|STAT 5.4: DATA MANIPULATION & ANALYSIS PROGRAMS FOR UNIX and MSDOS |STAT is a set of about 30 data manipulation and analysis programs developed by Gary Perlman at the University of California, San Diego and at the Wang Institute. The manipulation programs are general utilities that work with other standard programs like sort. The analysis programs compute most widely used statistics. |STAT programs are designed with the philosophy that individual programs should be designed as tools that do one task well and produce output suitable for input via pipes to |STAT and other programs. Interactive use is supported in the command line interpreter/editor while batch files or shell scripts provide a programming language for complex analyses. Typical usage involves a pipeline of transformations of data followed by input to an analysis program, summarized schematically by: INPUT DATA | TRANSFORM | ANALYSIS | OUTPUT RESULTS Package Features ================ * simple input formats (free-format field-oriented) * flexible data manipulation * several simple lineprinter plotting options * data validation (range and type checking) * consistent option conventions with online help * compiles and runs on any UNIX System (V6, V7, 2.8 BSD, 4.x BSD, System V, ANSI, etc.) * runs on MSDOS/PCDOS 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x with 96K (IBM, AT&T, Epson, and all compatibles) * usually less than a few seconds per analysis * liberal copyright (but can't be distributed for gain) * in use at hundreds of university, industry, government and research sites for over ten years Data Manipulation Programs ========================== abut join data files beside each other colex column extraction/formatting dm conditional data extraction/transformation dsort multiple key data sorting filter linex line extraction maketrix make matrix format from free-format input perm random/numerical/alphabetical permutation probdist probability distribution functions ranksort convert data to ranks repeat repeat strings or lines in files reverse reverse lines, columns, or characters series generate an additive series of numbers transpose transpose matrix format input validata verify data file consistency Data Manipulation Program Highlights ==================================== * conditional extraction of rows or columns * data sorting based on multiple keys * line permutation (random and sorted) * matrix formation and transposition functions * conversion of data to ranks * additive series generation + 6 distributions: uniform, normal, t, chi-square, F, binomial * input validation for format and data types * text pagination and formatting with headers * ASCII file archiver for file combination and transfer Data Analysis Programs ====================== anova multi-factor analysis of variance, plots calc interactive algebraic modeling calculator contab contingency tables and chi-square desc descriptions, histograms, frequency tables dprime signal detection d' and beta calculations features tabulate features of items oneway one-way anova/t-test, error-bar plots pair paired data statistics, regression, plots rankind independent conditions rank order analysis rankrel related conditions rank order analysis regress multiple linear regression and correlation stats simple summary statistics ts time series analysis, plots Analysis Program Highlights =========================== * 20 descriptive statistics on a single distribution * between group and within group (paired) t-tests * weighted/unweighted means and multifactor anova * multiple linear regression, partial correlation analysis * simple time-series analysis with auto-correlation * ranked-order analyses including: Friedman, Wilcoxin, Spearman, Fisher Exact Test, Median Test, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis * multifactor contingency tables with chi-square * programmable calculator with over 30 functions * lineprinter histograms, scatter plots, error-bar plots * computed probabilities for significance tests Distribution Conditions ======================= CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS. IF YOU DO NOT FIND THEM ACCEPTABLE, YOU SHOULD NOT USE |STAT. |STAT IS PROVIDED "AS IS," WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY. THE USER ASSUMES ALL RISKS OF USING |STAT. THERE IS NO CLAIM OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. |STAT MAY NOT BE SUITED TO YOUR NEEDS. |STAT MAY NOT RUN ON YOUR PARTICULAR HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION. THE AVAILABILITY OF AND PROGRAMS IN |STAT MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. NEITHER MANUFACTURER NOR DISTRIBUTOR BEAR RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY MISHAP OR ECONOMIC LOSS RESULTING THEREFROM OF THE USE OF |STAT EVEN IF THE PROGRAMS PROVE TO BE DEFECTIVE. |STAT IS NOT INTENDED FOR CONSUMER USE. CASUAL USE BY USERS NOT TRAINED IN STATISTICS, OR BY USERS NOT SUPERVISED BY PERSONS TRAINED IN STATISTICS, MUST BE AVOIDED. USERS MUST BE TRAINED AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE TO LEARN TO USE THE PROGRAMS. DATA ANALYSIS PROGRAMS MAKE MANY ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT DATA, THESE ASSUMPTIONS AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF CONCLUSIONS MADE BASED ON THE PROGRAMS. REFERENCES TO SOME APPROPRIATE STATISTICAL SOURCES ARE MADE IN THE |STAT HANDBOOK AND IN THE MANUAL ENTRIES FOR SPECIFIC PROGRAMS. |STAT PROGRAMS HAVE NOT BEEN VALIDATED FOR LARGE DATASETS, HIGHLY VARIABLE DATA, NOR VERY LARGE NUMBERS. You may make copies of any tangible forms of |STAT programs, provided that there is no material gain involved, and provided that the information in this notice accompanies every copy. You may not copy printed documentation unless such duplication is for non- profit educational purposes. You may not provide |STAT as an inducement to buy your software or hardware or any products or services. You may distribute copies of |STAT, provided that mass distribution (such as electronic bulletin boards or anonymous ftp) is not used. You may not modify the source code for any purposes other than getting the programs to work on your system. Any costs in compiling or porting |STAT to your system are your's alone, and not any other parties. You may not distribute any modified source code or documentation to users at any sites other than your own. Free FTP and Email Access ========================= |STAT is available via anonymous ftp in pub/stat at: archive.cis.ohio-state.edu ( The file: stat.tar.Z.crypt.uu is the uuencoded, encrypted, compressed, tar archive of the package. To unpack the archive, you need uudecode, (de)crypt, uncompress, and tar. To ensure that the distribution restrictions on |STAT are maintained, a password has been attached to the archive. To obtain the password you must send perlman@cis.ohio-state.edu a message containing: I AGREE TO ADHERE TO THE CONDITIONS OF USING |STAT. I AGREE NOT TO SHARE THE |STAT PASSWORD WITH OTHERS. After obtaining the file, which you can also request from me via email, you should run the following commands: uudecode < stat.tar.Z.crypt.uu crypt < stat.tar.Z.crypt > stat.tar.Z uncompress stat.tar.Z tar xvf stat.tar You should then have a stat directory that will take up about a megabyte. In the stat/src directory, you should make any necessary changes to the makefile and then run make to build the package. In addition to the online manuals, the file handbook.txt contains a lineprinter version of the |STAT handbook. The troff source to the handbook is not yet structured enough for ftp distribution. If you do not have access to some of the programs (many people do not have access to crypt) you can ask that I email you the file stat.tar.Z.uu (about 800 Kbytes) along with the line: I AGREE TO ADHERE TO THE CONDITIONS OF USING |STAT. The compiled DOS version of |STAT can be ftp'd from pub/stat/DOS. Use binary transfer mode for the executable files (i.e., *.exe). No permission or password is needed to access the DOS version, but a note informing perlman@cis.ohio-state.edu would be appreciated. Notes ===== UNIX is a trademark of AT&T. MSDOS is a trademark of Microsoft.