LiveTable Examples

Examples that come with JClass LiveTable. Examples are organized by major feature catagories, shown in the leftmost column of the table.


Catagory Example Description

Examples intended for advanced users of LiveTable.

DecimalTableCellDisplay Uses JCCellDisplayListener to format text in cells.
DecimalTableCellStyle Creates a custom CellStyleModel and a custom component renderer to format double data based on a new Format property.
Gradient Uses a custom TableCellInfoModel to generate cell background colors based on a formula.

Editor/renderer examples.

CurrencyTable Custom renderer shows double values as currency values.
Histogram Custom cell renderer shows data as a horizontal bar.
MoneyTable Custom cell editor for custom data type.
TriangleTable Custom editor/renderer pair for triangles (Polygon or Integer).
WordWrap Word-wrapping cell renderer.

LiveTable data model examples.

DynamicTest Sample implementation of TableDataModel. Updatable.
DynamicTest2 Sample extension of AbstractDataSource. Updatable.
FileData Loads data from a file using JCFileDataSource.
FontList Maps objects to columns in a data source.
Pivot Transposable data source.
StaticTest Sample implementation of TableDataModel.
StaticEditableTest Sample editable implementation of TableDataModel.
XMLFileData Loads xml data from a file using JCFileDataSource.
XMLTableModelData Loads xml data from a file into a Swing TableModel class and uses that to populate the table.
Data Binding

How to connect LiveTable to databases.

SimpleData Shows how to use DSdbTable with a JDBC data source.

Customizing the way end users interact with LiveTable.

ColumnLabelPopUp Uses Swing tool tips to pop up the current column header as user moves from column to column in cell area.
Excel copy & paste Demonstrates a subclassed JCTable which facilitates copy & paste between JCTable and Excel spreadsheet.
DragDrop Drag-and-drop column/row re-ordering.
TraverseOnEnter Use ENTER key to control cell traversal.

Starting point for all new JClass LiveTable users.

ExampleTable1 Simple LiveTable example using JCVectorDataSource
ExampleTable2 Shows how to add column labels.
ExampleTable3 Shows how to change the foreground and background color of column labels.
ExampleTable4 Shows how to change text alignment and font for column labels.
ExampleTable5 Shows how to change cell border style and how to modify foreground/background color for a single cell.
ExampleTable6 Shows how to allow data edit and how to make LiveTable size cells based on their contents.
ExampleTable7 Shows how to enable selection and cell resizing.
ExampleTable8 Shows how to enable column sorting.

Customizing LiveTable's layout.

Cars Shows how to place components in cells and how to use spanning cells. Neat visual effect!
Flexible Shows how to make LiveTable divide up available space evenly among columns.

Using LiveTable's events to customize behaviour.

BooleanDisplay Shows how to use JCDisplayEvent and JCDisplayListener to modify displayed data for a cell.
CancelEdit Shows how to use JCTableDataEvent and JCTableDataListener to cancel active edits when the data source changes.
DoubleClickEdit Shows how to use JCEditCellEvent and JCEditCellListener to reject editing on single click and initiate on double click.
EditCell Shows how to use JCEditCellEvent to track the state of LiveTable.
ResizeCell Shows how to use JCResizeCellEvent and JCResizeCellListener to set minimum and maxmum column widths and row heights.
SelectListener Shows how to use JCSelectEvent and JCSelectListener to customize the selection.
SkipNavigation Shows how to use JCTraverseCellEvent and JCTraverseCellListener to skip the second column in the table.
Sorter Shows how to use JCSortEvent and JCSortListener.
TwoTables Shows how to use JCScrollEvent and JCScrollListener to synchronize two tables.

Advanced use of cell styles.

Animated Animated GIFs in cells.
BorderTypes Shows available cell border options.
CellBorders Shows various border types and use of CellBorderWidth and CellBorderSides.
RepeatColor Shows repeating background colors.
TextureTable Shows how to use a custom border to tile a texture image in the background of cells.
UpdateStyle Shows that style updates will force LiveTable updates.
LiveTable Demos...

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