c File: cinterp.inc c Common Block for interpolations. c common /interp/ interp,o_mo,lf,rf,x_bar,c,t,emv,pmt,pmv,xes integer interp,o_mo real lf,rf,x_bar(14),c(6,14),t(6,14),emv(14,14),pmt(13,14), 1 pmv(13,14),xes(12,14) c c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c interp - type: 0-none, 1-linear, 2-fourier, 3-yfm c xes - the monthly values (mean, SD, skew) for the 14 values. c (Gets set to -9999.0 if this is not a Max or Min month.) c 1 - Mean P c 2 - SD P c 3 - Skew P c 4 - P(W|W) c 5 - P(W|D) c 6 - Mean Tmax c 7 - Mean Tmin c 8 - SD Tmax c 9 - SD Tmin c 10 - Mean Rad c 11 - SD Rad c 12 - Max 0.5 P c 13 - Dew Pt c 14 - Time to Peak c c Linear Interpolation: c o_mo - month (on the "other" end) whose average value should be used. c lf - weighting factor for the midpoint value on this month's end c of the time interval. c rf - weighting factor for the midpoint value on the "other" end. c c Fourier Series: c x_bar - Mean of seasonal data (X) values. c c - 6 Fourier factors for each of 14 parameters. c t - 6 Fourier factors for each of 14 parameters. c 1 - Mean P c 2 - SD P c 3 - Skew P c 4 - P(W|W) c 5 - P(W|D) c 6 - Mean Tmax c 7 - Mean Tmin c 8 - SD Tmax c 9 - SD Tmin c 10 - Mean Rad c 11 - SD Rad c 12 - Max 0.5 P c 13 - Dew Pt c 14 - Time to Peak c c Revised Yoder/Foster Interpolation: c PARM(MON,PARM,MIDPT) c emv - End-of-the-Month Value for the monthly mean of each parameter. c pmt - Pseudo-Midpoint Time(s) for each month, for each parameter. c pmv - Pseudo-Midpoint Value(s) for each month, for each parameter. c 1 - Mean P c 2 - SD P c 3 - Skew P c 4 - P(W|W) c 5 - P(W|D) c 6 - Mean Tmax c 7 - Mean Tmin c 8 - SD Tmax c 9 - SD Tmin c 10 - Mean Rad c 11 - SD Rad c 12 - Max 0.5 P c 13 - Dew Pt c 14 - Time to Peak