c File: crandom.inc c Parameters used to check the quality of the Random Numbers generated. c common /random/g_dsum,g_ssum,ranary,g_dimi,g_dimp,mox,dax, 1 thresh,thres2,vv,fx,z c parameter (nrparm=9) parameter (nrelem=31) c ---- nrparm -- number of parameters for which random numbers are generated. c ---- nrelem -- quantity of random numbers generated together per parameter. c real ranary(nrelem,nrparm),thresh(nrparm),thres2(nrparm),vv,fx,z integer mox, dax, g_dimi(12),g_dimp(12) double precision g_dsum(nrparm,12) double precision g_ssum(nrparm,12) c ranary -- array to simplify storing random numbers. c mox -- month last time "ranary" was "loaded". c dax -- current day. c thresh -- Threshold on means for re-doing a month's random numbers. c thres2 -- Threshold on varinece for re-doing a month's random numbers. c g_dimi -- Total days from the beginning of simulation to date. c g_dimp -- Total days with precip from the beg. of simulation to date. c g_dsum -- Sum of std norm devs, for this month, for this parameter, c from the beginning of the run. c g_ssum -- Sum of S^2 of std norm deviates, for this parameter, for this c month, from the beginning of the simulation. c vv -- (Random) Probability of precip today. c fx -- (Random) Wind direction. c z -- (Random) Time to Peak. c real vvx(nrelem),fxx(nrelem),zx(nrelem), 1 v2x(nrelem),v4x(nrelem),v6x(nrelem),v8x(nrelem), 2 v10x(nrelem),v12x(nrelem) c c ---- Equivalence to simplify retrieving random numbers from "ranary". c __x(nrelem) -- vector of up to "nrelem" random daily values, c to be generated one after the other. c ---- prob of precip today equivalence (vvx,ranary(1,1)) c ----- max temp equivalence (v2x,ranary(1,2)) c ----- min temp equivalence (v4x,ranary(1,3)) c ----- radiation equivalence (v6x,ranary(1,4)) c ----- amount, if there is precip equivalence (v8x,ranary(1,5)) c ----- wind dir equivalence (fxx,ranary(1,6)) c ----- wind velocity equivalence (v10x,ranary(1,7)) c ----- temp dew point equivalence (v12x,ranary(1,8)) c ----- time to peak equivalence (zx,ranary(1,9))