head 1.5; branch ; access ; symbols ; locks ; strict; comment @# @; 1.5 date; author wagner; state Exp; branches ; next 1.4; 1.4 date; author wagner; state Exp; branches ; next 1.3; 1.3 date; author wagner; state Exp; branches ; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author wagner; state Exp; branches ; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author wagner; state Exp; branches ; next ; desc @Original makefile for the pmp program @ 1.5 log @set up for swap and scancall functions @ text @# $Id: makefile,v 1999-07-19 20:20:31 wagner Exp $ # # Makefile for: Pmp # MODEL=L .IF $(ROOTDIR)==$(NULL) DRIVE=C: .ELSE DRIVE=$(ROOTDIR) .END # Set up the masm memory model based on 'MODEL'. .IF "$(MODEL)"=="S" ASM_MODEL=MODL=SMALL .ELSE .IF "$(MODEL)"=="M" ASM_MODEL=MODL=MEDIUM .ELSE .IF "$(MODEL)"=="C" ASM_MODEL=MODL=COMPACT .ELSE .IF "$(MODEL)"=="L" ASM_MODEL=MODL=LARGE .ELSE .ERROR Invalid Memory Model .END .END .END .END L_DIR0=$(DRIVE)\local\lib L_DIR1=$(DRIVE)\lib LNK_FLAGS=/NOI /ST:4096 /SE:256 CFLAGS=-W3 -Od -nologo -A$(MODEL) ASFLAGS=-W1 -MX -t -D$(ASM_MODEL) LDLIBS = \ $(L_DIR0)\util\util$(MODEL) $(L_DIR1)\views\vvdev$(MODEL) \ $(L_DIR1)\pcx\pcx_c$(MODEL) $(L_DIR0)\mouse\mouse SRC = \ pmp pmp_cfg init m_image m_action f_cfg \ f_file window valid \ detect disp draw erase initm analysis \ in redraw setmouse setrp pimage \ initvid loadimag sortdata file_io\ statis setmenu drawarea \ direct calib calibf cal_file ems_util scroll \ spawn_s1 spawn_s2 OBJ = {$(SRC)}$O pmp$E : $(OBJ) link @@<+ $(OBJ:t"+\n") $@@ $(LNK_FLAGS) $(NULL) $(LDLIBS) $(NULL) +> scancall$E: scancall.c direct.obj spawn_s1.obj spawn_s2.obj $(CC) -Ox -A$(MODEL) -nologo -W3 scancall.c direct.obj spawn_s1.obj spawn_s2.obj @ 1.4 log @Added the necessary instructions to make the scancall.exe program. @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: makefile,v 1999-07-19 20:20:31 wagner Exp $ d38 1 a38 1 ASFLAGS=-W1 -Mx -t -D$(ASM_MODEL) @ 1.3 log @Add necessary info to include the spawn_swap function in pmp (mostly the ASM stuff). @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: makefile,v 1999-07-19 20:20:31 wagner Exp $ d63 3 @ 1.2 log @Added necessary info for scroll.c to be compiled. @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: makefile,v 1999-07-19 20:20:31 wagner Exp $ d14 19 d38 1 d51 2 a52 1 direct calib calibf cal_file ems_util scroll @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: makefile,v 1999-07-19 20:20:31 wagner Exp $ d31 1 a31 1 direct calib calibf cal_file ems_util @