the PIN label type.(#  xP# f. X$Check to make sure that no errors in labeling have occurred.(#  xP$ ?$1.X` ` 0If a pin has not been labeled then label it by depressing the right mouse button.(#`  xP% ?$2.X` ` 0If an object was incorrectly labeled as a pin then remove the label by moving the mouse pointer over the label and simultaneously depressing both mouse buttons.(#` '0*((@@Ԍ yP g.?$Click on the EXIT option. (see figure 12) (# < N (ddGRAB_09.PCX<<( D. xP ԎPointer over EXIT menu option  xP vi.Depress the key or select the menu option to view the generated report on the monitor. If you are in EGA43 Line mode or VGA50 Line mode, PMP will make use of the full screen.(#  xP vii.X$Depress the key to file the generated report in the PIN (PMP/data.pin) directory. The output file  yPi will be named tutor1.pin or tutor2.pin , the name will correspond to the PCX file name.(# viii.Depress the

key to send the generated report to the printer connected to PRN:.  yP ix.Repeat this process for tutor2.pcx . This file will give you additional practice in analyzing the pin meter images.(#  xP x.Select the Exit option to exit the program.(# 0*((@@  yO  IV.X$Sample Configuration (Output Options) (# When using the PMP program you will probably need to make a few "customizations" for your specific setup. This section will describe a few of the options that you may need to change. Specifically; Output Units, Output Type, Output Coordinates, and Output Header Flag.  yP First before you start the PMP program copy the current configuration file pmp.cfg to a backup for example:  2A #x  `w; X#copy pmp.cfg pmp_cfg.bak# ` [ P!_)P#(# This way you have a backup of the original configuration in case you need to go back to it. To change any of these parameters you must first go to the configuration menu. Do this by selecting at the main menu. The following items are in the Analysis/Output Options form, select this form with . Or you may select either option by using the cursor keys move the menu selection bar to the item and pressing enter.  zP Output Units, this option specifies what units you want the data presented in.  zPK Output Type, this option specifies how and what type of information you want output.  zP Output Coordinates, this option specifies what reference coordinates to use when outputting the data.  zP Output Header Flag, this option specifies whether or not you want the header information output. It is possible to change these values and use them for a single session (temporary). However, if you then exit the program the settings will revert to the defaults. You can use the Save Parameters function , under the Configuration menu, which creates a new configuration file to make your settings permanent. It will prompt for a name, the default is pmp.cfg, and it will proceed to write out the new configuration file. PMP will let you know that it has successfully saved the new configuration file. There are other options that you may want or need to change, all of the options are detailed in Reference Section  yP  II. subpart E . Options include such areas as; pin meter, camera lens, digitizer, and colors.  yOz  For more in depth coverage of the configuration options refer to PMP Technical Reference; Section II, File  yOB Formats, Configuration PMP.CFG.  0*((@@  yO  V.Basic Calibration Files (# Calibration files can be used to correct for camera lens distortion effects in photographs and unequal pin lengths in digitized pin meter images.  yO  A. Preparing to Create a calibration file  This section details the necessary preparation for creating calibration files.  xP  i.First, you need a set of scans that you know are accurate. See the Technical Reference for more information.(#  xP ii.Currently, one limitation of the PMP program is that the RAW files that are going to be used to construct calibration files must exist in the CAL subdirectory. So the user must manually copy the appropriate RAW files into the CAL (PMP\data.cal) subdirectory.(#  xP( iii.As soon as the calibration file has been generated the user may remove the RAW files used in constructing the calibration file that are in the CAL directory if he desires.(#  yO  B. Create the calibration file  This section outlines the steps to create a calibration file.  xP i.Select the Configuration Menu .(#  xPh ii.Select the Create Calibration File option .(#  xP0 iii.Enter the appropriate data.(#  xP ?$a.X` ` 0Enter the number of pins the meter has that was used to obtain the RAW data file.(#`  xP ?$b.X` ` 0Enter the number of files that will make up the calibration file.(#`  xP ?$c.X` ` 0Enter the calibration file header information.(#`  xPP ?$d.X` ` 0Enter the calibration file path and then the extension.(#`  xP ?$e.X` ` 0Enter the name of the new calibration file.(#`  xP ?$f.X` ` 0Select the .RAW files that will make up the calibration file.(#`  xP iv.Now the calibration file will be created by exiting the form with .(#  yO8  C. Using the calibration file  This section tells you how to use this option now that you have the calibration file. To use calibration files you must first create them.  xP  i.Select the Configuration Menu .(#  xP ii.Select the Analysis Output Option .(#  xP iii.Set Calibrate YES by toggling the field value with the spacebar.(#  xPx iv.Select the calibration file from the choice list. (Choose the example inc.cal)(#  xP@ v.Exit the form with to save your changes. (Temporary) Or to permanently use this setup as the default use the Save Parameters Function under the Configuration Submenu.(#  0*((@@  X ] PMP Technical Reference  *  yO  I.PMP System Requirements (#  yOA  A. Minimum Requirements This section details the requirements for a minimally configured system.  xPa i.IBMcompatible computer with 640 kilobytes of RAM memory. A 4.77MHz Intel 8088 or compatible is the minimum processor requirement.(#  xP ii.MSDOS or PCDOS version 2.1 or higher.(#  xP iii.Additional computer memory supporting the Lotus/Intel/Microsoft (LIM 4.0) Expanded Memory Standard (EMS). The amount of EMS memory required depends upon the size of the image and the scanner digitizing resolution setting used. Approximately 1.5 megabytes of EMS memory is necessary for a 7.6cm by 12.7cm (3x5 inch) photo digitized at 118 dots per cm (300 dpi).(#  xP iv.16 Color 640x350 pixel (EGA) graphics adapter with corresponding color monitor.(#  xP v.A Microsoft compatible mouse and associated driver software.(#  xPi vi.A digitizing scanner. The scanner software must be capable of producing single plane (black and white) digitized images that can be stored in the PC Paintbrush (PCX) graphics file format. A relatively inexpensive hand digitizing scanner has provided satisfactory results.(# vii. Two 360k floppy drives (hard disk recommended).  yOQ  B. Preferred Configuration  This section details the requirements for a preferred configuration.  xPq i.IBMATcompatible computer with 640 kilobytes of RAM memory. An 8MHz (or faster) Intel 80286 or compatible processor.(#  xP ii.MSDOS or PCDOS version 3.0 or higher. (this is required to do scanner calls from within PMP)(#  xP iii.2 megabytes or greater of LIM 3.2 or 4.0 EMS memory.(#  xP iv.16 Color 640x480 pixel (VGA) graphics adapter (preferably 16 bit) with corresponding color monitor.(#  xPY v.A Microsoft compatible mouse and associated driver software.(#  xP! vi.A digitizing scanner. The scanner software must be capable of producing single plane (black and white) digitized images that can be stored in the PC Paintbrush (PCX) graphics file format.(# vii. A 1.44meg or 1.2meg floppy and a hard disk drive. PMP was designed to work with EGA43 Line and VGA50 Line modes. Choice lists and the display output routines take advantage of these extended modes. Program was developed and tested on a Computerland 8Mhz 80286 computer with 2MB memory, 2MB LIM 3.2 EMS memory, 40MB hard disk, and EGA color graphics system with DOS 3.21 and a Gateway 2000 20Mhz 80386 computer with 4MB memory (with up to 3MB accessible as LIM 4.0 EMS memory with appropriate software drivers), 80MB hard disk, and VGA color graphics system with DOS 4.01. !0*((@@  yO  II.File Formats (#  yO  A. PCX  ?$This is the file that contains the image of the pin meter. This image must be larger than what is displayable on a 640x480 graphics screen (this is required since the library functions used to scroll a PCX image onscreen do not know hot handle images smaller than the scrolling region). The image must be stored so that when it is viewed in the PMP analyze routine that the pin tips are located on the right side of the display. Preferably with the reference marks being located outside of the area of interest region (AOI).(#  yO  B. RAW  ?$This section is a detailed description of the RAW file format. This file is the result of using the analyze routine on a given PCX file. Stored in this file are the pixel coordinates of the reference labels, the area of interest labels and the pin labels. Once you have a RAW file you no longer need the PCX file, unless modifications are required on ref mark locations or labelled pin tip locations. The RAW file is all that is nescessary to create a PIN file.(#  xPH i.Format of the RAW file.(#  xP ?$a. X` ` 0Sampling_Date, this is an 8 character string representing the date of the pin meter photo.(#`  xP ?$b. X` ` 0Operator_Str, this is a 40 character string containing the name of the camera operator.(#`  xP ?$c. X` ` 0Site_String, this is a 40 character string containing the name of the sampling site.(#`  xPh ?$d. X` ` 0Comments, this can be up to 5 lines of 40 character strings containing user comments.(#`  xP0 ?$e. X` ` 0"END_FLAG" a text string signalling the end of the header information and the start of the image data.(#`  xP ?$f. X` ` 0Dist_Ref, this is a floating point value indicating the distance between the reference points.(#`  xP ?$g. X` ` 0Number_Pin, this is an integer value indicating how many pins the pin meter has.(#`  xPP ?$h. X` ` 0Dist_Pin, this is a floating point value indicating how much space there is between each pin.(#`  xP ?$i. X` ` 0AOI_Counter, this is an integer value indicating the number of Area Of Interest corners labelled.(#`  xP ?$j. X` ` 0AOI(x1,y1) AOI(x2,y2), these are both integer values stored on the same line indicating the (x,y) location of AOI labels.(#`  xPp ?$k. X` ` 0Ref_Counter, this is an integer value indicating the number of Reference marks labelled.(#`  xP8 ?$l. X` ` 0Ref_X Ref_Y, these are both integer values stored on the same line indicating (x,y) location of ref marks.(#`  xP ?$m. X` ` 0Pin_Counter, this is an integer value indicating how many pin tips are labelled in the file.(#`  xP ?$n. X` ` 0Pin_X Pin_Y, these are both integer values stored on the same line indicating (x,y) location of pin tips.(#`  yO  C. CAL  ?$This section is a detailed description of the CAL file format. The calibration file is used to correct for camera lens distortion and unequal pin lengths in digitized pin meter images.(#  xP i.Format of the CAL file.(#  xP ?$a.X` ` 0Calib_Header, this is up to 3 lines of 80 character strings containing the header information.(#`  xP! ?$b.X` ` 0"#End of header Information." a text string signalling the end of the header information and the start of calibration data.(#`  xP(# ?$c.X` ` 0No_Calib_File_Pins, an integer representing the number of calibration file pins.(#`  xP# ?$d.X` ` 0No_Calib_Image_Files, an integer representing the number of image files, on the same line.(#`  xP$ ?$e.X` ` 0h[i], an integer value representing the height of the first initial pin point. Where i is defined: (#` ?$X` ` 0X =0 <= i < no_calib_image_files.(#  xPH& ?$f.X` ` 0delta_z[i][j], an integer value representing the difference in height of the current pin and the initial pin. Where j is incremented inside of the i loop. J and i are defined as follows:(#` ?$X` ` 0X =0 <= j < no_calib_image_files , 0 <= i < no_calib_file_pins.(# '0*((@@Ԍ0*((@@  yO  D. PIN  ?$This section is a detailed description of the PIN file format. The pin file is the output that is produced from various pin analysis and calibrating routines on the RAW file. The following description goes into some detail regarding the fields of the generated report. However, the form may be arranged differently based on the output options selected. The same form of report is output for .PIN files, printed reports and the view option.(# ?$All of the options discussed in this section are configurable from inside of the PMP itself. Select the Configure option from the main menu and then from there the appropriate submenu. Then to make your changes permanent use the Save PMP configuration file option from the Configuration menu and use the default configuration file name PMP.CFG. It is recommended that before you do this you make a backup copy of your current configuration file. For example:(#  2 #x  `w; X#?$copy pmp.cfg pmp_cfg.bak (# # ` [ P!_)P#  xP i.Format of the PIN file. Some of these lines may be ommitted by judicious selection of output options.(#  xPH ?$a.X` ` 0Input_File_Name, this is a 13 character string representing the name of the image file.(#`  xP ?$b.X` ` 0Sampling_Date, this is an 8 character string representing the date of the pin meter photo.(#`  xP ?$c.X` ` 0Operator_Str, this is a 40 character string containing the name of the camera operator.(#`  xP ?$d.X` ` 0Site_String, this is a 40 character string containing the name of the sampling date.(#`  xPh ?$e.X` ` 0Dist_Ref, this is a double value indicating the distance between the reference points.(#`  xP0 ?$f.X` ` 0Pin_Counter, this is an integer value indicating how many pin labels there are in the image.x`  xP ?$g.X` ` 0Dist_Pin, this is a double value indicating how much space there is between each pin.x`  xPP ?$h.X` ` 0Output_Coord, this is a text string detailing which analysis routine was used.x`  xP ?$i.X` ` 0Calibration_File, this is a text string containing the name of the calibration file if file calibration was used.x`  xP ?$j.X` ` 0Output_Type, text string labeling the output data; z_pos, x_pos z_pos, pin_no z_pos,x` $` ` 0 =pin_no x_pos z_pos.  xP ?$k.X` ` 0Next are the columns of data output in the format corresponding to the output_type (above) in the selected output units.x`  xP ?$l.X` ` 0At the end of report is an end of report marker.x` X0*((@@  yO  E. Configuration PMP.CFG  This section is a detailed description of the CFG file format. Included at the end of this section is an example configuration file.  xP  i.Comments may be placed in the configuration file by putting a # in the first column of the line. The Save Parameters function under the Configuration Menu does not however retain any of the users comments.(#  xPx ii.Data file directories and types"  xP@ ?$a.X` ` 0HELP_FILE, the path and name of the PMP help file.x`  xP ?$b.X` ` 0INPUT_FILE_DIR, the file path to be used for the PCX file directory.x`  xP ?$c.X` ` 0INPUT_FILE_EXT, the file name extension to be used for the PCX files.x`  xP ?$d.X` ` 0OUTPUT_FILE_DIR, the file path to be used for the PIN file directory.x`  xP` ?$e.X` ` 0OUTPUT_FILE_EXT, the file name extension to be used for the PIN files.x`  xP( ?$f.X` ` 0S_OUTPUT_FILE_DIR, the file path to be used for the RAW file directory.x`  xP ?$g.X` ` 0S_OUTPUT_FILE_EXT, the file name extension to be used for the RAW files.x`  xP iii.Pin Meter Information"  xPH ?$a.X` ` 0REF_DISTANCE, the distance between the reference labels on the pin meter. This distance must be corrected if not in the same plane as the pins.x`  xP ?$b.X` ` 0PIN_DISTANCE, the distance between two pins on the pin meter.x`  xP ?$c.X` ` 0NUMBER_OF_PINS, the number of pin meter pins.x`  xPh ?$d.X` ` 0MIN_PIN_THICKNESS, the minimum thickness of a pin (pixels).x`  xP0 ?$e.X` ` 0MIN_PIN_LENGTH, the minimum pin length (pixels).x`  xP ?$f.X` ` 0AVE_PIN_THICKNESS, the average pin thickness.x`  xP ?$g.X` ` 0PIN_NOISE_TOLERANCE, the amount of "noise" to allow into the analysis (pixels) used by the pin detection algorithm.x`  xPP ?$h.X` ` 0IMAGE_BACKGROUND_COLOR, color of pin meter background, 0 for black and 1 for white.x`  xP iv.Pin Meter Calibration Information"  xPp ?$a.X` ` 0CALIBRATION_FILE_DIR, the file path to be used for the CAL file directory.x`  xP8 ?$b.X` ` 0CALIBRATION_FILE_EXT, the file name extension to be used for the CAL files.x`  xP ?$c.X` ` 0CALIBRATION_FILE_NAME, name of default calibration file to use.x`  xP ?$d.X` ` 0CALIBRATE_FLAG, boolean value signalling whether or not to calibrate the files, 0 for no, 1 for yes.x`  xP v.Video Information" ?$All of the options referring to colors in the Analyze routine of the PMP can be set to the following colors; BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, CYAN, RED, MAGENTA, BROWN, WHITE, GREY, LIGHT BLUE, LIGHT GREEN, LIGHT CYAN, LIGHT RED, LIGHT MAGENTA, YELLOW, and BRIGHT WHITE.   xP! ?$a.X` ` 0TXT_COLOR, the color of the menu bar text.x`  xP`" ?$b.X` ` 0ABS_COORD_COLOR, the color of the ABSolute coordinates mode.x`  xP(# ?$c.X` ` 0REL_COORD_COLOR, the color of the RELative coordinates mode.x`  xP# ?$d.X` ` 0PIN_MARK_COLOR, the color of the PIN labels.x`  xP$ ?$e.X` ` 0REF_MARK_COLOR, the color of the reference (REF) labels.x`  xP% ?$f.X` ` 0AOI_REGION_COLOR, the color of the area of interest (AOI) labels and the box they form.x`  xP' ?$g.X` ` 0VIDEO_ADAPTER, the type of video adapter in the machine. Valid choices are; AUTOSELECT, VGA, EGA and CGA (CGA used for debugging purposes'0*((@@ only).x` 0*((@@  xP vi.Output Options"  xP ?$a.X` ` 0OUTPUT_UNIT, what type of units to put the results in, 0 for pixels, 1 for millimeters and 2 for inches.x`  xPX ?$b.X` ` 0OUTPUT_TYPE, what information to put in the report, 0 (z), 1 (x,z), 2 (#,z), and 3 (#,x,z).x`  xP ?$c.X` ` 0OUTPUT_COORD, what reference coordinate system to use. 0 (Image Boundary), 1 (Reference Line), 2 (Normalized Reference Line), and 3 (Regressed Line).x`  xP@ ?$d.X` ` 0OUTPUT_HEADER_FLAG, boolean value signalling whether or not to include the header, 0 for no, 1 for yes.x`  xP vii.X$Scanner and Swapping Options   xP` a.?$SCAN_PATHNAME, the full path and name of the scanner program.   xP( b.?$SCAN_ARGS, the arguments to pass to the scanner program.   xP c.?$SWAP_CONTROL, how does the PMP swap; 1 no EMS, 1 Normal."  xP d.?$SWAP_MEM_NEED, the amount of memory needed by the scanner program in paragraphs. If 0x0000 is specified then PMP never swaps. If 0xffff is specified then PMP always swaps.(# H 0*((@@  j$ #H|@7 9@## # Sample PMP Configuration File # # United States Department of Agriculture # Agricultural Research Service # Northern Plains Area Wind Erosion Research Unit # # Kansas State University # # Software Engineers: Larry E. Wagner, Ph.D. # Yiming Yu # Bryan D. Nehl # Data file directories and types HELP_FILE=.\pmp.hlp INPUT_FILE_DIR=.\data.pcx INPUT_FILE_EXT=.pcx OUTPUT_FILE_DIR=.\data.pin OUTPUT_FILE_EXT=.pin S_OUTPUT_FILE_DIR=.\data.raw S_OUTPUT_FILE_EXT=.raw # Pin Meter Information in cm REF_DISTANCE=98.0 PIN_DISTANCE=1.000000 # Pin Meter Information in pixels NUMBER_OF_PINS=101 MIN_PIN_THICKNESS=4 MIN_PIN_LENGTH=30 AVE_PIN_THICKNESS=6 PIN_NOISE_TOLERANCE=7 IMAGE_BACKGROUND_COLOR=1 # Pin Meter Calibration information CALIBRATION_FILE_DIR=.\data.cal CALIBRATION_FILE_EXT=.cal CALIBRATION_FILE_NAME=NONE CALIBRATE_FLAG=0 # Video and Outputs information TXT_COLOR=YELLOW ABS_COORD_COLOR=CYAN REL_COORD_COLOR=BLUE PIN_MARK_COLOR=LIGHT CYAN REF_MARK_COLOR=LIGHT GREEN AOI_REGION_COLOR=LIGHT MAGENTA VIDEO_ADAPTER=AUTOSELECT OUTPUT_UNIT=0 OUTPUT_TYPE=3 OUTPUT_COORD=1 OUTPUT_HEADER_FLAG=1 # Scanner and Swapping options SCAN_PATHNAME=scancall SCAN_ARGS=./data.pcx SWAP_CONTROL=1 SWAP_MEM_NEED=65535  j$% # END OF CONFIGURATION FILE.# ` [ P!_)P#%0*((@@  yO  III.X$Advanced/Alternate Installations (#  yO  A. The PMP Configuration file PMP.CFG  xP  i.Search Order(#  xP a.?$Current Directory(#  xP b.?$Environment Variable PMP_CFG(#  xPx c.?$Default \etc\pmp.cfg(#  yO  B. Configuring PMP for multiple users.  setting up the system for multiple users(#  yO(  C. Scanner Swapping Details.  details on swapping writing a program to call your scanner.  yOH  D. Relative and Absolute Coordinates in the Analyze routine.  relative and absolute coordinates  yOP  IV.X$Advanced Configuration and PMP tuning (# Creating Calibration files. Fstops and level meter. 0*((@@  yO  V.Scanner Tutorial (#  yO  A. Reference  When scanning the image for PMP follow the instructions in your scanner manual for scanning photographs. You may want to experiment with different density and brightness settings to try and find the optimal settings. But the main requirement is that the PCX file you output meets the specifications for the PCX file detailed in section II File Formats.(#  yO  B. Specifics for HS3000  This section describes the procedure for scanning in pictures for PMP. This tutorial assumes that you are using a DFI Handy Scanner model HS3000. If you are using a different scanner follow the instructions from the manufacturer for scanning pictures and outputting PCX files. Remember to verify that your PCX output file meets the requirements of PCX images in section II File Formats. This tutorial will also assume that you have installed the DFI scanner executables in the directory scan on the C: drive.(#  xPH i.Make sure that the scanner is correctly configured.(#  xP a.$Set the switch on the back of the scanner to 3 (300 dpi).(#  xP b.?$Set the switch on the left side to Photo and then select the smallest dot choose . not o or O.(#  xP c.?$You may also need to come back and adjust the LightDark setting depending on the resulting contrast of your scanned images.(#  xP ii.Change your current directory to the scanner executable directory and then enter the scan program. $Enter: #x  `w; X# $` ` 0cd \scan ?$X` ` 0scan(#` # ` [ P!_)P#  xPp iii.Use the mouse to select the scan option from the top bar of the screen.  xP8 iv.Clear the buffer if nescessary.(#  xP v.Now scan the image.(#  xP a.?$Lay the picture on a flat surface.(#  xP b.?$Orientate the picture so that the pins are pointing up.(#  xPX c.?$Lay the scanner on top of the picture so that you pull it from left to right.(#  xP  d.?$To start scanning hold down the START button that is next to the photo switch on the left side and pull scanner across the photo.(#  xPx vi.Now use the mouse to select the cut corners option from the top menu bar. Trim down the picture so that it at least includes the pins and the reference marks.(#  xP vii.X$Select the FILE option with the mouse.(#  xP! a.?$Give the picture an appropriate name.(#  xP`" b.?$Select the PCPaintbrush file format (.PCX).(#  xP(# c.?$Save the image with the NORMAL SAVE command.(#  xP# d.?$Quit the FILE menu.(# viii.Select the quit option from the menu bar. Click again to exit. H&0*((@@  yO  VI.X$Error Messages (# DOS ERROR: 0x#### DOS has returned an error code 0x####, refer to an IBM DOS Technical Reference Manual for further details regarding the error.(# The following error codes are all displayed in a window with a red background and foreground characters of brite  yP@ white. All of the error codes are prefixed with the key word: ERROR: Couldn't open .CAL File ?$X` ` 0X =XIXhhUPMP could not open the output .CAL file.(#h Data Pins (####) != (####) Calib Pins ?$X` ` 0X =XIXhhUThe number of data pins in the current image is not the same as the number of pins in the calibration file. You need to either check the number of pins for the image or generate a new calibration file.(#h Opening CFG Output File ?$X` ` 0X =XIXhhUAn error occurred when attempting to open the file in which the new configuration information will be written.(#h Opening Temporary File ?$X` ` 0X =XIXhhUAn error ocurred when attempting to open a temporary file. Check the amount of disk space available on the work drive.(#h No PCX FILE Selected ?$X` ` 0X =XIXhhUYou have attempted to view, print or file information regarding an Image file and have failed to first select a PCX image file.(#h pcxGetFileHeader ?$X` ` 0X =XIXhhUThere was an error when PMP attempted to read the PCX image file header. Check to see if the PCX image file has been corrupted.(#h pcxCreateVirtual ?$X` ` 0X =XIXhhUThere was an error when trying to create a virtual buffer for the PCX image. It is possible that more EMS memory is needed.(#h pcxFileVirutal ?$X` ` 0X =XIXhhUThere was an error when trying to expand the PCX image into the virtual buffer.(#h pcxGetFilePalette ?$X` ` 0X =XIXhhUAn error occurred when trying to extract the PCX format palette from the PCX image file. Check to see if the PCX image file has been corrupted.(#h pcxSetDisplayPalette ?$X` ` 0X =XIXhhUThere was an error when trying to set the display palette.(#h I&0*((@@  yO d Appendix *  yO   Manuscript Digitization of Profile Meter Photographs.  (this is basically where we will attach a copy of Larry's Scientific Paper)