JClass DataSource/JavaScript Example Intoduction =========== This simple example shows how the JClass DataSource can be used in conjunction with JavaScript controls. Requirements ============ 1. must run on your local machine -- uses jdbc-odbc bridge JClassDemo must be registered as an ODBC Data Source on this machine 2. must set your CLASSPATH to include jcdatasource351.jar and JClass35 and this applet. Replace the jar name with the that corresponds to your version of the jclass datasource. set CLASSPATH=.;c:\JClass4\lib\jcdatasource400.jar;c:\JClass4;%CLASSPATH% 3. must run in Netscape 4.5 browser that completely supports JDK1.2 or Internet Explorer 4.0 4. must exit Netscape completely before running, including netscape mailer otherwise your new classpath setting is not used Usage ===== To ensure the proper CLASSPATH is used invoke netscape from the command line as follows: "d:\program files\netscape\communicator\program\netscape.exe" "E:\Program Files\Plus!\Microsoft Internet\IEXPLORE.EXE" then enter the file url for this applet. Once the page is loaded ======================= Once the page is loaded you will see two JavaScript controls: two drop-downs, Order ID's and Order Detail ID's. The Order ID's box is populated when the page is loaded. Selecting an Order number from the Order ID's drop-down the second drop-down will show the OrderDetail numbers which correspond to the currently selected Order. Trouble shooting ================ JavaScript errors and security violation errors are usually the result of the browser not being able to find the required classes in the classpath or the JClassDemo ODBC data source is not set up properly. Netscape will not acknowledge the new classpath settings unless you close every instance of the browser, including the mail reader, even though you invoke a new instance yourself from the command line. END ===