subroutine annout c c c****************************************************************** c * c Called from subroutine sedout. * c Generates annual summaries of soil loss information from * c the model. * c * c****************************************************************** include '' include '' include '' include '' c c****************************************************************** c * c Common Blocks * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' c read ioutpt, ioutas include '' include '' c c****************************************************************** c * c iravlo variables updated * c irsolm(13) * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' include '' c c****************************************************************** c * c sumirr variables updated * c nirry, nirrm(13), tirry, tirrm(13), ncommy, ncommm(13), * c irruny, irrunm(13,mxplan) * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' c c****************************************************************** c * c sumout variables updated * c nrainm(13), trainm(13), nrunom(13,mxplan), trunom(13,mxplan), * c nrainy, trainy, nrunoy(mxplan), trunoy(mxplan) * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c c local variables c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc integer ipl c c if (nirry.eq.0) then write (31,1100) write (31,1200) year - ibyear + 1 write (31,1400) write (31,1600) nrainy, trainy, nrunoy(nplane), trunoy(nplane), 1 nmunoy(nplane),tmunoy(nplane) c if(ioutpt.eq.2.and.ioutas.eq.1)then yrain=trainy yrro=trunoy(nplane) ymelt=tmunoy(nplane) c endif else c write (31,1000) write (31,1200) year - ibyear + 1 write (31,1300) write (31,1500) nrainy, trainy, nirry, tirry, nrunoy(nplane), 1 trunoy(nplane) write (31,1700) ncommy c c if(ioutpt.eq.2.and.ioutas.eq.1)then yrain=trainy yrro=trunoy(nplane) ymelt=tmunoy(nplane) yiro=trunoy(nplane) yirig=tirry c endif do 10 ipl = 1, nplane c if (trunoy(ipl).gt.0.0) then irruny(ipl) = irruny(ipl) / trunoy(ipl) * 100000.0 else irruny(ipl) = 0.0 end if c write (31,1800) irruny(ipl), ipl 10 continue irper=irruny(nplane)/100 c end if c c do 30 i = 1, 12 c do 20 ipl = 1, nplane nrunom(ipl) = 0 trunom(ipl) = 0.0 irrunm(ipl) = 0.0 nmunom(ipl) = 0 tmunom(ipl) = 0.0 20 continue c nrainm = 0 trainm = 0.0 nirrm = 0 tirrm = 0.0 ncommm = 0 irsolm = 0.0 c c 30 continue c do 40 ipl = 1, nplane nrunoy(ipl) = 0 trunoy(ipl) = 0.0 nmunoy(ipl) = 0 tmunoy(ipl) = 0.0 irruny(ipl) = 0.0 40 continue c nrainy = 0 trainy = 0.0 tirry = 0.0 c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c ncommy = 0 c c****************************************************************** c * c Format statements * c * c****************************************************************** c return 1000 format (//'I. RAINFALL, IRRIGATION, AND RUNOFF SUMMARY',/,5x,8( 1 '-'),2x,10('-'),2x,3('-'),1x,6('-'),1x,7('-')) 1100 format (//'I. RAINFALL AND RUNOFF SUMMARY',/,5x,8('-'),1x,3('-' 1 ),1x,6('-'),1x,7('-')) 1200 format (/6x,'year: ',1x,i5) 1300 format (/6x,' Rainfall Irrigation Runoff'/6x, 1 'events amount events amount events amount'/6x, 1 ' (mm) (mm) (mm)'/) 1400 format 1(/6x,' Rainfall Storm Runoff Melt Runoff'/6x, 1 'events amount events amount events amount'/6x, 1 ' (mm) (mm) (mm)'/) 1500 format (2x,3(5x,i3,4x,f7.2)) 1600 format (2x,3(5x,i3,4x,f7.2)) 1700 format (/8x,i3,' irrigations occurred on days with rainfall') 1800 format (6x,f5.1,' % of runoff from overland flow element ',i2, 1 ' attributed to irrigation') end