c FILE: cbk1.inc c real wvl(16,4,12),dir(12,17),wv,th,pi2,ang,rh(12), 1 tdp,calm(12) common /bk1/ wvl,dir,wv,th,pi2,ang,rh,tdp,calm c wvl(i,j,k) - array of wind paramters where: c i - ith direction (1 - north - 16 nnw) c j - parameters (1 - 4) c 1 - % time from direction i c 2 - mean speed from direction i c 3 - standard deviation of speed from direction i c 4 - skew coeficient of speed from direction i c k - month (1=Jan, 2=Feb...) c c dir(i,j) - Cumulative % time (fraction) from dir1, dir1+dir2, ... c derived from wvl() c dim1: month c dim2: compass direction c wv - Wind Velocity (m/sec) c th - Wind Direction (radians from North) c pi2 - Pi * 2; ie, a full rotation. c ang - Never seems to get used -- CRM -- 10/20/99 c rh - Avg Monthly Dew Point Temperature. Used to calculate TDP. c tdp - Generated dewpoint temperature (C). c calm - % time air is calm (by month). c Calm is treated separately [from WVL] as direction 0, c speed 0. Only a % time value is need for calm generation. c