JClass Chart3D Java 2D Data Examples

Examples demonstrating functionality of JClass Chart3D (Java 2D version).

Note that all examples can be run inside the demo launcher. To run the demo launcher:

  cd $JCLASS_HOME/demos/common


Example Description
Default Grid Data Shows the use of the default grid data source.
Default Point Data Shows the use of the default point data source.
Editable Grid Data Shows the use of the editable grid data source.
Editable Point Data Shows the use of the editable point data source.
File Data Display a data file given on the command line.
Grid File Data Shows the use of the grid file data source.
Irregular Grid File Data Shows the use of the irregular grid file data source.
Point File Data Shows the use of the point file data source.
JDBC Data Shows the use of the JDBC data source.
Swing TableModel Data Shows the use of the Swing TableModel data source.
XML Data Shows the use of the XML data source.

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