c File: cbk7 c C common /bk7/ rst(12,3),t0(5),prw(2,12),obmx(12),obmn(12), C 1 obsl(12),wft(12),subp(5),sno(5),snoev,k1(4), C 1 k2(4),cvs(12),k3(4),k4(4),k5(4),k6(4),k7(4), C 1 k8(4),k9(4),k10(4),cvtx(12),cvtm(12),v1,v3,v5,v7,v9, C 1 v11,ra,tmxg,tmng,rmx,yls,ylc,pit,st0,amp,avt,ts, C 1 nsim,msim,l,tmx(5),tmn(5),tx(5),tb(5),to(5), C 1 dmm(12,5),dm1(5),stdtx(12),stdtm(12),stdsl(12) common /bk7/ rst(12,3), prw(12,2),obmx(12),obmn(12),obsl(12), 1 k1(4),k2(4),cvs(12),k3(4),k4(4),k5(4),k6(4),k7(4), 1 k8(4),k9(4),k10(4),cvtx(12),cvtm(12),v1,v3,v5,v7,v9, 1 v11,ra,tmxg,tmng,rmx,yls,ylc,pit,nsim,msim,l, 1 stdtx(12),stdtm(12),stdsl(12) c rst(i,j) - Array Of Monthly precipitation stats. c dim1: month 1..12 c dim2: 1=mean of daily rainfall c mean liquid equivalent precipitation c depth (inches) for a day precipitation c occurs (by month) [=avg total precip c for month / # wet days in month] c 2=std deviation of daily rainfall c standard deviation of the daily precip c value (inches) (by month) c 3=skew coefficient of daily rainfall c c t0 - Never seems to get used -- CRM -- 10/20/99 c prw(1,12) - monthly probability of wet day after wet day c prw(2,12) - monthly probability of wet day after dry day c obmx - Observed monthly average Maximum Temperature c obmn - Observed monthly average Minimum Temperature c obsl - Observed mean daily solar radiation (Langleys) (by month) c wft - Never seems to get used -- CRM -- 10/20/99 c subp - Never seems to get used -- CRM -- 10/20/99 c sno - Never seems to get used -- CRM -- 10/20/99 c snoev - Never seems to get used -- CRM -- 10/20/99 c k1 - Seed for random number generation. c k2 - Seed for random number generation. c cvs - Coefficient of Variation of Solar Radiation (by month) c k3 - Seed for random number generation. c k4 - Seed for random number generation. c k5 - Seed for random number generation. c k6 - Seed for random number generation. c k7 - Seed for random number generation. c k8 - Seed for random number generation. c k9 - Seed for random number generation. c k10 - Seed for random number generation. c cvtx - Coefficient of Variation of Maximum Temperature (by month) c cvtm - Coefficient of Variation of Minimum Temperature (by month) c v1 - A random number (?) used to generate TDP & XLV. c v3 - A random number (?) used to generate TMNG. c v5 - A random number (?) used to generate RA. c v7 - A random number (?) used to generate XLV. c v9 - Another random number (?) used to generate XLV. c v11 - Another random number (?) used to generate TDP. c ra - Generated radiation? RADG receives RA's value, and is output. c tmxg - Generated daily max temp. c tmng - Generated daily min temp. c rmx - Maximum possible solar radiation. c yls - ??? -- Used to compute CH and YS. sin(ylt/clt) sin(latitude) c ylc - ??? -- Used to compute CH and YC. cos(ylt/clt) cos(latitude) c pit - ??? -- Used to compute SD. Defined as pit=58.13 c st0 - Never seems to get used -- CRM -- 10/20/99 c amp - Never seems to get used -- CRM -- 10/21/99 c avt - Never seems to get used -- CRM -- 10/21/99 c ts - Never seems to get used -- CRM -- 10/21/99 c nsim - ??? Has value zero or one. Used as a Switch. c msim - ??? Has value zero or one. Used as a Switch. c l - Set to either 1 or 2; linked to nsim 0 or 1; selects PRW. c tmx - Never seems to get used -- CRM -- 10/21/99 c tmn - Never seems to get used -- CRM -- 10/21/99 c tx - Never seems to get used -- CRM -- 10/21/99 c tb - Never seems to get used -- CRM -- 10/21/99 c to - Never seems to get used -- CRM -- 10/21/99 c dmm - Never seems to get used -- CRM -- 10/21/99 c dm1 - Never seems to get used -- CRM -- 10/21/99 c stdtx - Standard deviation of daily max. temp. for the month. c stdtm - Standard deviation of daily min. temp. for the month. c stdsl - Std. deviation of daily solar radiation for the month. c