c File: ctap2.inc c c Order of Parameters changed to be consistent with v's & k's. c Note this requires a corresponding change in CONRAN. c 3/05/2001 -- C. R. Meyer c c Parameters used to run confidence interval tests on random c Standard Normal deviates produced by CLIGEN. These are c the values before any range checks, or scaling are done. c They represent a distribution with mean=0, SD=1. c C. R. Meyer -- 4/7/2000. c common /ctap/tap1,tap2,tap3,tap4,tap5,tap6 c real tap1,tap2,tap3,tap4,tap5,tap6 c c tap1 -- Std. Norm. deviate for Max Temp. c tap2 -- Std. Norm. deviate for Min Temp. c tap3 -- Std. Norm. deviate for Radiation c tap4 -- Std. Norm. deviate for Precip. (has skewness) c tap5 -- Std. Norm. deviate for Wind Velocity c tap6 -- Std. Norm. deviate for TDP.