JClass Elements Demos

Demos showing off JClass Elements functionality.

Note that all demos can be run inside the demo launcher. To run the demo launcher:

  cd $JCLASS_HOME/demos/common
For feature-oriented examples (including fully documented source code), please have a look at the Elements Examples.


File System Demo

Showcases using JCTreeTable and JCTreeExplorer as different views on your local file system and uses JCMDIPane to manage the internals frames containing the views.

Gauge Compass Demo

This demonstrates an avionics compass and shows that scale can be rotated rather than the needle.

Gauge Dash Demo

Showcases the use of two circular and two semi-circular gauge types to model an automobile dashboard.

Gauge Demo

This demo allows you to dynamically change many of  the properties of a circular gauge.

Linear Gauge Demo

This demo allows you to dynamically change many of the properties of a linear gauge.

Gauge StopWatch Demo

This example models a stop watch with start, stop and reset functions. It demonstrates a gauge added as a label inside another gauge.

Gauge Switch Demo

This demo models an amateur radio antenna selection switch. It shows that gauge can snap to finite states rather than infinite scrolling.

Gauge Temperature Fluctuation Demo

The temperature gauge example. As the temperature fluctuates, the gauge keeps track of the minimum and maximum temperatures reached by moving two range objects.  You can switch between a linear and circular representation of the temperature.

JClass Elements Examples...

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