JClass LiveTable


Appendix  E

JClass LiveTable Inheritance Hierarchy

General JClass LiveTable Classes

The following figure gives an overview of class inheritance for table creation in JClass LiveTable.

JCTable is the core JClass LiveTable class, with which most table programming is performed, and from which all LiveTable Beans are extended. The JCListTable class extends JCTable and provides a quick way of formatting a table to look and act like a list. The data binding Beans allow you to bind your table application to an IDE-specific or ODBC/JDBC-compliant data source.

JClass LiveTable Data Classes

The following figure provides an overview of class inheritance for data handling in JClass LiveTable.

TableDataModel is the core data source interface, and EditableTableDataModel extends this interface to allow editing of the data. JCVectorDataSource stores table data in a series of vectors. JCInputStreamDataSource extends JCVectorDataSource to read from any stream, and JCAppletDataSource, JCBeanFileDataSource, JCFileDataSource, and JCURLDataSource further extend it to read from specific stream types. The other stock data sources exist for other, more specific, situations.
