c File: cbk4.inc c real px,dtp(4),dmxi(4) integer nc(13),iyr,nt,mo,iopt common /bk4/ nc,iyr,nt,mo,px,iopt,dtp,dmxi c c nc - Number of days in the (non-leap) year preceeding each month. c iyr - Set to zero, but not used. c nt - Set to 1 if IYEAR is not a leap year: otherwise, zero. c NOTE: Only set for options 4 and 7, and only for the c *beginning year*! c mo - The current month (1=Jan, 2=Feb...). c px - Never seems to get used -- CRM -- 10/20/99 c iopt - Weather Generator Options: c 1 - Single Year Simulation - Screen Output c 2 - Multiple Year - Screen Output',/, c 3 - Multiple Year Simulation - CREAMS - GLEAMS Output File c 4 - Selected Single Storm WEPP - Output File c 5 - Multiple Year - WEPP Output File c 6 - Read Observed P and Temp and Generate Missing Data c 7 - Single Design Storm - TR 55 Storm Type WEPP Output File c 8 - Exit Weather Generator Program c c dtp - ??? of each storm type at this station??? c dmxi - Values are set -- Never used. c