subroutine bighdr(nyear,nofe,ver) integer nyear, nofe c c c Local variables c integer numhil, numofe, i real ver character*45 hillnm(13), ofenm1(15), ofenm2(15), ofenm3(15), 1 ofenm4(15), ofenm5(15), ofenm6(16) c data numhil /13/ data numofe /91/ c c c header names c data hillnm / 1 '{Days In Simulation}', 1 '{Hillslope: Precipitation (mm)}', 1 '{Hillslope: Average detachment (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Hillslope: Maximum detachment (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Hillslope: Point of maximum detachment (m)}', 1 '{Hillslope: Average deposition (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Hillslope: Maximum deposition (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Hillslope: Point of maximum deposition (m)}', 1 '{Hillslope: Sediment Leaving Profile (kg/m)}', 1 '{Hillslope: 5 day average mimimum temp. (C)}', 1 '{Hillslope: 5 day average maximum temp. (C)}', 1 '{Hillslope: daily minimum temp. (C)}', 1 '{Hillslope: daily maximum temp. (C)}'/ data ofenm1 / 1 '{Irrigation depth (mm)}', 1 '{Irrigation_volume_supplied/unit_area (mm)}', 1 '{Runoff (mm)}', 1 '{Interrill net soil loss (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Canopy height (m)}', 1 '{Canopy cover (0-1)}', 1 '{Leaf area index}', 1 '{Interrill cover (0-1)}', 1 '{Rill cover (0-1)}', 1 '{Above ground live biomass (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Live root mass for OFE (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Live root mass 0-15 cm depth (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Live root mass 15-30 cm depth (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Live root mass 30-60 cm depth (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Root depth (m)}'/ data ofenm2 / 1 '{Standing dead biomass (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Current residue mass on ground (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Previous residue mass on ground (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Old residue mass on the ground (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Current submerged residue mass (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Previous submerged residue mass (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Old submerged residue mass (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Current dead root mass (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Previous dead root mass (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Old dead root mass (kg/m**2)}', 1 '{Porosity (%)}', 1 '{Bulk density (g/cc)}', 1 '{Effective hydraulic conductivity (mm/hr)}', 1 '{Suction across wetting front (mm)}', 1 '{Evapotranspiration (mm)}'/ data ofenm3 / 1 '{Drainage flux (m/day)}', 1 '{Depth to drainable zone (m)}', 1 '{Effective intensity (mm/h)}', 1 '{Peak runoff (mm/h)}', 1 '{Effective runoff duration (h)}', 1 '{Enrichment ratio}', 1 '{Adjusted Ki (millions kg-s/m**4)}', 1 '{Adjusted Kr (x 1000 s/m)}', 1 '{Adjusted Tauc (Pascals)}', 1 '{Rill width (m)}', 1 '{Plant Transpiration (mm)}', 1 '{Soil Evaporation (mm)}', 1 '{Seepage (mm)}', 1 '{Water stress}', 1 '{Temperature stress}'/ data ofenm4 /'{Total soil water (mm)}', 1 '{Soil water in layer 1 (mm)}', 1 '{Soil water in layer 2 (mm)}', 1 '{Soil water in layer 3 (mm)}', 1 '{Soil water in layer 4 (mm)}', 1 '{Soil water in layer 5 (mm)}', 1 '{Soil water in layer 6 (mm)}', 1 '{Soil water in layer 7 (mm)}', 1 '{Soil water in layer 8 (mm)}', 1 '{Soil water in layer 9 (mm)}', 1 '{Soil water in layer 10 (mm)}', 1 '{Random roughness (mm)}', 1 '{Ridge height (mm)}', 1 '{Frost depth (mm)}', 1 '{Thaw depth (mm)}'/ data ofenm5 / 1 '{Snow depth (mm)}', 1 '{Water from snow melt (mm)}', 1 '{Snow density (kg/m**3)}', 1 '{Rill cover fric fac (crop)}', 1 '{Fric. fac. due to live plant}', 1 '{Rill total fric fac (crop)}', 1 '{Composite area total friction factor}', 1 '{Rill cov fric fac (range)}', 1 '{Live basal area fric fac (range)}', 1 '{Live plant canopy fric fac (range)}', 1 '{Days since last disturbance}', 1 '{Current crop type}', 1 '{Current residue on ground type}', 1 '{Previous residue on ground type}', 1 '{Old residue on ground type}'/ data ofenm6 / 1 '{Current dead root type}', 1 '{Previous dead root type}', 1 '{Old dead root type}', 1 '{Sediment leaving OFE (kg/m)}', 1 '{Evaporation from residue (mm)}', 1 '{Total frozen soil water (mm)}', 1 '{Frozen soil water in layer 1 (mm)}', 1 '{Frozen soil water in layer 2 (mm)}', 1 '{Frozen soil water in layer 3 (mm)}', 1 '{Frozen soil water in layer 4 (mm)}', 1 '{Frozen soil water in layer 5 (mm)}', 1 '{Frozen soil water in layer 6 (mm)}', 1 '{Frozen soil water in layer 7 (mm)}', 1 '{Frozen soil water in layer 8 (mm)}', 1 '{Frozen soil water in layer 9 (mm)}', 1 '{Frozen soil water in layer 10 (mm)}'/ c c write version and header information. c write (40,*) '#' write (40,*) '# WEPP Daily Output File' write (40,*) '#' write (40,*) 'float WeppVersion ', ver write (40,*) 'int NumYears ', nyear write (40,*) 'int NumOFEs ', nofe write (40,*) '#' write (40,*) '# Hillslope-specific variables' write (40,*) '#' write (40,*) 'char HillVarNames[', numhil, ']' do 10, i = 1, numhil write (40,*) ' ', hillnm(i) 10 continue c write (40,*) '#' write (40,*) '# OFE-specific variables' write (40,*) '#' write (40,*) 'char OFEVarNames[', numofe, ']' do 20, i = 1, 15 write (40,*) ' ', ofenm1(i) 20 continue do 30, i = 1, 15 write (40,*) ' ', ofenm2(i) 30 continue do 40, i = 1, 15 write (40,*) ' ', ofenm3(i) 40 continue do 50, i = 1, 15 write (40,*) ' ', ofenm4(i) 50 continue do 60, i = 1, 15 write (40,*) ' ', ofenm5(i) 60 continue do 70, i = 1, 16 write (40,*) ' ', ofenm6(i) 70 continue write (40,*) '#' write (40,*) '# Daily values:' write (40,*) '#' c return end